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Blog Entries posted by Bandoo

  1. Bandoo
    Ugh. I had a Biology quiz, a Math test, and a European History test today. The first two went relatively well, I think I actually aced the Bio quiz, but the third is a whole different story. It was on the scientific revolution and the enlightenment. We had to know about 10 different philosophers, what they believed, what ideas they made up themselves, which they took from predecessors, who they supported, and be able to be given a quote and know who said it. Somehow I managed to pull off a 68. Which is pretty good, considering that some people got in the 30s and 40s and at least one student got a 17. Sigh... I'm just not used to getting low grades, and this one was like a sucker punch to the face. I should have studied more...
    Oh, well. At least tommorrow is a half day of school due to Thanksgiving! I goin a 7:45 and get out at 10:30. 2 hours and 15 minutes of school. Joy!
  2. Bandoo
    Has it really been eight years?
    Seeing the video today of Mata Nui's rising had me thinking all day about how far Bionicle had come. And also that I've been following this story for so long. To think that so many years ago I was in third grade when it all began. I moved on to Middle School, and the story moved from Mata Nui to Metru Nui. Now here I am in High School, tenth grade, the story is still growing, and I'm still following it. Who would have guessed, 8 years ago, that my obsession, and that of many other Bionicle fans, would last this long.
    Wow...8 years...so many memories of times gone by, good and bad, that I can place on the timeline of my life just by remembering what Bionicles had just come out then. But now the end of an era is truely near. The twilight is upon us, and all that we've held so familiar to ourselves since way back when.
    8 years... are almost over...
  3. Bandoo
    Well, tomorrow's Halloween. And I got invited to a party! Woo!
    Yeah, I don't usually get invited to go to many parties, so this is a rare occasion for me. Also my first costume party. I'm going as a generic Jedi, since I didn't have time to get together anything fancy, and I already had all the pieces for it scattered throughout my house. Stole the robe from my brother, pulled two lightsabers out of the bowels of my closet, grabbed a pair of brownish pants and a tan shirt, and voila. Instant Jedi costume!
    Yeah, I can assure you that there will be at least a few lightsaber duels tomorrow night, and at least one will end with someone getting their head chopped off...
    Edit: The Aftermath
    Well, to sum up Halloween using a famous quote from a well-known staff member here, "It sucked".
    The party was rather disapointing, since we didn't really do anything at all except sit around a puny campfire yelling at eachother and listening to the girls sing poorly rehearsed girl-scout songs that made me want to rip thier faces off. Yes, there were girls there. But, they just sat around and complained the whole time. We tried to play manhunt, but it wound up as two people hiding in the house, the rest of my team giving up after five minutes and returning to the campfire, and me being the only cool dude still looking for people twenty minutes later, since no one decided to tell me that the game was over. Oh, and there was also going to be a Jedi vs. Viking vs. Grim Reaper fight, but one of the girls started complaining that games like that were for children, so the epic duel never proceeded, and no one got beheaded. Yet after that, they started seeing who could hold hands and spin around the longest, up to the point that someone got sick. Childish games? What a pile of Kraata slime.
    Sigh... there goes another dissapointing Halloween that held such high hopes but ultimately crashed and burned.

  4. Bandoo
    Sorry it's been a while, but I've had a lot of homework and other stuff going on this week. I've got a big group project for AP Euro, plus a Bio test that I took today, along with the other usual assortment of smaller homework assignments, family life, and social life. Just finally got a small amount of time to type this up.
    And, even though this has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of this blog entry, I'm just going to stop right now and tell you to go and read the new "Brothers in Arms" chapter, if you haven't already. Why? Because Mazeka is totally awesome in it. I love his new personality, and he is probably now my favorite matoran character since Kapura.
    Ok, just had to get that out of my system. Now, on to the Word of the Week!
    Inflammable- Able to be set on fire
    This week's word isn't so much random as it is meant to be helpful. It's easy to think that it means something that can't be set on fire, but instead it actually means the same as Flammable. Quite counterintuitive. I hopethis helps at least one person someday.
  5. Bandoo
    The Word of the Week has returneth! See? I told you I wouldn't forget. Now on to the main point of this entry...
    The Word of the Week is...
    Fulmination- A large explosion

    If you see any random fulminations around, I didn't do it.
  6. Bandoo
    Random Vocabulary Word of the Day:
    Defenestration- The act of throwing something or someone out a window.

    Yeah... just a wierd word I found that caught my fancy while doing some Euro homework, and I thought I'd share it with you. Enjoy.
    Announcement: From now on, all Blog rule violators shall be defenestrated into the muaka pit.

  7. Bandoo
    Look over there,
    I just adopted a Muaka to watch over my blog. Any trouble makers or innapropiate comments shall be fed to him. He loves cheeseburgers and playing Mortal Kombat. Please don't feed him though, he's very imaginitive and could easily imagine that your hand is a juicy steak. Oh, and I named him Alpha.
  8. Bandoo
    I just got an awesome 3D spinning avatar from Populus's shop. It rocks. Thanks to him again. Now, I was going to put a link here for everyone else to go see his shop, but it's been closed. So I guess not.
    Instead, I'm going to share with you an excerpt of my recent life:
    Yesterday at school I was eating lunch with a few friends and I happened to accidentally offhandedly mention something about Bionicle (Takatanuva, in fact). Someone turned at this Bionicle name and started talking about Bionicle stuff. At which point we got into a whole long discussion about it. Apparently he was also a long-time fan, and was still following the story like I am. It was surprising to learn that someone else was still into Bionicle, and it was nice to be able to actually have a whole conversation with another fan my age face-to-face, instead of over the internet with someone I've never met.
    I guess you just never know who may share the same secret interests as you do, but you'll never know because they're often kept secret.
  9. Bandoo
    Walking home from school today I saw a bumper sticker on a car that read "DUMBLEDORE LIVES". Nothing much to say here, other than that it was completely random and made me laugh a little.
    P.S.- Snape kills Dumbledore.
  10. Bandoo
    I woke up this morning to the sound of a ringing alarm clock. Blargh, Mondays. So I reach over to hit the off button, but it wasn't there. In the dark every side of a square alarm clock looks the same. I could feel an outline where I thought the button was supposed to be, but it was stuck, and didn't even budge. I fumbled and pushed on it for a few minutes, trying desperately to figure out why it wouldn't stop ringing that horrible, high-pitched ring. At last I gave up and instead popped open the back hatch and pulled out the batteries. I turned on the light to find the source of my un-stoppable alarm clock problems: it was upside down, and the "button" I was pressing was actually just the ridges on the bottom to hold it in place, and the giant red button was in fact on the other side of the cube. Doh!
    What a great way to start a day. This is why you should never trust an alarm clock, they're vile, tricky creatures who feed on our annoyance and frustration. They truly are an abomination created by the Makuta, or maybe the Sith, or perhaps both groups together, for the sole purpose of driving us insane so as to make it easier for them to conquer us, and then the whole world.
    You have been warned.

  11. Bandoo
    My birthday was yesterday. Didn't do much, just slept in and had a small cake after dinner with my family. Other than that it was pretty much just like any other day.
    But I did get presents. I recieved Krika, Maxilos and Spinax, some money, and an I.O.U. for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Too bad it doesn't come out 'till mid september. I've been looking forward to that game for a while now, I hope it lives up to expectations.
    Anyways, I spent half the morning playing with my new sets. Yes, I just turned 15 and I was playing with Lego toys. So what? They're still fun, at any age. I enjoyed playing with Krika and Spinax, particularly when I set Krika up posing as if he had just killed my sleeping cat. Maxilos is all right, but I found it hard to play with him due to his little problem of falling flat on his face whenever you so much as look at him. He's still cool to look at though, and will make an nice decoration posing on my shelf.
  12. Bandoo
    Tomorrow's my last day of summer vacation!
    As always, the summer just seemed to fly by this year. So many things I didn't have time to do. No more staying up till one or two in the morning and sleeping till ten. No more eating "breakfast" at noon. No more spending way too much time on the computer. Sigh...
    Thusly, I have been trying to prepare myself for the morning school routine by getting up increasingly earlier for the past few days. It's not fun. Today I slept straight through the alarm. I didn't even hear it. When I finally got up, my mom said that the alarm had been buzzing for almost an hour and I hadn't even noticed it.
    Oh well. School is coming and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Time to stop moping about it and just try to enjoy every last moment of it.
  13. Bandoo
    Well, my first week of school is over. Only a whole bunch more to go.
    I'm taking two AP classes this year, European History and Biology. Both classes reqire lots of work. Already had a summary to write, amd a textbook chapter to read for Euro, on top of the long summer assignment. Bio is a bit less homework, but I think that's mainly because we have two periods of it every day, so we get more done in class.
    Between the AP classes and the normal classes, I'm going to have a lot of work this year to keep me busy.
    Most of my teachers this year are pretty good, only one is really strict, and another I had last year. It was rather strange when I first walked into the teacher's (from last year) room, because it almost all the same students from last year, and everyone sat in thier old seats. The teacher started handing out notes and homework, and it felt as if we had never even left.
    That's all for now, I should go to bed so I can wake up early and start reading that chapter for Euro...
  14. Bandoo
    So, the new Star Wars movie comes out in a few hours. Sigh.
    Warning: Senseless rant Ahead!

    I am an old school Star Wars fan, and am devoted to the original trilogy. So epic. So brilliant. Great characters and acting. The prequel trilogy, on the other hand, I despise. Well, maybe not despise, but I really dislike them. Just too much CGIing, bad dialougues between characters, poor acting, and Jar Jar Binks. Now along comes Clone Wars. It gets slipped in between episodes 2 and 3 again. In case you didn't know, there were already two seasons of a Clone Wars cartoon in that spot. Understndable at first, since there is a several year gap between movies 2 and 3. But taking a closer look at the time line reveals some problems. Clone Wars cartoon season one leads directly into season 2, which leads directly into Episode 3. In Cartoon Wars season 2, Anakin is granted the rank of Jedi Knight, and from that point onwards he is able to take an apprentice, like the one he has in CG Wars movie. Okay, but there's not enough time between then and episode3 for all the events of the CG movie to happen, along with the events of the new CGClone Wars TV series coming out in the fall. Next issue is the apprentice Anakin takes in the new movie. Where does she go in episode 3. I can't imagine she is fully trained in that short an amount of time, so why isn't she still with Anakin. And even if she was trained that quickly, how come she is never seen or even mentioned by anyone in episode 3. Thus, my theory is that she will have to die, or go off to a far away planet on a mission, or give Anakin severe amnesia about the whole thing. My third thing here isn't really a problem, just a wish. I hope that General Grevious is actually amazing in this movie. The first time we saw him in the cartoon clone wars series, he took on six Jedi at once. And won. Three were killed in battle, and the other three were severly wounded. If not for the arrival of reinforcements, they too would soon have died. In the second season, Grevious was shown kicking even more tail, this time by launching an attack on Coruscant itself. Killed two more Jedi, and kidnapped the Chancellor Palpetine. So now when Episode three came out, everyone was expecting Grevious to be awesome on the big screen as well. But I was disapointed. First, he was coughing the whole time like someone with a deadly illness, second he was quickly defeated by only one Jedi, when previously he had been seen knocking the stuffing out of six at once. Bah. I just hope he is better this time around.

    <>Rant Over<>
    Yeah, just had to get that out of my system. Ahhh...
    Anyways, my brother and I were going to see Clone Wars at the midnight premeire tonight, but at the last minute he remembered that he had plans already. I don't have any friends who would want to see it with me, so I may just go alone. I'm not really expecting anything amazing since it already looks to me from previews like it's aimed at little kids and new fans, but I intend to see it anyways, because I feel almost obligated to do so as a Star Wars fan. I can still try to go in with a tiny sliver of hope, hope that somehow it will turn out as good as the originals. But then there's also the possibility that it will just take my little piece of hope, and smash it to dust with a giant hammer. Sigh... Decisions, decisions. To go on opening night by myself, or to wait till after everyone else has seen it to go with my brother.
  15. Bandoo
    Well, tomorrow is my birthday. That makes today my last day of being 14 ever. Oh well. I think I'll celebrate by staying up late tonight and watching one of the original Star Wars movies.
    Anyways I was wandering around along the shore today looking for shells and horseshoe crabs when I found a rather strange looking skull kinda thing. At least I think its a skull. I'm not completely sure. It has what appears to be a nasal cavity inside, and a piece that looks like a vertabrae at one end. No teeth, just a wierd little flat part sticking out, and no bottom jaw either. It looks to me like a bird, or perhaps a fish. It does smell rather fishy. I need to let it air out before I can examine it further.
  16. Bandoo
    I watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics last night, and it was stunnning. The artistic portion was amazing in its complexity and perfect choreography.
    My favorite part was the field of pillars that went up and down which represented the movable printing blocks. I sat wondering how they were making them move up until the last moment when the lids opened and people popped out! It also mesmerized me because it reminded me of the Akilini field in the Coliseum as seen in Legends of Metru Nui.
    Also cool was the giant sphere that rose out of the ground and had people running around along its lines of lattitude. At this point the little voice in my head was screaming "Codrex!".
    Yes, I know that I'm nuts when I must relate everything I see to Bionicle in some way. But it doesn't bother me, because I'd rather be a little bit strange and stand out from the crowd than put a Krana on my face and join the collective hive mind.
    I just did it again, didn't I. ><
  17. Bandoo
    Today is a good day for me.
    First of all, I finished one of my summer homework assignments yesterday. And the even better part is that I can get extra credit by mailing it in to him before August 10. Yippee!
    Secondly, I got Gorast today! I went to K-mart first, hoping to get her for the reduced price like in the recent news article. But the shelves were still full of Phantoka. At last I found some Mistika on the very top shelf, behind some Star Wars sets. But they only had Gali and Bitil. Blargh. So instead I went to Toys R Us and found her quite easily there. But for that one, single canister set, the price came to price of $14.11, with tax. Oh, well.
    Now I'm going to go play with her some more, but expect a review up tonight.
  18. Bandoo
    Oh, about that review I said I was going to do...Well, first I was too busy, then I didn't feel like doing it, and then I just stopped caring. Because there's already several other reviews out there, plus we should hopefully be seeing the "official" front page reviews soon. And it's not like anyone was really waiting for my personal opinion anyways. But if you were, here's a simple, mini guide as to whether or not you should buy her:
    1. Do you like the color green?
    2. How about black?
    3. Do you like four-armed mutants who feed on light?
    4. Are you a collector/completist?
    5. Are you a Mocer looking for green and black pieces?
    6. Do you have 13 extra dollars to spend?
    If you answered yes to more than one of the above questions, then you should buy Gorast.
    There you have it. Happy now?
    On a completely unrelated note, I'm going away for the rest of this week, and I'll be back on Friday. While I'm gone, enjoy these random doodles I did yesterday:
    A poorly drawn Ga-Matoran
    A side doodle of a matoran swinging on some vines
    Matoro holding...something...
    Jala prepared for battle
    A Le-Matoran playing the flute. My personal favorite out of the bunch.
    A random Av-Matoran. Who's standing sideways...
    My interpretation of a shadow leech
    Av-Matoran + Shadow Leech

    That's all I've got for now. I know they're not that good, I did most of them rather quickly. And with a pen to boot. >< But whatever. I hope you like them. Leave questions, comments, criticism, and cookies and I',, reply when I get back.
    See ya!
  19. Bandoo
    I had a really weird dream last night.
    It started out with me on a space mission to Mars with four others in a little spaceship. I'm not sure how, but two of the others mysteriously dissapeared one by one, kind of like a horror movie. Then we were on a small moon of some kind, with a beautiful forest on it. I was mesmerized by it all, the trees, the grass, the flowers, the birds... There was just one little problem though, I was the only one who could see it. My teammates were yelling at me to stop staring at an empty rock, but I kept telling them that it was really there, and they didn't believe me. They had to literally drag me back to the spaceship, and figured that I was probably going insane and hallucinating from being in space for so many months. As we left I heard a voice saying that I had found my hidden element, plant life.
    So we went to some different places that I can't remember, but at the end I returned to the invisible meadow, and I told the others to go on and finish the mission without me, that I wanted to stay here forever... and then I woke up.
    Yeah, one of the strangest dreams I've had in a while. Maybe this is what happens when you eat bad wonton soup late at night. Tha PLant Life element thing has had me pondering all day,l... but whatever, I mean, it's just a dream anyway.
  20. Bandoo
    The heat today is unbearable. I'm stuck inside mostly, with nothing to do. I'd love to go in the pool but its freezing cold. Like jump in and race out in ten seconds cold. Blah.

    And of course with being stuck inside comes my mom's unstoppable nagging for me to do my summer homework assignments. Its not that bad I guess, I'm almost done with one subject. It would help if my computer would stop randomly dieing though. I think the heat in my room is starting to get to it too.

    Anyways I'm going away for summer camp next week, in case anybody wants to know. We're leaving Sunday morning so maybe I should start packing soon... Nah, maybe tomorrow.
  21. Bandoo
    Yeah, I just won a six month premier membership from Kohaku's Brawl Tournament, so I guess I might as well make a blog. Thanks again, Kohaku!
    Anyways, I guess I'll use this Blog to tell you all about my life and stuff, and my thoughts on various subjects, like life, death, people, bionicle, movies and food.
    So, first thing's first. I enjoy Bionicle, Star Wars, reading science fiction books, going to the beach, playing video games, hanging out with my friends, and strolling through the woods. I am considered a nerd by many at school, since I usually get high grades on every test, and am in the top five for the highest overall average.
    I also hate gym class with a passion.
    There you have it, my first blog entry! I hope that someone will actually enjoy reading this... if you don't, then I'm sorry for dissapointing you.

  22. Bandoo
    Now for something not boring and life related.... A Movie Review! I just saw this movie earlier today and figured I would give this reviewing thing a try, plus just to add something here!
    Kung Fu Panda!
    ~First, the Plot. The main character, Po, is a fat lazy panda who dreams of being an awesome fighter like his idols, the Furious Five. Through a strange series of events, he is accidentally chosen as the Dragon Warrior, who is supposed to be a Kung Fu master who can defeat a great evil warrior who is threatening the valley.
    It's pretty simple (what do you expect from a Disney movie?), but it does have some deeper, darker parts.
    ~Next, the Action. The movie has a lot of great fighting scenes, as any movie with "Kung Fu" in the title should. Basically every other scene with the Furious Five in it has a whole bunch of action, and these can be the best scenes in the movie.
    ~Finally, the Comedy. As this is mainly a children's movie, most of the jokes will be aimed at them, but there is still a lot of basic slap-stick humor for every one to enjoy.
    ~Final Thoughts: Kung Fu Panda is a kid movie thats fun for every one. Jack Black is great as the panda, and has lots of good lines. The action is the one of the best points of the movie, with tons of crazy spinning flips, kicks, and ninja super jumps. Overall, it is a pretty enjoyable movie that I reccomend to anyone who's into pandas, Kung Fu, and Jack Black.
    I give Kung Fu Panda 4 out of 5 stars.
  23. Bandoo
    Well, seeing as everyone now has temporary blogging powers, I might as well try to revive my not-so-successful blog. It died a while ago when my premier membership ran out... But now it's back!
    And I'm sure that all of my nonexistent followers will soon be flocking to this page with cries of glee. Yeah, right.
    So, since this blog is back from the dead like a zombie, its first post shall be about zombies.
    Zombie movies can be disturbing and sickening. The screaming, the terrorizing, the eating of human flesh. But why do we enjoy them so much? Is it because we all have an innate desire to see our loved ones ripped to pieces and devoured?
    Deep down, humans are just animals. Animals with slightly more advanced brains, the ability to imagine and create, and opposable thumbs, but still we are animals nonetheless. Watching other members of our species get torn down one by one ignites a primal instinct of survival. The adrenaline starts to rush through your bloodstream, causing your heart to pound and your mind to race. We imagine ourselves in the situation of the movie, fighting for our very lives, like an injured ape running through the jungle from a hungry tiger hot on its trail. This race against the predator scares us to our very bones, yet at the same time it excites us and thrills us.
    Zombie movies envelope the viewer in fear, as if they themselves are on the run from undead horrors. This is what makes these movies so frightening, and entertaining at the same time.
  24. Bandoo
    Woo! Christmas vacation! Finally.
    Time to kick back, relax, give/recieve gifts, visit family, hang with friends, and toil over an unnecesarily large pile of homework.
    Wait... what was that last one? Oh well. We have about 12 days off, so I'm not going to bother starting it until after Christmas.
    I probably won't get another blog entry in for a few days, so I'll just say it now:

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy New Year, and Happy any other holiday, religious or not, that you may be celebraing this time of year!
  25. Bandoo
    I'm going on a Boy Scout camping trip this weekend. The temperature is supposed to be around 30 degrees Farenheit for the next few days, colder at night. Also, we're driving most of the way there, then stopping and hiking the last 10 miles to the camp. There's probably going to be a handful of the new scouts on the trip, who aren't used to these kind of campouts. They whined and complained on the easy trip two months ago, so I'm sure their reaction will be even worse this time... Maybe it will scare them away, though, and they won't come to Boy Scouts anymore. Is that too much to hope for?
    Maybe I'm just a horrible person for saying that, but they are insanely annoying.
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