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Status Updates posted by Munkiman

  1. ally made up an idea that beautiful. That's just cool to me. We made a little paper universe where all of the above is true." -Grant Morrison

  2. "I mean, I love all the characters, but Superman is just this perfect human pop-culture distillation of a really basic idea. He's a good guy. He loves us. He will not stop in defending us. How beautiful is that? He's like a sci-fi Jesus. He'll never let you down. And only in fiction can that guy actually exist, because real guys will always let you down one way or another. We actua

  3. Superman's challenges are moral and emotional ones, not to mention he's constantly getting thrown around by space aliens.

  4. And, ######, ANY hero of any continuing story is generally going to come out alive and on top at the end. It's a foregone conclusion. If they really wanted to KILL Superman, though, you can do it with kryptonite, or magic, or red sun radiation, or overwhelming force. There you go.

  5. I don't see the problem with Superman being overpowered. He's overpowered if you were playing a video game where everything's supposed to be balanced, but that's not the point of Superman. He can only be hurt by something as ridiculous as he is. :P

  6. "Are you Alliance?"

  7. Could you please make an Epic about Nexensis? It's a tragedy to let that great concept go to waste. =(

  8. Well, he DID walk away unscathed, but he didn't seem very happy about it. :(

  9. And it's got AWESOME writing and art. Mark Waid and ALEX ROSS.

  10. Blaahhh.

    Kingdom Come is for the entire DCU though. It basically points out the flaws in every character and archetype, from Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman to the 90's anti-hero.

  11. But there's also All-Star Superman, which I read just recently, and which is extremely good

  12. You're missing out!

    I'm telling you, it'll change your mind about Superman. He's totally flawed here, but still the same character.

  13. Didja read Kingdom Come yet?

  14. Whether it's impossible or laughable, great men open up paths of battle!

  15. Bah. Why would we want to bring the Blackest Night? We should RULE all life, not just destroy it with zombie superheroes.

  16. The Blackest Night? Really? :P

  17. ...CANDLEJACK!


  18. Just to you cuz you're not a part of it. SETS.

  19. TPtI, maybe I can't persuade you with just my argument, but I still strongly suggest you read Kingdom Come (written by Mark Waid, awesomely painted in every panel by Alex Ross). It's not just a Superman story - it deals with the entire DC Universe and argues against the 90s anti-hero. And it's just a great story, your loss if you don't pick it up.

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