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Status Updates posted by Munkiman

  1. Don't worry Nih, I still don't know anything about Megaman or Sanger Zonvolt, so you still have gaming nerdiness over me. :P

    The Flash could probably think of some way to use the environment against Clayface, I don't know. I was thinking he would just turn his arms into vortexes and splatter Clayface everywhere.

  2. Also, all his powers are physical. He's vulnerable to mental manipulation, magic, red sun radiation (which DOES completely drain his powers very quickly) and of course most types of kryptonite. He has several enemies who exploit these weaknesses, like Mr. Mxyzptlk, Metallo, Reactron, and of course Luthor.

    BTW Nihi, Batman did take on Lex Luthor once, in Batman: Rules of Engagement.

  3. Flash could totally beat any of those three, yeah.

    Superman isn't perfect, and certainly doesn't flout it. He's made mistakes - he can be too trusting, too overprotective, and heck, sometimes he does things he THINKS are right and ends up causing a bigger mess. Sure, he always ends up fixing it, sometimes with help, but you could say that about most superheroes.


  4. And villains that can challenge Batman can be easily dispatched by the Flash. Every hero has rogues to match their own abilities.

  5. Superman inspired every superhero after him - not in-universe, but in the real world, beginning the Golden Age and the superhero concept. And he's totally awesome and not annoying. How is he annoying?

  6. Yes, we get that Superman is crazy powerful. But not even Spider-Man, king of the down-to-earth superheroes, is only ever threatened by supervillains, never regular thugs, except for when they're for him to show off his powers by easily trouncing. Same thing: Superman is best when faced with a fantastical, supernatural challenge, someone who COULD kidnap Lois.

  7. Again, being hopeful, iconic, charismatic, heroic, selfless and inspiring make a great character as far as I'm concerned. If you want to think about his flaws, he's always guilty whenever something bad happens, even if he couldn't prevent it, especially to the people he loves. Even with super speed, he can't be everywhere at once.

  8. Superman won't rob humanity of its drive. Luthor just wants you to think that. Superman was RAISED as a human, by humans, so even though he relies on his alien heritage to do good he does so based on the ideals imbued to him by the people of Earth.

  9. So you can say that he's relying on an inborn quality, just like Superman.

    Also, don't nitpick about the bullets. WW, Flash and MM never get shot, even if they have to make slightly more effort than Superman. And there are tons of invulnerable heroes besides.

  10. Superman is much like Spider-Man in that both of them discovered they had great power, and decided to use it selflessly (with GREAT RESPONSIBILITY).

    Superman has plenty of enemies who are just as strong as he is, or more, so it's not just a workout. Zod, Brainiac, Cyborg-Superman... Superman gets in plenty of fair fights.

    Batman didn't even earn his wealth, he inherited it.

  11. amazingly great person. But Superman is about INSPIRING the reader, giving them that warm, fuzzy feeling that there is good in the world and that everyone can make a positive difference, etc. etc. THAT is what makes Superman great.

  12. What Superman comics did you read? Because a good Superman comic shouldn't be blah at all. For one thing, they don't call it ACTION Comics for nothing, everyone loves a good Superman fight. But also, the thing about Supes isn't that he gets constant character development, I'll admit that he doesn't usually develop THAT much in most stories, because frankly he's already an a

  13. ably has kryptonite.

  14. Most of the other major DC heroes can be felled by a single bullet? Ha, try Batman and Green Arrow, only. Wonder Woman always deflects them with her bracelets, Flash can just dodge them, GL has a non-stop forcefield, Martian Manhunter can phase them through or increase his density, etc.

    And Supes is also weak to magic and red sunlight. And anyone who has a serious grudge against Superman prob

  15. Momotaro, you fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha --

  16. TPtI, you gotta READ a good Superman story before you start judging him.

    And as for the kryptonite, he can't just fly away because it drains his powers.

    And Superman is totally not gay he's a marred man dagnabbit. Soviet Superman didn't even have a girlfriend.

  17. Also, here's an interesting question to ponder: what's Superman's real name?

    Kal-El, the name he was born with?

    Or Clark Kent, the name he was raised with?

    Plenty of good stories to be made about that.

  18. TPtI? Read Kingdom Come. You will see Superman in a new light.

    Superman isn't overpowered if he is constantly faced with threats that are as powerful than he is, or more powerful. Plus, he has some of the most crippling weaknesses of any comic character - Spider-Man certainly can't be beaten if you throw a shiny green space rock at him.

  19. Question - created 1969.

    Rorschach - created 1985.

  20. ad.

    The current DC Multiverse contains a universe called Earth-4 that is based on Watchmen but uses the original Charlton names and appearances.

  21. lol TPtI. Rorschach was inspired by the Question. Get your facts straight.

    Watchmen was actually originally designed to bring the Charlton characters (Captain Atom, Question, Blue Beetle, Peacemaker, Judomaster, Nightshade) into the DCU, but Alan Moore's plans made it unlikely that the characters could be used again, so they made them into new characters based on the Charlton heroes inste

  22. Also-

    TPtI: Marveltard? YOU decide.

  23. I think being completely selfless and helpful is a pretty unusual personality trait.

    Question, for the last time, you can't kill Luthor. Use your detective skills to gather me some evidence against him and we can bring the full force of DUE PROCESS upon him! Man, will THAT issue sell like hotcakes or what?

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