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Status Updates posted by Munkiman

  1. No one's saying Sylar isn't WIN. Far from it. And I did consider him. But I'm going with the Haitian right now, so live with it. >:P

  2. CJ: You're winning, aren't you?

    Xaeraz: The Haitian has never lost to Sylar once.

  3. HEY

    Check out today's Member Spotlight. ;)

  4. Wrack gave me permission. You're just stingy.

  5. I wanna see the whole thing! :D

  6. Where's the neato av from?

  7. Your words confuse me. Sprekken zee Anglerfish, Setsuna-san?

  8. MunkiMAN, dude.

    I seem to recall you originally had an avatar of Darth Revan, who could be male or female. *accusing glare*

  9. I has dozens upon glorious dozens of real-life girlfriends. I don't see why people are so surprised.

  10. I didn't friend Gato? o_0 Coulda sworn I did that years ago.

  11. Not that I WANT him to, that is. But hey, it's a long line, he's hard to see from way back there.

  12. Nope. The LADIES. Not Captain.

    ...not JUST Captain.

  13. I think we might have had Tahu at one point.

  14. George... Washington?

  15. The US rebelled against the crown because of taxation without representation and our inherent kickarseness.

  16. The Coliseum houses the power plant which produces energy for the entire city, generated by the flow of Liquid Protodermis underneath the building on its way to the rest of the city."

    Still needs the Coliseum.

  17. Don't you have anything better to do with your time, FD?

  18. How would these other French Revolutions encourage America to revolt if they were mostly unsuccessful?

  19. Hey Sets, remember how the Coliseum got swallowed up by a crack in the earth when Mata Nui died? You could use that as the excuse, because the Coliseum would have been destroyed before Metru Nui could Ascend.

  20. lolwut. I'm the most active staff member in OE. What are you, huh? Just some noob.

  21. Shyyrn, join OE! All the cool kids (and Nihi) are doing it!

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