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Status Updates posted by Munkiman

  1. In fact, the French were actually inspired by OUR revolution, and in fact the popular opinion at the time was that ours was BETTER. Americans were disgusted by the many public beheadings and such during the French Revolution. Not to mention that ours was far more permanent, Napoleon led a coup against the new republic ten years later.

  2. 2009 looks like it's going to get much closer to Bionicle's roots.

    And that's one reason why I like your Ascension so much, because it has that sort of feel to it.

    Sick of official characters? But what about the ones in City of Fear? ;_;

  3. ...lolwut? The French Revolution started in 1789. We had already declared our independence more than a decade earlier.

  4. It says to be eligible. You have to be eligible to run.

    I don't think our ENTIRE COUNTRY is corrupt, though. If you're running for president, then the entire country will want to know every dirty little secret about you, and that includes being British.

    Yes I know the prime minister is an elected official and your monarchs are just figureheads now, I'm not stupid. BUT IT WAS

  5. What? Is that all? We ignore the rules about alcohol and graphicness practically all the time, and we'd swear like sailors if the word filter didn't stop us. If profanity is the only thing keeping you away, then you need to see a psychiatrist, pottymouth.

  6. *enters conversation*

    *kicks reason to the curb*

    There. Argument resolved.

  7. "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States."

    US Constitution, dawgs.

  8. Yeah Sets! BZPRPG! You gotta be part of SOME Bionicle RPG, or we're booting you from the club.

  9. Plus, Power. Neither of you can become president cuz you're British. You gotta be born in the states to run for president.

  10. "And because if you get your hands on the presidential seat then you can make whatever changes to it you want... "

    Actually, there's a whole system of checks and balances to prevent the president from doing whatever he wants without congress's permission.


  11. Viva Obama!

    I is also enter contest, btw.

  12. SHYYRN!

    Wassup homey?

  13. Name the time and the place, Nektie.

  14. Sorry TPtI, I know you're a great RPer, I just think the Mohtrek is an inherently overpowered mask.

  15. No Captain, my Captain.

  16. Fair enough. And the werewolf thing does get pretty obvious a few chapters before it is "officially" revealed.

  17. Yes. Yes they are. Very much so.

    I didn't know about the werewolf thing until I read the second book.

  18. No, but it's fun to resist.

  19. Blah, blah... blah.

  20. I've seen some Bleach and a little FMA. Started Blade of the Immortal, didn't like it much. And I used to watch Gundam dubs when I was a kid. They were OK.

  21. PFFT. What does he know? He's a Bunda.


  23. ...the closest I can think of is Rozin Bran (DON'T ASK), but that doesn't explain TTGL...

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