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Everything posted by Munkiman

  1. Munkiman

    Mac > Pc

    I have used a Windows computer for the last 2 or 3 years. I am typing on one even now. I hate Windows.
  2. Munkiman

    Ohes Noes!

    The McDonalds in Htrae is made of Elvis Presley, and your toes turn to ash when you talk! All must bow down to the spider weasel, for he shall fill the beef with glass! Gender-neutral pronouns! This makes perfect sense. EDIT by NP: It seemed appropriate with the whole alternate universe thing, and I haven't typed something that silly in a looong time.
  3. My name is Latin, or... Icelandic or something for "by the sea". It fits because I hate boats. Hate! Therefore, you will always find me by the sea. Several feet and/or miles away, to be exact.
  4. Munkiman

    Rain Day

    Yes, my school also has a rain day today. The spooky thing is that there hasn't been a single raindrop all day.
  5. That Penguin Game makes me so angry! :angry: It's a ripoff of -Removed- Let's not link to that game, shall we? SZ
  6. Munkiman

    I'm Back

    Aero stole my cookies. He was bad. I'm glad you're back, Sir Anikai (or whatever ).
  7. Munkiman

    Focus Groups!

    1. A fortress island. 2. Pure white. 3. No, that'd be weird. The Toa could just walk in the city, they wouldn't need wings unless they fell off the edge. 4. Very good. 5. I like vicious ones.
  8. And here I always thought that button turns you into a goat.
  9. Munkiman


    That's funny, I've had similar visions, though they usually involve tall buildings, and I'm the one dropping instead of a knife. I don't like heights.
  10. Great idea, -Aero-. I'm going to make an MOC. I hardly ever use yellow, so this'll be fun.
  11. Munkiman

    One Year Vahi!

    I distinctly remember having typed at one point, early in my noobhood, this: Now, if someone typed this, I'd be thinking "I didn't know asylums had Internet access." Anyway, you post way too much. I'm less than 2 months away from my Vahi, and I haven't hit 1000 yet. You're not human! You're some sort of posting machine!
  12. Munkiman

    I, Robot

    Really cool looking, but not nearly a match for the IG-100 Magnaguards!
  13. Now you're going to have to edit every post you ever made so that the sign-off shows your new name.
  14. I dunno, Ut, sliced bread is a hard act to follow. I would also like to say that I have never used EDITSIES (in its proper placement), so you can remove me from the list of possible users. Only 31,994 members to go!
  15. Good chapter, Seran! I hate cliffhangers, though- what are those things? Why is the city deserted? Why were you outside the city? Why am I asking all these questions? Oh well, who cares. Great epic! Without cliffhangers, it wouldn't really be very exciting. -Seran
  16. EDD is a disease that is ravaging this wonderful website, infecting our most mumu-est mods. So help us find a cure. Call 1-800-MUMU-HAS-A-BAD-DISEASE-SO-SEND-US-LOTS-OF-MONEY-TO-FIND-A-CURE, or log on to www.EDD.org for more information. (The banner has infected me as well! Curse you, Utopia! Argh!) It's kind of funny how you posted about munkeymunkey posting an emoticon but never posted about your new Official BoM Topic.
  17. This sounds interesting- *cough*can-I-be-in-it*cough* -, it sounds like a good epic.
  18. I do love that smiley. Nice pyramid, can you PM me the code for it?
  19. Munkiman

    Lemon Club

    Odd Lemon fact: Lemons are used in certain shampoos and soaps. Spoooky!
  20. Munkiman

    Lemon Club

    You evil, evil person. First you skinned the poor lemon alive, then drowned it to see if it'd float? Cool.
  21. Munkiman

    Lemon Club

    [really bad fake British accent] I do say, good sir, but wouldst you hoppen to know, if lemons are the graytesht fruite in all existansche, whot is the second graytesht ? I am voting for apples, I am. Cheerio, chaps, whot whot. [/really bad fake British accent] What do you think? for those of you who don't speak Really-Fake-British-Accent-inese, I was wondering what the greatest fruit in the univarse is besides lemons, and I voted for apples. Limes of course. -Seran Could apples come in third? Green apples, of course, for their taste and color are closer to limes.
  22. Munkiman

    Lemon Club

    I like lemons so much (though not as much as I like chocolate milk), I will say it 19 times: Lemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemonslemons. When life gives you lemons, ask for more. Can I please join? Yes indeed. -Seran
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