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Everything posted by Munkiman

  1. I'd like to see the Ignika in its awesome Pit form instead of a yellow Hau Nuva. It looks a lot better.

  2. Sestuna: I will not delete those comments. They will be kept for future generations.

    Cap'n: Do I get a commemorative plaque?

    Setsuna (again?!): I've heard of Bleach, and like the concept, but I've only ever seen about five minutes of it on a friend's computer.

  3. I can't wait for these serials.
  4. This was a guest comic for a certain FF1-based webcomic, which I can't name because it's on a site with forums, and has some things in that are inappropriate for younger kids.
  5. I think it would be better as a Gukko in a Vuata Maca tree.
  6. Mine was the 2nd.

    Hope you had a happy birthday, Cap'n. Enjoy your cruise!

  7. Dibs on his furniture!

  8. I remember this one time, I put my hat on a chair and it came to life. I destroyed it with a medieval flail. The incident haunts me to this day.
  9. By the way, does anyone know where I can find a clear picture of an Infected? I want one for a new avatar.

  10. I don't really care if it was true to the book or not, it was a great movie. But it was like that NY Times review said, the last third wasn't as good as the rest.

  11. I'm okay with there being a species, but I wish Makuta had stayed as the name of the original Makuta (aka Makuta of Metru Nui), not just a title.
  12. Have you seen I Am Legend yet?

    I just saw it today. Awesome movie.

  13. I like new Makuta. Sure, the whole "mysterious spirit of darkness/destruction" thing was great, but do you really think we could have gone through seven years of that? It would have lost its luster eventually. Plus, with 40+ powers, Makuta is even more dangerous than before. And I like his more complicated schemes. In 2001, it was just "enslave the Matoran". No. Wrong. Direct quote from BL8: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Plus, Makuta basically took down all six Barraki in under five minutes, with little effort, a bit later in the book. Plus he turned Takadox into a screaming wreck with illusions.
  14. Munkiman


    Seeing it in sprite form, I think I actually prefer the Matoran the way they are now. The Shadow Matoran's masks are fine the way they are, and I think Photok and Tanma look very weird with those colors. Plus, I don't like the name Avo-Matoran, never have. Even when we didn't know the name, I always called them Matoran of Light. Av sounds cooler, I think. *shrugs* The masks look great. But Araho? Sounds... very odd. It sounds too much like a Native American tribe. Definitely doesn't match the mask. Arthron is also good the way it is. The comic page is great. I can't wait until there are words, the Takanuva in Jaller's eye is so faint I didn't see it the first time, but it's a really nice touch.
  15. Munkiman


    Leader, huh? I'm liking Gavla. I remember that bit you gave us about how she wasn't so popular as an Av-Matoran, so it makes sense that she could see becoming a Shadow Matoran as her chance for revenge. Hence the reason she hates them so much. By the way, are there any more Shadow Matoran in story besides these three?
  16. Munkiman

    Chirox And Kirop

    Kirop combined the Shelek makes enemies blind, deaf, and mute. Sounds useful. Great info as always, Greg!
  17. Munkiman


    That's not good. Who cheated?
  18. Munkiman

    Antroz And Radiak

    Cool, nice quote. I like how Antroz has a code of honor. But you said his only other weapons besides the pod are claws and teeth. What about those blades he has in the sets?
  19. Munkiman

    Speech Frenzy

    I did public speaking last year. The trick is hand gestures. Hand gestures gets you a million points. Well, hopefully.
  20. I think the Phantoka Makuta thing, with them being too thin at the waist, makes sense, actually. They're shapeshiters, and they've taken these forms to be scary and intimidating. Making their bodies all out of proportion and drawing attention away from the lower half makes their upper bodies, with fearsome masks and claws and such, seem larger, more noticeable, and more terrifying. It wouldn't work on anything but a shapshifter, actually. And personally, I think Photok's mask looks a lot more like the Kakama (original form) than Pohatu Newva's mask. But I prefer to wait until I have the set in my hands before I start judging.
  21. I spend my spare time huddled up inside the radiator, lighting matches.

  22. I've heard it's nice up there in Canada. I'm just too afraid of the cold to go. I really hate being cold.

  23. Munkiman


    I like snow. It's the cold that I hate. I seriously hate the cold.
  24. Yeah...

    Well, uh, America has... hot dogs?

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