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Everything posted by Munkiman

  1. Once a day? I may have overdosed...

  2. Join the Zyglakkys! You could be Zyglakky Xerry, or Zyglakky Rehzy!

    Because Terminus

  3. When did you get dragged into it? You signed a contract, Hak.

  4. Hah! We will feast upon your pizzas BEFORE THEY ARE EVEN COOKED! JUST UNCOOKED DOUGH!

    You can keep the small children. They keep ruining the good carpets.

  5. I'm in the fad too. I mean, it's Zyglak. Do the math, people. :P

  6. I will create my own army. It shall be known as the Democratic Republic of EVERYONE BOW DOWN TO ME!

    Or something like that. :P Still working on the name.

    But yes, the profile war sounds fun. As long as it doesn't turn into something crazy and the mods have to stop it.



  8. Yeah, I sweat win for breakfast.

  9. Munkiman has... munki. And man.

    Beat THAT!

  10. Yeah, I saw a teaser when I watched Cloverfield on Saturday.
  11. Who doesn't? I liked the Kal, mainly for their pieces. But I don't think I'd like it if they did a third line of recolored Bohrok.
  12. More diversity!

  13. Wasn't the whole thing [opinion]? Yeah, Piraka torsos were OK, but only on the Piraka. And that was because their spines filled in all that empty space on the back. And I'm really annoyed that they're constantly re-using the same torso pieces for the last three years. It's starting to get boring and annoying. The Phantoka Makuta are a step forward, at least in that respect (and a couple others). The Toa Newva, though, are a step backwards.
  14. Faso? Juulan? I actually prefer the real names. These sound too... weird. Don't really roll off the tongue.
  15. Funny message of the fortnight this, um, fortnight. :P My favorite one yet.

  16. You've left the BZPRPG. But are you leaving AMG behind as well? Onaedo's wonderful singing voice would be sorely missed.

  17. The .:s:. is for Sucks!

    The .:s:. is for Sucks!

    The .:s:. is for Sucks!

    Croissant is not for Sucks!

  18. I used to be Munkiman- Toa of Chocolate Milk, y'know.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you or anything like that. The punishment for your crime is only life imprisonment. In a vat of acid.

  19. *calls Combustion Man*

    "Someone's running around with my title. I want you to find him... and end him."

  20. But yeah, usually books are better than the movies based on them.

  21. I know, Golden Compass was nowhere near as good as the book. Besides the ending, or lack of ending, the pacing was way off. Everything happened too fast.

    But for I Am Legend, I've never read the book, so I wouldn't be able to compare them. But I can tell you that the dogs were because, well, dogs could get infected. Makes sense that not only humans would get it. And Will Smith didn

  22. Fiddle-dee-dee!

  23. Munkiman


    Ferrets represent the best thing ever made? What's that, ferrets? I like ferrets.
  24. Munkiman


    Uncle Ben? Like from Spider-Man?
  25. I'd like to see those episodes, but unfortunately, my PM box is full until I renew my Premier Membership.

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