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Everything posted by Munkiman

  1. Hey, what's your problem with Avatar?

  2. Using the success of my promotion of The Spectacular Spider-Man, I shall now present the new best cartoon ever. EVER. BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD. YES.
  3. Teebert: You scare me.

    Angry Zonvolution: That scares me even more.


    ...WEIRD, dude. I just read that, for the first time ever, last week. o_0

  5. Munkiman

    Grammar Question!

    Whichever version is most popular wins.
  6. Munkiman


    Yeah, Code Geass took me a long while. I like to savor my anime (plus I have Internet ADD), and I only usually watch one at once.
  7. Munkiman


    Oh God, Lain. Lain. Lain. I stopped watching that show after nine episodes. It's like they took the last two episodes of NGE and decided to make a show out of it. Only worse. I'd recommend Higurashi as a substitute, but I just noticed you already saw it! You watch a lot of anime. You're worse than this friend of mine. He finished the entire FMA anime - all 51 episodes - in three days. During the school year.
  8. Wow, you have a 9/11 birthday? How's that work out for you?

  9. NANA


  10. Just gimme the unresized link, Sets.


  11. Just gimme the unresized link, Sets.


  12. See you CJ, hope the cadets don't give you too much trouble (for their sake!), and have a pleasant trip.
  13. Hey, cool, I have 5 stars.

  14. Ha. No, it's one of the Mutant Gang from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, the classic graphic novel from the 1980s that defined the modern Batman. They are both technically "mutants," though, haha.

  15. Anarchy was one of my first RPGs, and it was fun, even if I got chewed out a little for being a newbie. I hope you'll still be in other RPGs, you're really good!
  16. I lied. Name: Anaraznal Species: Former toa of fire, now mutated beyond belief Mask: Mask of mind-reading (It was fused into his armor) Apperance: solid black, triple jointed legs, head of a deformed bull, a long tail with what looks like four tuffs at the end. Carrys a staff Abilities: Mind Bending, insanity inducing, scheming huge systematic plans, creating unmoving clones for confusing. Personality: Insane, doesn't care who gets killed when trying to complete a goal, the ultimate schemer, has a strange connection to rahi, hates toa Bio (I know this shouldn't be here, but whatever): Anaraznal was a toa of fire on a small island. A makuta scientist named Lokaer kidnapped him and "Did everything he knew to him", sending him to his current form. When he was returned to his island they shunned and attacked him. The side affects of the experiment caused him to go on a rampage, and within a week had the island systematicly destroyed, not leaving a single stone rat or anything alive. Shortly afterward he became overridden with guilt and hid in a cave, wondering why he killed his past comrads and all his homeland. But soon insanity set in. He began to think that what he did was for the better, and that he ended them because it was the right thing to do and that they must be stoped. He knew that there must be other islands that must be destroyed, and join the organization because "He felt they were the only people on the same page as him". @Velox: Personally, I like the ice mountain or jungle. More secluded. I'm fine with volcanic, also. And, when does it start so I can start running around and slipping poison into enemy villages food supply? Insanity inducing sounds like a really god-moddy (unfair/overpowered) ability, I'd get rid of that. For one thing, there isn't a Ta-Metru. The new island is a more primitive one called Locus Albeo. And I'd say something that big would have to be approved by the staff, yes, just to be on the safe side. "Just owning people" is allowed, of course, but just make sure you do it realistically. You have to give your opponent an opportunity to react, instead of saying "I own you and you die the end." Just some friendly advice for the newcomers.
  17. Just wanted to tell you guys, you can make any profile form you want, there really isn't any "standard" format.

  19. I've got the book right here in front of me.

  20. The line was "The accumulated filth of all their *CENSORED!* and murder will foam up about their waists and all the *CENSORED!*s and politicians will look up and shout 'Save us!' ...and I'll look down, and whisper, 'No.'"

  21. Y'know, Rorschach never said "The world will look up and shout 'Save us!' and I'll whisper, 'No.'"

  22. Elfen Lied. YES.

  23. There She Is? I just saw that for the first time two days ago! What a funny coincidence!

  24. Who says I'm not just a naturally creepy person?

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