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Everything posted by Munkiman

  1. Get on AIM more often!

  2. You should bring back Tz'kes in AMR!!!!!!!

  3. I think the only other Asimov stories I've read, besides maybe one or two other short stories, was the Foundation series, which I loved. I should probably read the Robots series at some point.

    So thanks for introducing me to The Last Question.

  4. The Last Question is awesome

  5. What are you, dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the ###### do you think I am?

  6. I don't think I'd have liked to see the Piraka as yet another "army" enemy. I liked the direction they went where only seven Piraka appeared in the story, and they were cool characters. Yes, they had their own new species, but there weren't a ton of them all at once in-story, like with every other enemy canister set before them except the Kal.
  7. THIS battle (starts at that post, continues for a few pages - focus on the Captain's posts with the Makuta (Koh, GorThorn, Sharrow, Thumina - any of those) and mine, which should be in green bold font. I was just walking down memory lane the other day, reading this, so it's funny that you make this blog post now. The set up is that Koh is a good guy Makuta, who has killed two other Makuta and absorbed their essence, becoming three times as powerful. Meanwhile, GorThorn is a power-mad BoM general who wields the Treasures of Onua Nuva (Symbol, Pakari Nuva and Quake Breakers, all shapeshifted into his armor), giving him power over earth as well as making him, well, three times more powerful, at least physically. Sharrow is an honorable Makuta, Thumina is a female Makuta weapon-crafter, and both of them are getting betrayed by GorThorn in his attempt to become supreme ruler of the BoM. Caedast seems very interesting. I like 'er.




  9. Hey, whatever happened to you, man?

  10. Nah, Psionics makes sense to me, if you assume that there's a natural telepathic field generated by living creatures.
  11. Well, I hope that made sense.

  12. e power AND uses it only for good. That kind of self restraint and goodness IS inspiring. As he puts it in JLA, the people of Earth have to make their own choices. Superheroes are just there to catch them when they fall.

  13. t solve anything. Stopping people from committing crimes doesn't make them stop wanting to commit crimes. They'd feel oppressed and want to do even worse once Superman's gone. Superman needs to be a public face so that he can inspire people to be good - and yes, he can inspire people even though nobody has his powers, that's the Lex Luthor argument right there. Superman has ultimat

  14. Look, Superman's a smart guy, he knows there's no way he can solve all the world's ills, that's ridiculous. If he gave absolutely no time to his Clark Kent job, then MAYBE he could possibly just stop most of the crime in the world, if he constantly moves at a blur. But especially since he's dying, that doesn't solve anything. Stopping people from committing crimes doesn'

  15. Well, you'd probably like Kingdom Come. It's a good DCU story.

  16. Also, All-Star Superman is basically a fable-like look at the life and death of Superman. It actually starts by an influx of solar radiation making him 3 times more powerful, but also giving him only a year to live. How's that?

  17. Y'know what, I can't change your mind just by TALKING about Superman. Read Kingdom Come. Superman retired for ten years when he thinks the public wants edgier anti-heroes instead of him, and then returns when the anti-heroes mess up, and there's PLENTY of moral ambiguity. Trust me.

  18. ally made up an idea that beautiful. That's just cool to me. We made a little paper universe where all of the above is true." -Grant Morrison

  19. "I mean, I love all the characters, but Superman is just this perfect human pop-culture distillation of a really basic idea. He's a good guy. He loves us. He will not stop in defending us. How beautiful is that? He's like a sci-fi Jesus. He'll never let you down. And only in fiction can that guy actually exist, because real guys will always let you down one way or another. We actua

  20. Superman's challenges are moral and emotional ones, not to mention he's constantly getting thrown around by space aliens.

  21. And, ######, ANY hero of any continuing story is generally going to come out alive and on top at the end. It's a foregone conclusion. If they really wanted to KILL Superman, though, you can do it with kryptonite, or magic, or red sun radiation, or overwhelming force. There you go.

  22. I don't see the problem with Superman being overpowered. He's overpowered if you were playing a video game where everything's supposed to be balanced, but that's not the point of Superman. He can only be hurt by something as ridiculous as he is. :P

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