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Blog Comments posted by Munkiman

  1. Yes, and let's ignore the rest of the world and the problems America caused.

    1) Shut up shut up shut up


    2) Our government didn't handle it the best way, to be sure, that's why the entire world (including most of America, I might add) hates our president and his administration so much now. However, what came after doesn't change in the least bit the gravity of the loss of nearly 3,000 innocent people. Show some respect, Sets. :angry:

  2. Exactly.


    Which begs the question, 'Why do we have the emotion of anger in the first place?'


    It's like one of those useless internal body organs that we all have. :psychotwitch:

    Or the result of sin.




    Anger seems to be more like a cause of sin. Unless you're talking about original sin, which I don't believe in.


    Anger may produce less than desirable consequences more often than not, but without it the world would be a much duller place. It's a negative emotion, but it's a passionate one. And it can be used for good, instead of evil - see "righteous fury".

  3. Lol. What, no off periods?


    And you'll make more friends.



    Wait till Junior year. That's when you're going straight to the grand pooper in the sky.

    Yeah I have a free period. I didn't say I didn't, did I?


    Yeah, I know. The pressure is officially ON.


    yay high school... and it that a CTRLALTDEL comic pic?

    Shh! :fear:

  4. There's eleven, Power. Plus the fact that is normal Japanese name. Pick the Seiei one.


    You can just read them on-line, Munki.



    You'll love Mugen, and then you'll cry. Two times at least.


    And yes, Munki. Evereyone has noticed the Gates look similar. :/

    I don't see why I have to read them online when I can easily get them from my friend. Plus I like how paper feels. :(


    Wut, now will you tell me that Capn stole the Gate from FMA?

    :o Gasp!

  5. I is sad. :( First

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    (Firefly spoiler), then
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    (TTGL spoiler), now Hughes. All the awesome characters die! D:


    Yes, another friend of mine told me that just yesterday. I'm probably just going to borrow the volumes from him, he owns all of them.


    Champloo's next on my list.


    On another FMA note, has anyone noticed that the Gate looks exactly like Auguste Rodin's scultpure, "The Gates of He||"?

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