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Blog Comments posted by Munkiman

  1. Da Bunneh doesn't know!?!?! =O


    It was the final episode I concure from the background. Probably charging up some move? Mehbeh lazerz? 8u.gif

    If it was the final episode, he'd be wearing his post-DoBS outfit.


    I don't remember where this came from (Bitter Work maybe?), but it sure is amusing. :D DANCE, LEETLE MONKEH! DANCE!

    He had more than one outfit. =O This is news to me.

    Did you watch any of season 3? He only wore his usual outfit once in Book 3, and that was when he was asleep, in Nightmares and Daydreams.

  2. No, people! See the movie! Sometimes it was unintentionally hilarious! :lol: Mostly horrible, though. 'Cept for the droids and clones. Battle droids had some of the best humor by far, and the clones were just awesome soldier dudes.


    But Ahsoka cannot be forgiven for "sky-guy". It is the ultimate sin.

  3. Da Bunneh doesn't know!?!?! =O


    It was the final episode I concure from the background. Probably charging up some move? Mehbeh lazerz? 8u.gif

    If it was the final episode, he'd be wearing his post-DoBS outfit.


    I don't remember where this came from (Bitter Work maybe?), but it sure is amusing. :D DANCE, LEETLE MONKEH! DANCE!

  4. Yeah, see, that's why I never watched the previews to any of the next episodes. Except in episode 15 (16? Whichever one was the clip show), because, what else was there to watch?


    I'd love to respond to your entire review of TTGL, but really, what is there to say besides:



  5. BBCC 25>BBCC 50


    None of the MOCs I've seen so far have been up to that same amazing standard that some of the BBCC 25 ones were. They're all good MOCs, but I expected a bit more... something unconventional? I don't know...


    I'm hoping you, Shadrahk, Kex and DV (maybe even Redeemer if he returns) will bring back that quality that made BBCC 25 so special.



    Huh, that's funny. I thought these MOCs were MUCH better. Except the Rack. That trumps all.


    I don't think there's time for Redeemer to return...



    Yeah, I checked the BBC History topic. This fellow came in second place in BBC 25. A bunch of the entries I've seen for this contest are much better than that.

  6. What? I like Bunda's Takua design… :(


    EDIT: Well the pole sticking out of his hips is a little weird, but meh. :P

    Hmm...you could use the red pole that came in the Rahi builder set, assuming you have it. Or just take one of a thin black pole and cut it. (The kind of piece that was meant to be cut.)



    Can his arms move, or is he always throwing his disks at the ground?



    I don't have that set, and I don't cut parts.


    His arms are very very poseable.



    I don't understand how that works. Can you take a pic of him using his arms?

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