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Everything posted by CapN

  1. I'm liking your interest in The Office.

  2. I know where YOU live...

  3. Actually, when you think about it, calling someone is being lazy, and texting is harder. So what could be 10 to maybe 50 texts could be 5 minutes in a conversation. And some people also text because they don't want people butting into their conversation, knowing what's their life, and maybe they just want to be quiet. And maybe someone's in class, and they want to talk to their friend. I myself have an unlimited texting plan and I text alot, but I also call alot, too. -CapN
  4. Pirates own!

  5. CapN

    Halo 3: Recon

    I don't want to wait until next Fall to play. It looks cool, and we don't play as Master Chief, so it's even cooler. -CapN
  6. CapN

    Done With Bzp

    ... IF U GOTZ A PROBLEM WIT MY OMI, UR GONNA HAV 2 GO THRU ME FIRST Omi, you're a Moderator. You're not supposed to have people love you all the time. That's why it's called tough love. You do things for the better. Don't take what a couple of kids who broke the rules seriously. See you then. -CapN
  7. What I found was a fake, a picture of an accident from someone else. What I found was proven fake by alot of news sites.

  8. No, but you're close.

  9. I started on my self MOC last night. I didn't get so far. I moved my Wii to my room with better connection, plus more SSBB time for me. YIPPEE KAY YAY -CapN
  10. CapN

    Moc Ideas.

    I've haven't been MOCing in awhile, I've been away, but I've been thinking alot. Some ideas are: -a self MOC -Toa of Iron -a vehicle -and Toa Nidhiki I could use s'more (lolz, I'm hungry now) ideas. -CapN
  11. Because it is not BZP's birthday and it is not meh bloggie's birthday. You will not sign the deed to your soul here infinitantly giving it to me: ________ Becuase it is not subliminal. This is not "SPARTAA!!!". This is not a hello. This is not -CapN
  12. Maybe back in the olden days, we didn't have your Internet computers watchy screens.

  13. CapN

    More Sneaks

    Holy crow! That thing rules! If I could only get one titan, it would definantly be Mazeka. -CapN
  14. CapN

    New Serials

    Oh, this is gonna be great! I would have never thought all of these guys would go up against the BoM. I wanna see how the new books turn out. I'm looking foward to 09 and it's not even 08! -CapN
  15. CapN

    The Omi Club

    But my club doesn't offer those. -Omi Only if it did. Think of the endless possibilities. j/k Now let's just throw nukes at each other all day! Now I'm just gonna hide in Denmark. YOU NUKE DENMARK YOU NUKE LEGO! -Darkrai
  16. CapN

    The Omi Club

    Sure, I'll join. Now all I want in the world is Mickey Mouse pants and a Sombrero. -Darkrai
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