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Sniper Jo

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Everything posted by Sniper Jo

  1. My main criticism of those reviews? They all- to an extent- seemed to be made with a reluctance to "understand" the subject matter, and insisted on following a formula. Case in point- "IT'S NOT CHRISTMAS SO IT SUCKS."
  2. Sniper Jo


    Needs moar 28 blank panels representing the downtime.
  3. For goodness sake, Gav.I can't think of MG as evil now.
  4. But Pikmin are cute. Thus, they are for little girls and anyone else must be trolling.
  5. Considering many of your recent blog posts, that's probably a good thing.
  6. For the first time in roughly a year, almost exactly 3 years since I started making comics... Newest Comic! 1) Cooking for twelve months (.png version- much smaller filesize) CreditDark709, Philbert, Zakitano and Gerlicky for the spritesThe International ComicContinuity for being hypocrites coolbros Tapika for being mai waifu Are you a BAD enough DUDE to rescue the PRESIDENT?I AM ERROR
  7. Oh look it's Aho. (hopesplode)

  8. These aren't bad. The only real criticism I have is that you tend to over-rely on gags based on MLP, rather than using Pinkie's personality to form your own jokes.
  9. I love Gurky's pose in that ICC portrait from the NukeVerse.
  10. I was kind of shocked when you said that until I remembered that you'd admitted liking Homestuck about 6 months ago.
  11. oh no simpluteoh noooooooooooooooBy the way, guys, the whole broken DISC thing has been being planned for about a year.
  12. Additionally, Pohuaki did say (whilst he was still a moderator) that the fictional counterparts of banned members could still be used in comics, so long as they represented the characters and not the members. Since Janus hasn't officially redacted that, I assume it still stands.(also that gun flash is pretty neat)
  13. Ireland isn't in Britain. Or, if you're talking about the Republic of Ireland, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. /pedantry
  14. You've got it wrong. Scotland and Wales are both in Britain, and as such are British accents. And there's hundreds of separate accents that could be identified as "English". (I'm not complaining that Americans can't identify individual accents from within England- heck, I can't most of the time- but leaving out Scotland and Wales from Britain is stupid.)On-Topic: So I'll be introduced through this? =D
  15. Hm,, I dunno. Being a pretty cool guy Englishmsn myself, I can't really see it happening. Unless you meant a Scottish accent....That's British too, isn't it?
  16. Wow, the exact same things happened twice? Must be an effect of the Noobiverse.
  17. No. The reason that Gerlicky uses bishade...*dons shades*Is because he's Gerlicky.YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH
  18. You're a recurring character, sort of like Gav, who I've featured in I think four-five comics to date...noooooI hate feeling insignificant. :[
  19. I loved the last two episodes. Especially the Atomic Rainboom.
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