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Status Updates posted by iPenguin

  1. But rakshi are cooler

  2. O.o

    Spit, what's that thing on Bulbasaur. The circle thingiemajjiggie.


    How I got my name:

    I used to be Axonn's twin brother. I left Voya - nui and set forth to comic island. When I moved there I became a Toa nuva! But Later on I became a matoran. That is how I was Toa Nuva Axonn. I ate the apple mac logo ( thinking it was a real apple) and became MACsonn

  4. hey Bohemian Rhapsody was epic so shhhhhhhhhhh

  5. I liek cheese

  6. Mihunai and Populas are staring over power you

  7. addemupuget34000

    GOT THAT!?!

  8. orite, you used to have a vahi once :P

  9. I made a comic. COuld you post?

  10. Because you acted mean to me at my sprite Kim Possible topic. So I can show that I'm not ***.

  11. BLAGGER.

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