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Everything posted by Zaxvo

  1. Zaxvo

    Preliminary Poll A

    [shameless self-voting]#2[/shameless self-voting] How many from each poll advance? -Z-
  2. Zaxvo

    Two Vorahks?

    XD. I think I'm the only one who did Helryx though. -Z-
  3. *Looks at Brickeens' and Legoman's entries* Great. I'm done now. Anyways, I'll give it a shot for the fun of it. Member Name: -Zaxvo- Entry Name: Toa Helryx Entry Pic: Here Gallery: Here Good luck all! -Z-
  4. Oh wait there's a BS01 contest? *feels clueless* Oh, that contest. and here I was going to enter, but this blows all my ideas out of the water. -Z-
  5. Zaxvo


    [Random]Look what I found in the BBC![/random] I had no idea about this whatsoever but I thought you'd like to know Oh, and personally, I think Kiina's pretty sweet. Stronius IMO is the best legends, then Kiina, and then Mata Nui. Next we have Ackar, then Gelu (who's behind Ackar only because of the ankle armor and the sword; all the legends are, IMO, really great, except for Vastus), and Vastus come last. he just looks really bad. -Z-
  6. Schweet! Thanks! I'll be a-taking pictures this weekend. -Z-
  7. Wait it has to be any official set? I thought it should just be a "fitting" conclusion set to BIONICLE...*shrug* oh well. -Z-
  8. Zaxvo

    Site Update

    We all love you Bink! (And Leah!) Personally, I want to thank both of you for the most awesome website ever...all 10 years. Unlike other sites, you guys stuck with the times, so as technology evolved, BIONICLE.com did too. It was quite the journey. So, again, Thank You. And the TeridaxVMataNui Images is the BOMB! I'm currently using it as my desktop image, its AWESOME. Oh, and you guys made the best decision ever when you hired Michael Dorn. The Mata Nui Saga is EPIC. -Z-
  9. Thank You Thank You Thank You. That was really deep, and I really don't know what to say. Thank You. -Z-
  10. Ditto. Personally, I kind of like them. And I certainly don't mind the more Sci-Fi approach this time 'round. -Z-
  11. Zaxvo

    Writers' Club

    I did two reivews: Muder from Within -- Jedi Gali Time Slip -- Takuma Nuva -Z-
  12. Life is Highway starts playing, and Lightning McQueen flies down the middle of the stage, like Samus's final smash, but bigger, and everyone he hits flies off. Eragon. -Z-
  13. Zaxvo


    The snowflake pieces were surprisingly useful. And the helmet is awesome. But yeah, other than those and the swords, he is pretty boring. then again, so are most of the newer BIONICLE sets. -Z-
  14. Everyone's face get's replaced by Bugs Bunny's, and then Elmer Fudd nails them all. Anakin Skywalker -Z-
  15. Can I make, say, 3 or 4 MOCs and put them in 1 entry? For example, Kopaka Mata, Onewa Metru, and Matau Hordika? And is this basically a "Make your own Stars" contest?/Can they be Stars style? -Z-
  16. Zaxvo


    You wrote this? It's really good. you ought to go pro. (I'm a poet and I didn't know it XD ) -Z-
  17. A MOB of obese couch potato fans mob the stage, knocking everybody off. Takuma Nuva -Z-
  18. A giant flood of antidermis floods the screen, causing Brutaka to transform into Super-Brutaka and kill everyone else, who's stunned from the antidermis. Bruce Lee -Z-
  19. Yup, we're not Mata Nui anymore Takuma. -Z-
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