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Everything posted by Zaxvo

  1. Zaxvo

    And More Is Here

    I saw the main character was an elf. WIN I saw it has magic. WIN I saw you've got mysterious powers related to animals. EPIC WIN. However, on the other side, it seems to me right now that you're following the beaten fantasy road: young guy learns magic/some ability, saves the world. The end. Please please please () stray away from that, change it up. (Please) But other than that, so far, so good. I didn't find any grammar errors, and you kept me captivated when I had a BIG project due the next day and wasn't even half-way done. Good job. I can't wait for the rest! -Z-
  2. Lemme know when it gets published. I'll totally buy it. It's that awesome. -Z-
  3. Zaxvo


    Went snowboarding for the first time last weekend. I woke up with matching bruises on the insides of my knees. That's how many times I fell on my knees. But IMO boarding>skiing. -Z-
  4. I'll be looking forward to that. *notices that Takuma refrained form commenting on Toast Buster: The Movie* When areyou going to update that? -Z-
  5. Ooh! Ooh! I gotta a title! How about Prisoners for Life? -Z-
  6. Zaxvo

    Fifa 10

    Soccer is the best sport EVER. I have the Wii Fifa 10, it's pretty cool. What system have you got it for? -Z-
  7. Zaxvo

    Toa Dekar W I P

    Pretty cool. I like. But wait. WHAR ARE DER LEGSIES? -Z-
  8. Gaah...I like NEVER get any responses to anything I build...not even from the oh-so-hopeful BBC Critics Club. so I cna't improve, so I'ms tuck in the rut of entering and failing, miserably. which makes me sad. Anyone want to help me out? (Organized Contest 1, Organized Contest 2) -Z-
  9. Zaxvo

    Headphone Glitch

    try fiddling around with the connection. If the cable snapped inside of the rubber/near the earbuds or something like that, that would probably produce a glitch to this effect. In short try fiddling around with the cable near the actual headphones themselves, near the port on your speakers/computer, everywhere. If that doesn't fix it, I don't know what will. -Z-
  10. Zaxvo

    9700 Posts

    Good luck, and congratulations. How do you post so much? -Z-
  11. How about av with the Kanohi Rua, Mask of Wisdom? -Z-
  12. On first glance, I was intrigued, ready to like the shoulders. But then I thought how thoroughly they would hamper ordinary arm movements, and I found myself pronouncing the verdict in my mind that that piece should never be used that way. It just doesn't work, in the final analysis. Agreed. Oh, and use white Bohrok eyes for toes. And, as has been said, flip the Bohrok eyes on the shoulders. Good luck! -Z-
  13. Ford Prefect shows up in a spaceship, Arthur Detn gets in, then Gianourmous Yellow SpaceshipBulldozers come and bulldoze all the floors of the stage except from some minor bits. Darth Bane -Z-
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