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Everything posted by Zaxvo

  1. Wow. I must say, this is very well done. It looks very sleek and it certainly resembles an actual elephant. One flaw that I can see lies in the joint between the leg and the body: it looks extremely feeble and out of place compared to the rest of the creation. And yes, I wouldn't be surprised if LEGO released a HF set named "Trunx"
  2. Zaxvo


    That made me think of something... why don't we see more video games that look like this? Two words: Skyward Sword. That's what it reminded me of. Because this is AWESOME.
  3. Toast Busters: The Movie? () And I agree with Gerlicky; people grow and change and etc....but what he says is what I hope for
  4. Read Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy or The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher if you're into urban fantasy -- those two series are the best examples of that genre I've ever found.
  5. I may not be on BZP much anymore, but I agree with everything you've said. Count me in.
  6. Zaxvo

    Monthly Update?

    I <3 that song. Iridescent's also quite good, look it up if you haven't heard it...
  7. Zaxvo

    It's A Girl :)

    Congratulations! I'd add more, but everything I would like to say has already been said, and I don't want to come off as a thoughtless copycat. Best wishes for a happy family!
  8. Zaxvo

    Book Review

    I think you'll like Stormbreaker [i think I was the one who originially suggested it way back when you were looking for suggestions]. It's a good book; the author is excellent at writing suspense and humor. Enjoy the books! *Looks up Term Limits*
  9. Well, apparently its a sort of prequel to Ocarina. I'd guess Wind Tribe.
  10. Zaxvo

    Link Is Left-handed

    There is no left-handed option. I'm left handed and I'm probably going to run into the same problem, but I have Sports Resort and I do the sword fighting right-handed. It's not too bad.
  11. 1) "Excuse me, I wanna drive." 2) Sounds cool. 3) Ooh, read Skulduggery Pleasant, by Derek Landy. It's a children's book, but its totally hilarious and really gripping. 4) Oh good. What about BBC CC, is that still going? Sorry I haven't reviewed much...my computer's been out for the past 4 or 5 weeks, I've lost count. I've barely had any time at all online, so yeah. No reviews. Sorry. My plans include writing all of Project Monthly, starting (and hopefully finishing/almost finishing) Legends of the Last Toa 2, and getting more bionicle sets.
  12. Red Steel standing by.
  13. @ Aperture: it depends...right now BBC CC seems to be dying...
  14. Ooh yay no discrimination at me. Woohoo! Music thing'd be cool. You could also have an Ask Takuma feature about Toast Busters, TNToran, etc. Video Game reviews/ramblings would be cool too.
  15. Zaxvo

    New Look

    Iron Man, Batman, or Jake Gylenhall (sp?) as Prince Dastan (From Prince of Persia). I like the post-apocalyptic skyline though.
  16. Agreed lol. You're one of the funniest three guys on BZP (The others being SPIRIT and Lewa0111).
  17. Zaxvo

    Bzp Wri Mo

    I'll judge or write, it doesn't matter to me. Meaning, if you don't need me to judge, I'll write. I also don't care about the kind of story: COT or BIONICLE, it doesn't matter. 20K sounds good to me. I always got intimidated by the 50K.
  18. I watched a few months back died of laughter.
  19. Congratulations! I can't wait to read your stuff!
  20. Zaxvo

    Sizzle And Steak

    Well said Greg. Well said. I'm not really sure where I stand in the debate. I enjoyed the Mata Nui saga, but when we moved to Metru Nui, I enjoyed that even more. ToM raised a good point about the environments--they set us up, and then we never heard about them again. Wrinkeldon X's also raised a good point about the tone/diction used, and I agree with that too. However, in the end, I'm enjoyed BIONICLE and I enjoyed how it ended. I enjoyed where it went, and I enjoyed where it came from...I never really disliked something. Yes it could have been better (what can't?) but it was an amazing ride the way it happened. Thank you Greg.
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