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-Dr. Horrible-

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Blog Comments posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. Not sure if that entry will be accepted ~Konta~,

    according to this rule:

    6. You may only enter ONE creation. This creation may have accessories and the like, but these must attatch to the main creation in some manner.


    Correct, you may remove the smaller humanoid and then re-enter. As it stands now though the entry will not be accepted.





    Thanks for letting me re-enter....


    Entry name: Meta-Ridley

    Entry Pic: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/CapnN/Squir...ley/reentry.jpg

    Entry Gallery: http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=199307

    Entry Topic:http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=300632



  2. The violence isn't the only thing that's turning me off...



    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Well, then there's Dr. Manhattan's... anti-cloth protest... >.>


    ...And the whole Nite Owl II and Silk Spectre II... <.<


    ...And the Comedian and Silk Spectre... >.<


    Of course, in the novel, they used the clever Adam-and-Eve styled "conveniently placed props/animals/bushes" for most of the above.


    But not in the movie.


    ...I blame Zack Snyder.


    Oh, and don't forget the extremely small vocabulary of the Comedian's. The only word he knows begins with an "F"...


    The actor even asked for more cussing in the script...

    ^Above dicreetly states the rest of the disagreeable content. If it is too profoundly suggestive, please say so.^


    That's where ClearPlay filtering comes in.


    That thing can edit any undesirable content from a movie...


    ...Except terrible plotlines, or lack thereof...




  3. Stay out of the way of stuff? Pull a Metal Gear Solid on the whole situation? Really, I don't really know, having never played the game (though I want to SO BAD).

    Yep. Once Samus is shot down, she also loses her suit. (Why she took it off while still in hostile territory still escapes me). Now all she has is her Zero suit and a stun gun that requires charging.


    And somehow you infiltrate the WHOLE SPACE PIRATE MOTHERSHIP with only the gun.


    It's been a while since I've played it, and I've lost the game itself.


    So I'm afraid I can't help you, Czar.


    BTW, I STILL dream of building a Technic Ridley. I've already built a chibi Samus and Space Pirate Militia unit.




  4. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Not unless the hieroglyphs have been translated...


    Two things:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    -The wall Ben used to summon Cerebus on the mercenaries had hieroglyphics on it as well.

    -Locke was also pulled into a hole in the ground by the monster, but Jack and Kate threw dynamite down the hole, causing it to let go.

    -The monster reads the minds of intruders, then shapeshifts into what they fear most.

    -On the Blast Door map are several "CV"'s. Possibly stands for "Cerebus vents" (Cerebus is name of smoke monster)

    -Cerebus could consist of nanobots, which is why it would be a shapeless mass that can form into anything.

    -People who are dead and appear on the island are usually forms of Cerebus. Except Christian Shephard when he's in the cabin. When we first saw him, he neither interacted nor spoke, and even led Jack off a cliff. This causes me to think that was Cerebus, because it is theoretically a DHARMA defensive gone wrong.

    -When something/someone dead appears on the island they are usually wearing black (i.e. Chris Shephard in the suit, Eko's Bro, Danielle's husband) or are black (Kate's horse)
    •This could mean they are Cerebus, considering it is also black.

    -Ben was leader of the island when he summoned the monster, therefore Locke could probably do the same (Not that that will happen now.)

    - As far as I know, when Locke was pulled down the hole, there wasn't a large structure above it.

    -The spiders that killed Nikki and Paulo may have been Cerebus as well. If you increase the audio when it shows it biting them, you can here the faint chattering noise of the monster.

    -The chattering is similar to the noise made by the printer Locke was working with in the flashback with him in his office way back in season 1.

    Yeah... That's a lot of info about the Smoke Monster... :B

    Some of it I learned from a LOST Wiki.

    BTW, Here is a clear picture of the blast door map and the text on it. (Note the CV's as stated above)

    EDIT: BBCode hates me.

  5. Isn't today the last day? If so, I need to get those pics on fast...



    Does it count as spoilers if there are sideways 1x4 plates on top of two engines?


    What I mean is, they kinda look like spoilers.


    If that won't fit, I guess I'll have to add wings/fins somewhere.




    It sounds ok, but I'd really need a picture to make sure.




    I think you're going to need some different fins/spoiler. If you don't get it in by the deadline, I'll give you a little more time to put in your entry.


    What if I added a 1x2 jet engine to the underside of the engine in said picture?


  6. Isn't today the last day? If so, I need to get those pics on fast...



    Does it count as spoilers if there are sideways 1x4 plates on top of two engines?


    What I mean is, they kinda look like spoilers.


    If that won't fit, I guess I'll have to add wings/fins somewhere.




    It sounds ok, but I'd really need a picture to make sure.














    Man, he looked nasty when he had that hair.



    Yeah, I know. I agree.


    When I first saw the pilot (I jumped on the LOST wagon around season 2) I was amazed at it's hideocity.


    But I chose that pic cuz that's the scene when he shot the bear.


    That scene was one of my favorites.


    But not the hair.


    Speaking of Sawyer and bears:


    "You taste like strawberries"


    "You taste like fish-biscuits"






  8. Just forget those resolutions you,

    Know that you are never gonna do,

    And adopt a more realistical view,

    By committing to things that come easily to you,

    Like eat at least one Value Meal a week,

    Or put the correct shoes on the correct feet,

    Just raise the bar to walk effortlessly underneath...

    -Rhett and Link


    This totally broke the laughter chain. >:D


    Also, I'm typing this on my Wii... which also means I had to type out all the BB Code.




  9. Of course it's bigger than Mata Nui.




    Or rather, to answer the GS fuss, what was a GS.


    That's why Greg says there is only one GS. The other(s) are either inactive, currently being constructed, or dead/destroyed.


    And it doesn't matter if it's bigger than MN, because the only returning character from the MU can alter his form's size.


    So really, I don't know why any of the scale matters at all.




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