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-Dr. Horrible-

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Blog Comments posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Stop talking Gebberish and just stop talking,

    Stop talking Gebberish and just stop talking,

    Stop talking Gebberish and just stop talking now!

    If I had one wish,

    Well I don't know what I'd wish for.

    But if I had a million-zillon wishes,

    I'd use one to let you know that gibberish is,

    not a nice way to talk to all your friends.

    -Gibberish, by Relient K

    *walks off sucking on lemon-flavored trophy*



    Because Lady Kopaka (Lady Kopaka)

    Ate my good friend (ate my good friend)

    Konta consumed her prize

    And he may do it again

    Lady Kopaka (Lady Kopaka)

    Ate my good friend (ate my good friend)

    He gave a spoiler-tag of proof

    Now watch the rhymes begin

  2. Grammer is fun... I really do not understand why so many people hate it...


    C'mon people, it's fun! :P

    Yes, but you might not take...The Shurley Method...*shudders*

    It is made for first grade, yet somehow the sixth grade does it.

    What's worse is the jingle with no way of rhyming or beat.

    "A sentence,sentence,sentence is complete,complete,complete when five simple words it

    meets,meets,meets! Add a subject,subject,subject with a verb,verb,verb, it makes sense,sense,sense

    with every word,word,word! Add a capital letter-letter and an end mark-mark! Now we're finished and

    aren't we smart?"(No!) "We've got a sentence with all it's parts!"

    yeah. Just plain creepy.


    *Shudders more*


  3. Mozart's awesomer. :P


    While I am glad that you like Mozart, Beethoven is clearly the better composer.

    I demand a CHALLENGE!!!

    IPB Image

    Stinkoman can never stand against...

    RELIENT K!!!!

    IPB Image


    For classical lovers, Beethoven's ok. For rock lovers, Relint K is Awesome.

    But for insane wackos, Fergilicious is just perfect for you guys.



  4. Ellipses...who can resist them?

    I can!! I have the cure! I am not ready to use Ellipses!

    *Chokes Carapar* And no, Carapar can not stop me.

    *force chokes the other Barraki* Nor the other Barraki!


    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    I no longer have digital Ellipses


    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    I no longer have digital Ellipses

    *Chokes Carapar again*



    *Carapar, indignant, uses the last of his strength to send 500 squids hurtling at you.*


    *Armed with ellipses.* :P

    *pretends to be slapped, satisfying Turakii and Carapar*

    *Uses cure*

    *eats pie*


  5. ...Because,*oh-oh-oh-oh*

    Melnay 'Genta,

    She ate Turakii!*She ate Turakii*

    Magenta consumed her mind,

    and it may do it again...


    Turakii's been eaten! by her little sister! Relient K says so!


    Magenta. The invert of dark green. It's evil!EEEEEEEEVVVVVVIIIIIILLLLL---luh!


    Happy V-day!

  6. Wow, Turakii. For the longest time I thought you went boom or something, as I had not seen any sign of you ever since Jan. 30.

    Anyways, Those games youve played, I've never heard of. Except for the Lego ones. But alas, I've never played Halo either, as I am a Nintendo fan. Metroid Prime is good enough for me. And I bet you people like Ang Nid know what I'm talking about.



    Rock on, Samus. Rock on.(She's the one in my av.)


  7. I know exactly how you feel. Everytime I try to shoot it it goes straight down. However you should check the "Squid Ammo" video on Bionicle.com. It might help.


    ~Lt. Torhuki~

    Yeah, but I've seen it. It basically tells what she just said. Also in the movie, the squids fly magically straight.Perfectly.Straight.


    I'm homeschooled, too,

    See, Turakii? You even said you were homeschooled. :P

    BTW,Turakii, did you get Takadox? If so, I'll be posting an Barraki-combiner that you could build. It's awesome.




    Well, I am. :P


    Nope, no Takadox yet. Do you have him?

  8. I believe this is one of the few appropiate times to actually say;


    O Rly?

    o rly?

    Ya Rly!


    Yeah... That last one better be fighting. But if it's not, and it's what I think they're "doing wrong", then you have a twistedsense of humor, Exo. :P But seriously, that's kinda very sickening.


    ~Konta :???:

  9. I shall now release the cure!

    For Turakii: You're already cured, remember? I said for you to read that PM for you to be cured, and it worked! Those "..."'s up in your subtitles are not real Ellipses. They're all from your imagination.

    For members other than Turakii and Po:

    Repeat aloud the bold sentence:

    I no longer have digital Ellipses


    For Po:

    Exile yourself from Mongooses for 70 years.

    Good luck, Po. :P

    No. Po must stop eating bacon for a week to be cured.


    ~Dr. Konta

  10. Well, duh! Your friend threw a stick at it! Watcha' exspect :P It give you a nice cake or something? :P


    Anyway, Writing a story called "Squirl Wars"? Interesting! Never heard of anybody doing that before! I was going to wright a story called "School Wars"... then I never got around to it. Then I tried making a game... Uh-uh! Now Im just going to make a Flash movie :P


    IPB Image

    You commented in my blog! First! you get a prize.here. It's a sneek peak at one of my new MOCs. Enjoy!


    I'm on Chapter twelve now of the Squirrel War!!


    Merry Christmas,


  11. Samus, any day.


    Grapple beam

    Light beam

    Dark beam

    Annihilator beam(watch out for this one)

    Phazon beam

    plasma beam

    hyper beam


    super missiles

    wide beam

    wave beam

    ice missiles

    diffusion missiles

    power beam

    sonic boom



    super ice missiles


    ice spreader

    wave charge combo


    Volt driver




    Shock Coil

    power bombs

    morph ball bombs

    morph ball

    gravity boost

    boost ball


    space jump

    speed booster


    charge beam

    spider ball


    Command visor-- she can bomb Chief with her ship, or dive bomb. Who cares.


    Dark visor

    echo visor

    x-ray visor

    scan visor

    combat visor

    thermal visor


    Phazon suit

    gravity suit

    varia suit

    power suit

    A lotta weapons, who wants to name all of the chief's?

    TOTALLY! Samus would definetly beat the stuffing out of Master Chief. Though I don't think she can switch beetween suits, but your right about how the suit's capabilities layer on one another. She could probably vaporize him with screw attack, just as long as he doesn't dodge it. Who knows, maybe they'd fall in love and... let's not go into that stuff.


    And they aren't cyborg, they just wear futuristic armor like the clone troopers and storm troopers in Star

    Wars.(Samus' armor is actually sugically attached to her spine & stuff, but she can telepathically take it off or something. Though, that still doesn't make her a cyborg. Cyborgs are living things needing mechanical assistance to survive.)

  12. Well, I've always LOVED!!!!! Milk. Especially Skim! I can never have cake without washing down all that rich, sugary icing down with some Skim. Chocolate Milk is on the same level with Skim. I always drink too much milk every now and then. Waaaaaaaay too much. Y'know, I'll have some rich, chocolate ovaltine right now!












    .. l....................l

    In a LoTR Goblet from Burger King!


    And the great Lyger agrees with me!



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