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-Dr. Horrible-

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Blog Comments posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. Yeah, I know... >.>



    It actually isn't too painful as long as you are wearing a light down-stuffed vest under a heavy down-stuffed coat, as I was.



    And for some reason, the inside of my knuckles ache and get itchy whenever exposed to the cold... It's weird...



    At least that night is over with.





  2. Yay! My bro is home too!


    How far away from Cedarville are you?


    By the way, what ever happened to that sale of parts?

    And if you happen to have a Photok mask, or any other orange parts in the lot, I'll claim dibs.





  3. Lagomorph is the group of animals that bunnies and hares belong to right?


    Ha....nice song. Random. Could use a little work though. :P



    We exist together now, two corpses in one grave-in response to the little phrase below your blog title.


    By the way, I have no idea on what the title means...

    1) Yes.


    2) I didn't write it.


    3) Gravemind was meh in H3.


    4) Bionicle Based C[/i]reations. It's a contest that's going on now in the BBC subforum.



    About 4) I meant "The Aperture Science Enrichment Centre"

    The Aperture Science Enrichment Center is from Portal, which one many, many Game-Of-2007 awards. It's awesome.

    Tell me you're not entering. D=



    I may.



    In that case, enter Clear Sky. Say the song is "Blue Skies".


    I got that idea when I heard my mom singing it.


    I, for one, will probably do something from Cake or Coldplay.


    I want a girl with the right allocations,

    Who is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack...



    I'm making something new.


    How are you gonna pull that song off? O_o



    Simple; Build Samus. :P

    That song always reminds me of her.


    Naw, I'm probably gonna do another song.




  4. Lagomorph is the group of animals that bunnies and hares belong to right?


    Ha....nice song. Random. Could use a little work though. :P



    We exist together now, two corpses in one grave-in response to the little phrase below your blog title.


    By the way, I have no idea on what the title means...

    1) Yes.


    2) I didn't write it.


    3) Gravemind was meh in H3.


    4) Bionicle Based C[/i]reations. It's a contest that's going on now in the BBC subforum.



    About 4) I meant "The Aperture Science Enrichment Centre"

    The Aperture Science Enrichment Center is from Portal, which one many, many Game-Of-2007 awards. It's awesome.

    Tell me you're not entering. D=



    I may.



    In that case, enter Clear Sky. Say the song is "Blue Skies".


    I got that idea when I heard my mom singing it.


    I, for one, will probably do something from Cake or Coldplay.


    I want a girl with the right allocations,

    Who is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack...



  5. PC; and those commercials annoy me to no end.





    Had voting still gone on, I would've chosen Mac.


    Because there's nothing wrong with simplicity, or the fact that their computers are combined tower-and-monitor...


    ...Which Dell, Toshiba, etc have STILL not figured out.


    Only once have I ever seen an I-Mac tower.




  6. In the end, self-awareness is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us.


    Kudos to you for allowing yourself to admit truths instead of fears.


    For good or bad, being true to yourself, and allowing yourself to admit that truth to yourself is liberating.


    Be and feel loved, Joe.


    Because in the end, that's all that matters.


    Inappropriate content removed. -B6







    And Kex said it would come really soon. I'm starting to wonder if he was being sarcastic.


    C'mon, guys. Tufi? Kex? Can I get a reason why it's not posted yet? Please?




  8. It's a TV channel :P

    can ya dumb it down a little




    it reads your blog




    whaddaya know




    Why do I get the feeling that, after reading those entries, that Sunburst, Biomech, you (Dok), and I are the only people on BZP who watch that show?


    Seriously, guys.




    I don't watch it as often as I would like, with homework and all that bleh.



    Lol, I hope Clark starts wearing the costume after the latest episode.


    Of course that'll confuse Jimmy, but still...




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