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-Dr. Horrible-

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Everything posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. I dunno. It seems like with all the MOCists there they could've put our MOCs in decent poses. It's a conspiracy, I say... >_> BtB Especially considering her entry was right next to yours... ... I wish I had gone to Brickfair... ;-; ~Konta~
  2. ONE. I HAVE ONE PURPLE PIECE. I'm gonna make a pedastal to put it on. AND SEND IT TO BRICKFAIR. ~Konta~
  3. umwat Going nowhere? Just how far did you watch? I thought it was amazing and compelling. BtB Season finale of season 3. I put up with the slow pase of the first two seasons, but I got fed up with it eventually. Although I did like the part where the guy hit those dudes on the beach with the truck... Hurley FTW. BtB I love how Sayid snaps the guy's neck in between his legs. Oh, and if you liked season 3, just wait for season 4. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «*wubs Faraday* Also, have you noticed how some characters get introduced at the beginning of a season only to get killed off by the end of the season? I myself have been catching up with season 1. Pilot episode FTW. And a reference to Finding Nemo. ~Konta~
  4. QFT. BtB Seriously, it's about time you people start getting it... Corn-chips are no place for a mighty warrior! LATHE'D! I have seen about every single toon on that site. ...Which is kinda creepy... ~Konta~
  5. ...Says the guy with 3352 posts... That sounds like something to do when reeeaaaallllyyy bored. ... I'LL TRY IT!!! ~Konta~
  6. Lucius Hunt. It fits your theme. ...LUCIUS HUNT! ~Konta~
  7. It's not much, but... Entry Name: Lady of the Water Entry Pic:http://www.majhost.com/gallery/CapnN/Squir...trypicfinal.jpg Entry Gallery: http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=183681 Entry Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=295366 No, not a mermaid. This is a mutant fish-lady. ~Konta~

    Blargle-Shnargle, I threw off your formatting...



  9. -Dr. Horrible-


    *Looks at pics* Hmmm.... ONE thing I hate about these. ONE thing that will kill the sets. ONE THING. I personally don't like them, because of said thing. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Do you want to know what that thing is? It's the--*sniped by Shine* ~Konta~
  10. PhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelps -gasp, hurricane!- PhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelps -oh, look, bigfoot hoax- PhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelpsPhelps..... -My impression of the Media ~Konta~
  11. Won't download for me. Tried numerous times already at D-Exo's urging. *sigh*
  12. QFT. *goes to post two more topics in BBC* OM-NOM-NOM-NOM-INATION. ~KONTA~
  13. That is, if you knew what he looks like.

  14. Err... ..Is it supposed to be a female Maxilos? Nope. I can't help but think of that when I see those shoulder pads used there. I knew people would say that. Make the "lights" on the mask blue. trans-red clashes, IMO. Can't. I'm only allowed two colors. P.S. APPROVE'D!! You got the special Brawler's stamp o' approval. Thanks! P.P.S. Do you have an online SSBB account? I Brawl via Wi-fi, if that's what you mean. ~Konta~
  15. 0.o

    You go to my brothers college.

    ...AND your in the same grade...


  16. -Dr. Horrible-

    Wip Entry

    comment updated. -Konta-
  17. *snipes Letagi and steals canon and fires at Phelps* That makes everyone happy. ...except Letagi... DOWN WITH FISH MAN!!! -Konta-
  18. Yes, but that's not all. My entry's topic is dying. HORRIBLY. ;_; ~Konta~
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