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-Dr. Horrible-

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Everything posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. Just in time! Entry name: Phazon mutations Entry Pic: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/CapnN/Squir...0/entrypic2.jpg Entry topic: none yet. Entry Gallery: http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=182970 Thanks, ~Konta~
  2. Good luck, cuz the entry entry is closed. ~Konta~
  3. Easter time; instead of, say, Christmas time. -? I meant Eastern That way I only have to stay up until ten, rather than midnight Wait, so you meant last midnight? Serious? I just finished taking pics. >.< ~Konta~
  4. Err...

    ... Do I know you?


  5. I didn't get to see it... Unfortunately, Bourne Supremacy was on at the same time, and I wanted to see that. Oh well, I bet it'll be taped somewhere on TV/internet. Ooh, Japan and America are competing in Volleyball right now. America:22 Japan:19 ~Konta~
  6. Cerebellus. Combination of Cerebellum and Cerebus. (Cerebus was the three-headed dog that guarded Hades in Greek mythology.) ~Konta~
  7. Gimme a GC controller and I'll be happy. Something normal. -SZ- The only difference between the two is that the Wiimote doesn't have a C-analog stick and it's separated in to two controllers connected by a wire. Do you have the Wii connected to an internet source? Could you? If so, you could play someone online. If you actually owned that Wii and SSBB, I would give you my special Brawler's approval stamp. I got Brawl the day it came out, and researched it daily before then. I have all characters and stages unlocked, and I've designed maybe 30-40 stages. I <3 Brawl. ~Konta~ No internetz for me.
  8. -Dr. Horrible-


    SO TRUE YES BtB QFT. Like Hahli... Because mustaches look soooooo much better on females. [/sarcasm] S~K Mahri, mind you. Even when she was a matoran, she didn't have a mustache. ~Konta~
  9. *Stands at edge of stage, fires Zero Laser at everyone* ~Konta~ *places bar with Mantax and Mr. T inside on stage* *Chuck Norris walks into bar, bar explodes due to unearthly amount of Awesome, Chuck becomes sole survivor* ~Konta~ *gets in landmaster, then mows down konta* *holds Wooper hostage* *Wonders how you can hold someone hostage when you just got ran over by a tank, then runs up to konta, kicks him in balls, then steals wooper back.* *feeble position while moaning in pain, somehow summoning an army of ninja llamas*
  10. *Stands at edge of stage, fires Zero Laser at everyone* ~Konta~ *places bar with Mantax and Mr. T inside on stage* *Chuck Norris walks into bar, bar explodes due to unearthly amount of Awesome, Chuck becomes sole survivor* ~Konta~ *gets in landmaster, then mows down konta* *holds Wooper hostage*
  11. -Dr. Horrible-


    SO TRUE YES BtB QFT. Like Hahli...
  12. -Dr. Horrible-


    QFT. I think that's what I said in a topic like that. ~Konta~
  13. They are from the Manas crabs. ~GBG~ Oooorrr the actual Muaka set. ~Konta~
  14. It's okay, neither do I... Wait, is that the Nicholas Cage movie? It had a somewhat dull ending, but an amazing plot twist right before. In other words, I think you should see it. Despite the fact you weren't asking me. ~Konta~
  16. *Stands at edge of stage, fires Zero Laser at everyone* ~Konta~ *places bar with Mantax and Mr. T inside on stage* *Chuck Norris walks into bar, bar explodes due to unearthly amount of Awesome, Chuck becomes sole survivor* ~Konta~
  17. *Stands at edge of stage, fires Zero Laser at everyone* ~Konta~
  18. I meant commented. Also, why wouldn't we be? ~Konta~
  19. Or we could boycott his blog. Seriously, I will alert every member that has visited your blog within the past 20 days. REVENGE! ~Konta~
  20. Good. You admit I was pestering.



  21. I didn't even think you were going to have a picture. I'll try and mess around with that in Photoshop. Inverting the picture makes it easier to see Kopaka. ~Konta~
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