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-Dr. Horrible-

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Everything posted by -Dr. Horrible-

  1. Green: #3 Orange: #1 Blue: #1 Purple: #4 Red: #2 I'm voting for the ones that are good, but won't be voted for because there's a better MOC. (Above statement excludes my MOC.) Good luck to all! ~Konta~
  2. Can you brawl right now? Or do you have homework?

    If the latter, I apologize.


  3. *changes name to "Bundalings the Bunny"* *Is shunned and hated by Bunda because I have to wait 90 days to change my name* ~Konta~
  4. -Dr. Horrible-


  5. Wow... Last night I dreamt you posted the polls. 0_o o_0 HAHA IZ UPSIDE DOWN! ~Konta~
  6. HOW DOES MATTHEW FOX DO?!?!?!?! That's all I really care about. He's awesome. I <3 Jack. ~Konta~
  7. -Dr. Horrible-


    Ha, reminds me of my brother's beloved Spiderman ring. He also lost is forever... Till I found it hidden in a crevice of the car. I ran into the school's auditorium where he was in musical/play rehersal. The moment he saw it, he snatched it from my had as fast as possible, then proceeded to hug me. It was a little bit scary how happy he was. ~Konta~
  8. Re: Smeagol4


    Pretty [confused] photograph.

    Bleh, bad/corny joke. >


  9. -Dr. Horrible-


    Similar. Not the same, considering -some of- the guys in Brock were lacking pants... 0______________________________________o Not my brother, thankfully. ~Konta~
  10. -Dr. Horrible-


    I don't have power, either. In fact, I'm typing this from a mexican resturaunt. Free Wi-Fi FTW. My brother says that things were rather insane in his dorm (Brock, aka the Jock Dorm). Guys were running around in the dark, playing a game kinda like hide and seek. They would run around with plastic bats looking for the person hiding. Then they would beat the person "it" with the bats when they found him. Thankfully my brother was sane enough to only watch the commotion. Good to know power was restored. ~Konta~
  11. I heard you have no electricity at Cedarville. Good luck!

    (of course, by the time you're reading this you must have already found a generator or something.)


  12. I thought you were in West Virginia! Well... maybe the shipping wont be so bad... >.> <.< ~Konta~
  13. Hmmm... I could send my Omega Pirate for several reasons: 1. Arpy lives in a bordering state to mine. 2. I think my MOC deserved a little more attention. 3. I need it off my building desk, it takes up too much room. Also Arpy, do you know how much shipping would cost from me to you? You should still have my adress in that PM from BBC 47. Only thing that is preventing me from sending it is: 1. My small amount of money. 2. The risk of lost pieces. ~Konta~
  14. 0________________________________________o ~Konta~
  15. Now that you've brought up bad grammar... :-P Lol How is that bad grammar? It's possessive. BtB Remember what Strong Bad said? "Oh... If it's supposed to possesive, It's just I-T-S! But if it's supposed to be a contraction, Then it's I-T-'-S. Scalawag." My work here is done. ~Konta~
  16. Bunda, you need to change your name to one of the following: 1. Swink-Da-Wink 2. Swinky-Dink NAO. ~Konta~
  17. -Dr. Horrible-

    I Need...

    You need... ...To accept my friend request on MLN... ...SEND ME STUFFS NAO please! KTHXBAI. ~Konta~
  18. *ahem* BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! -DOOSH- ~Konta~
  19. GRAAAHH!!! I AM INSANE WITH ANGER!!! GAAHH!!! Signs FTW. ~Konta~
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