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Status Updates posted by Jiigoo

  1. Considering your blog is called "8-Bit somethingorother," have you heard of Mario Paint Composer? It's probably the most awesome program of all time.

  2. D:

    Lol at your comment on my profile. :P

  3. Dangit!

    I meant to say, "ITS MIE BOKS."

    I misspelled "its" DX


    Someone beat me to it. :P

    Happy new year, Kothra!

  5. Dok?


    this cannot be...

    B-b-b-but then... that means... you can't throw Bert the disk at me anymore!


    It's been epic, Llama Llama Dok.

  6. Don't you mean you take rock and cut off the 'C'? :P

  7. dood noice

    Where'd you live in Thailand when you moved there?



    sleeping is awesome though D:

  8. Dood.

    Explod. Ftw.

    also nice robot thing

  9. DOOD.

    i just lost the game

  10. dude go join WJH again

  11. Dude, your sig/banner is so epic that I nearly dyed...

    my hair pink

    (it also made me lose the Game, too :P)

  12. DUDE!

    I love the dramatic chipmunk video that you have in your av. I like the actual video with the music better, but still, the chipmunk is awesome.


  13. Dude.

    Epic blog name just won the Internets.

    Because it will be the deadly revenge. The deadly revenge of deadly vengeance!


  14. DUDE.

    I actually saw a sign exactly like the one in your personal pic in a candy store once.


  15. Dude.

    I like your sig.

  16. DUDE.

    Mangosteens are amazingly awesome. They were my favorite food when I was little :P

    Also, hi.

  17. Dude.

    Nice personal photo. :D

  18. DUDE.

    The song(VLV) in your sig is awesome.

    Basically what F!ghty just said. :P

    Also, hi.

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