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Status Updates posted by Jiigoo

  1. heyheyhey


    you wanna come back to BZP?



  2. Holy llama.

    Your av and Personal photo are both epic. :P

  3. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck norris?


  4. I actually don't know where they came from. My mom bought them somewhere when I was at a piano lesson, and I never got around to asking her. :P

  5. I actually have a box of chocolates can Turin Chocolates (I don't know why its called that). THEY WILL KILL YOU


  6. I am a very busy person (not really, but you know... :P).

  7. i am interested in your interests

  8. I cannot grasp the concept of your banner.


    cant decide if its a bunny or something else



  9. I demand that you post in my "The Jiigoo Kit" topic.

    Or I'll FIRE my LAZOR at someone.


  10. I dunno, my pic is just a saying that I used to say a lot....

    Also, hi. =p

  11. I dunno.


    But was there like an aquarium in the zoo? Else, how wuold you see them? :P

  12. I have a lot of computer games... XD

    But I barely play them any more, since I just got a new computer and I don't want to waste time installing them :P

    But some of my favorites are:

    Age of Mythology (YES)

    Battle for Middle Earth (all of them)


    GLory of the Roman Empire

    Sims (meh...)

    Eragon (again, meh...)

    Carnivores ( very old, but addicting gam

  13. I just had a can of mangosteen juice froman Asian Oriental food store today.

    And I drank it all. >:D

  14. I like the GLaDos quote in your sig. Isn't that from the game Portal or something? I forgot :P

  15. I like your name.

  16. I love your name. :P

    Its so...Chunky! :P

  17. I love your personal statement.

  18. I loved the Children of Hurin book. It is one of Tolkien's works, so it has to be good. :P

    Also, I noticed you like the game ROTWK. That game is epic. :P

  19. I lurked (lol) once or twice, I believe, to check on some stuffs like the old comic forum. I must say, the comic forum isn't as exciting as it was when I first saw it. D:

  20. I might just draw a Jiigoo drawing sometime during my spring break, also. With like a bazooka or something, seeing as your Kothra drawing has a gun/blaster thing. :D

  21. I partially cleared out my inbox, so now I have a bit more room. :D

  22. I personally like the Banana Split name best, dude.

  23. i r in California atm, so I might not be very active for the next couple of days(spring break :D )

    I might join you Kalarii peoplez sometime.

    Nice Kothra drawing, too.

  24. I though it was "Tish isn't spam, tish ish a religion."

    *poins at personal pic*


    Also, what NR said.

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