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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Necro

  1. Dunno, just guessing around; never been a scout of any type...well except for that time I would go out in front to scout around corn mazes...
  2. Necro


    Pet Bazooka pawns ferret! Can you fire a rocket to blow up the house of that guy who took your parking space with a ferret? I didn't think so. Also, why do I have a feeling even if I IP-tracked the BZP hacker, got him arrested, then won three AC's(All of which highly unlikely at the moment), I still wouldn't be added to the "Greats of BZP" list?
  3. Necro

    Metroid Prime 3

    Yes it is. ^^ Stuck on the Pirate homeworld... ><
  4. Necro


    Lucky...where I live it's 60 degrees, and yesterday I actually had to wear a t-shirt...we're never going to get snow... >< Glad to hear your enjoying yourself. Wish I could get away from my family...
  5. Yup. Congrats! Just hope it's not at your house or, no offense, your father may ruin things. ><
  6. Stupid server cutting me off. >

    "She turned me into a newt!"

    "A newt?"


    "I got better."

  7. Can't locate them, maybe they're in more abundance in England than America. =P I heard on the new season of Doctor Who they're getting a new doctor to replace the current one who gave a spoiler on TV that they were unhappy with. Has that season premiered yet?


    Err, I saw it when I was 10, don't remember any quotes. So I'll take a different film I guess.


  8. ""This will save Elizabeth?"

    "How much do you know about Davy Jones?"

    "Not much."


    "Then yes, it will."

  9. Err, wow. Bald, zombie Britney. Still, I wonder how her kids will cope growing up with America's #1 but of jokes.
  10. Want...to...see...movie...so bad... >< Sweet. Your not the only one who enjoys getting away; I spent two hours at my cousins playign with a guitar amp I was thinking about getting. The only thing of mine I brought was my guitar, but getting away from my family and doing something I enjoy with someone I don't see much who also enjoys it was bliss. ^^ So yes, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed those two hours.
  11. It's from Heroes season 1, when Hiro is taking Kensei's Katana from Lindermans collection.


    "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" *Dramatic music stab*

  12. "This button will set off an alarm that the security force has been instructed to drop whatever they're doing and come here when they hear it."


  13. Well, at least once the format wars are over and theres a clear winner, you'll be able to get much higher quality video.
  14. oo Want...brother...to get off his lazy a** and stop saying he'll buy a PS3 and actually get it since he has the money and it plays blu-rays...
  15. The humor in these is always fun, but Scrat is part of what makes the drive worthwhile. ^^ Or in your case the walk to insert the DVD. @DT(Or PG, whichever you prefer,): Same here. Stuff is always more fun(Yet more expensive... ><) @Cap'n Laugh'n: Woot!
  16. XD Yes.

    "What use is a chest if we don't have the implement to open sed chest?"

    "...Aye, so were going after the key?"


    "Your not making any sense at all mate."

  17. XD Working on expanding it. Trust me, I could've been MUCH more descriptive about everything on there; just didn't realize just how gigantic yours is. =P

  18. Necro

    New Bionicle Year

    Meh, I liked the Nuva revamps(Except Pohatu's orange-ness and the red piece in Kopaka's mask,), but I'm still wondering where the Tahu, Onua and Gali revamps are. As for the story, on the back of the last issue, methinks it said something about 08' being the final saga, so I have a feeling we can expect a lot of tension.
  19. Necro


    Well, at least Macworlds this month...should get a look at the new Macs at the Stevenote...
  20. XD Did you see World of Warcraft got Mr. T and Shatner to be on the ads?

  21. Necro


    Well, if your anywhere near Virginia, I'd definitely recommend swinging by there with that thing. As I said, you probably need a new system if it's designers don't know whats wrong.
  22. That was a fun episode. Dave seemed to be out of practice and not as funny as usual though. >< But Robin Williams made up for it. ^^
  23. Necro


    Weird. Where do ya live? If your on the east coast, go to the Applestore in Towson, Virginia. Saw a vid of it's unveiling on that video site the forums censor, turns out that, since it was the first Applestore, behind the Genius bar, if they can't solve your problems, they have a hotline leading to Apple main offices in Cupertino California. If the designers of the iMac your using can't solve the problem, then thats either one seriously badly beaten up iMac, or it's a PC.
  24. Necro


    Meh, I've got a poster or two, mainly freebies I got with movie tickets and game pre-reserves, plus my wall calender, but that mass of pure white is just so...annoying. ><
  25. You'll still have to beat me soon EW. ;P

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