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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Necro

  1. Necro


    Weird. How old is it? What model? What brand? Can I make a few suggestions? Also, to ease the suffering;
  2. Necro


    Still stuck with "Hospital white" here. Really want to repaint it to look like England...or Japan...or maybe I'll just go with burgundy...
  3. Necro

    07 Review

    Except Metru-nui. IMO, it was waay too drawn out, and there were too many clones. You said it was a short story before the Metru-nui storyline started Vakama, that short story ate away 2 years. My brother and I kept joking about when a matoran, fed up, is going to hit him with a rock to knock him out so they can leave already!
  4. Necro

    Christmas Loot

    Sweet gift list. Now to address each one individually. Nice. It has a bunch of songs I wish were in GH III. >< Nice as well, but it only has 15 songs. >< Meh, never liked the series. *Braces for impact* What is it a collection of? That was meant to be in a list form but it didn't work. it has back in black dirty deeds, and the live dvd in it Which band? AC/DC Again, which band? AC/DC Never heard of it. Wish I had $45 in iTunes giftcards... Meh, the only thing I've ever found there that wasn't Manga(I read those in about one day, ) that was $10 or less was a book of songs by the Beatles. Hate myself for not buying it now that I actually play guitar... >< Wish I had that, thats one free copy of the Beatles "White album". ^^ Great game, never seent heir shirts, just the GH III ones. All of them? yeah Got the first on iTunes, the second on DVD, the third in two-disc special edition. Nice. whats that exactly? it's a pocketknife pic. Dangit, I was working on the Spife... lol Neat. Also neat. My 52-inch LCD is better. sigh... my friend has a 60-inch. but hey, I'm upgrading from a 30-year old probably 15 inch TV so its great. You fool, getting a blu-ray player before the format wars end. Ah whatever, I'm rooting for Blu-ray anyway, and Bly-ray sales are outmatching HD-DVD> ^^ it came free with the TV
  5. Necro

    Guitar Hero 3

    The singer really does look terrible. Whenever I look at him on my Wii, I'm glad it doesn't have hi-def.
  6. *Croud cheers* The 2007 Honda Fit, with premium package, GPS, backup camera and subwoofer so you can annoy the guy behind you at the traffic light! A prize package with 20,000 some dollars! Back to you drew! Drew Carey: Alright, now to win that, were going to be playing plinko...
  7. And me a Star Destroyer? I want to make the sun asplode...that and those things are awesome cruisers. ^^

  8. That would be "Yatta". =P

    Errm...can't think of any more Hiro quotes at the moment, so lets go to Sylar lines.


    "You shouldn't have made such a good cage."


    Ah, Sylar, the guy who'll soon also be known by nerds everywhere as young Spock. =P

  9. Yay Hiro. =)


    "Like Spock?"


    "Hiro, get back to work."*Grabs Hiro's collar*

    "Use your death grip Spock!"

  10. Graphically, no, though there is something nostalgic to be had for 8-bit graphics. Storywise, the original Japanese stuff conquers American dubbing.
  11. Necro

    Almost Cried.

    Yeowch. For someone who's usually kinda-upbeat and religious, this was rather emo. Your looking at the negatives though. Try to be happy. A wise man once said, "The happiest man in the world still has pain, sorrow and sadness in his life. He merely focuses more on the happiness and joy of life than it's pains". Take a look at all the families of soldiers who died; are they moping around in a chair, crying? No. They're enjoying themselves because, though a loved one's gone, they focus more on the bright side than the sadness. My Grandfather, for example, is 85 and has Alzheimer's. Will I be sad if and when he dies? Yes. Will I sit in a corner and wallow for my life? No. Though I'll miss him, I, like humanity has, will move on, while still holding onto memories. One final example; Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. John Lennon and George Harrison, two friends of theirs since they were kids growing up in the 40's-50's in Liverpool are dead, one murdered. Do they sit around and mope? No. They're both still successful musicians. Just last year(), they were on Larry King Live. They seemed almost as cheerful as they were during interviews in the 60's when John and George were still around. I'm not trying to put you down. All I'm saying is try to focus on the good of life more than the bad. Leave the angry ranting to payed experts like Andy Rooney.
  12. @Hydraxxon: *Sigh* Explained this in the original RPG, explained it to BCE, and explained it to others who asked this. It's too long to put here, so I'll PM ya it. =)


    Now back to quotes.


    "You are going to die in five weeks, then New York will explode."

  13. Yup. Forgot about it from 03-05, but miraculously, All the coins I missed were in my wallet and in a small bag of change I keep in the car to break a window. Mainly Beatles and Rolling Stones-style rock, occasional bits of modern rock and folk. I loved that campaign ad.
  14. It was a joke; I never expected you to take it seriously. And I was worried if I said "Wanna fight about it?", you'd post an image of people fighting. And I've had enough of that *un* witty way of making a point. Apologies, I'll try and talk it over with B6. =)

  15. Huh. All the ones I've seen do...maybe I'm just considering the ones that don't have words in them ""Darwin fish" things. I still like the ones with "Gefilte" on it.
  16. Huh? Why so sad about 08'? I'm actually looking forward to 08' as the year that... 1. I complete my quarter map my parents got me when I was five. 2. The year Brawl's released. 3. The year I actually start writing my own music and attempt to get that band together. 4. The year we find out who our new president is.
  17. "You're supposed to be dead!"

    "Am I not?"


    "Oh. Best be going then."

  18. DS version of FF III is better. Same day as my Grandfather's birthday...Anyway, happy birthday, even if it's a day late.
  19. Necro

    Ask Me Anything

    What? When? Why? Where? How? Whats life's point? When will the writers strike end? How will I die? Will I manage to become famous? Why is your blog named for a Rage Against the Machines song? Now we break into politics. Why did 50%+ vote for Bush in 04'? Who will win in 08'? Why did Chaney shoot someone in the face? Will he ever manage to live it down?
  20. Err, no offense, but while it was a religious symbol(Bhuddist if I'm correct,), it's more than that. It symbolizes balance, inner peace, things like that, an important thing to have in a lot of stuff. Anyway, if you can get it changed, when you do, could you make it the dove rather than the fish? Thankee. (Probably what they'll allow too, as, if I'm correct, the fish has a cross as an eye.) At any rate, good luck on BotW. ^^
  21. Err, I see the point, but I suppose Lluvio has a point. Still, I guess the point gets across. Nvm then.
  22. Knew he was Christian, never knew devout.
  23. POWER!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!! *Zaps AA with force lightning* ^^ Free speech is a fun thing to mess with the boundaries of. Btw, off-topic, no offense, but judging by some of your posts and the order on your interests lists, I can't really see someone so preachy and religious becoming a WWE star. Well, I suppose you could call yourself "The Preacher" or something like that and recite a line of gospel before wrestling.
  24. Meh, liked Epic movie(Jack Swallows was not only a great recreation of Jack's walking style, style of speech, and Johnny Depp's voice, but the thing with the wheel was hysterical. ), got the commercial(The full one, not just the one with the Britney Spears, Stomp the Yard & 300 jokes,) on a DVD I used to record something, and I have a feeling this may be good. ^^
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