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Toa Fanixe

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Everything posted by Toa Fanixe

  1. IC:"And once you do Mita, I can make a sandstorm around them with my Kakama here" LoJak said, knocking on his Kanohi. "Then all I have to do is add a little a fire and we'll have ourselves a nice little crystal Tarakava paperweight" LoJak said smiling. "And Hunter can take care of any strays with one of your four swords, can't you?"
  2. I didn't say it would work, its just that Skaarn had to do something other than just watch the Parakuka-infected Turaga be subdued.Honestly, I didn't realize the lightstone and tranquilizers were coming from different directions though, so sorry about that. If it does spread the drugs then it will at least reduce its overall concentration, and thus effect on each Turaga. And the Rhotuka could make the lighstone shards heavier, skewing their path.EDIT: I guess no one is interested in my aforementioned ideas for Toa groups?
  3. Yeah, but Skaarn threw a Rhotuka towards the Turaga which will hopefully move debris and gaseous drugs away from them.
  4. If you're just throwing ideas in the air, here are some (feel free to completely reject them):A group that can turn into Elemental Lord- like beings. Pretty much same elemental control as Toa, but can become beings composed entirely of their element.A group based on relavitely well known supernatural and/or legen- wait for it, wait for it, dary creatures. So stuff like dragons, pheonix, werewolf, vampire, mermaid (?). No sanguikens or stuff like that. Not sure what would make them different though.Or maybe a group with magical hats. Cause hats are always cool. Especially fez. Fezs. Fez's. Not sure how to write fez in plural.
  5. IC:Labelle laughed when she saw both Reaver and Emotia drink from their glasses. She was having trouble keeping track of whether or not either of them used the letter 'd,' so seeing them drink was the only way to know she was winning. "You two are horrible at this game. Its really not that hard to not drink." Labelle sounded out the words. "Ahh, shoot." She drank another shot. "Ok, next part. We each have to say a truth and a lie. The others have to guess which is which. If they're right, the teller drinks. If they're wrong, they drink. Ah shoot again." Labelle took another two shots, smaller than before. They sure made her tipsy.
  6. IC:"Good. Very good" LoJak said. "Don't suppose you have anything that could help us find the Tarakava nest. We were just coming up with an idea ourselves, but you it just so happened you interrupted us." LoJak tried to keep his tone even, like Hunter suggested. Which just so slightly annoyed him.
  7. My character and Fanixe's character is marching off into the desert to look for a Tarakava nest that may or may not be there. That's all. It's not meant to be some elaborate scheme with clues and a magnificent prize at the end. Just an adventure for the heck of it. It's about the journey, not the destination, as they say.That treasure hunt in Po-Wahi.
  8. IC:"Perhaps not, but you never asked and it would seem that you simply assumed that the two have no relation" LoJak growled. "And I haven't been treating anyone like a fool. And I usually don't, unless they are actually a fool." Calming himself, LoJak stuck out his hand. "So, are you with us? Just so you know, we plan on splitting the treasure evenly."
  9. IC:"Maybe so, but we have reason to believe that the treasure happens to be with the 'rarest Tarakava subspecies' here in the desert and not, in fact, by the ocean" LoJak retorted. "And the fact that it is 'treasure' that we seek makes it all the more likely that we'll be seeing things most residents of this island do not."
  10. IC:"Actually, it appears we aren't anywhere near water" LoJak said. "There are in fact a number of large underwater caverns and rivers beneath these desert sands, any number of which can contain countless Tarakava. And theres also the possibility of Tarakava coming in the sand variety." LoJak still disliked how Hunter talked as if he knew more than the others. LoJak may have to accept the Toa - it would be wrong not too- but that did not mean he had to like him.
  11. IC:LoJak looked down, embaressed. He hadn't been expecting Mita to bring that up. He still had misgiving about Hunter, but LoJak decided Mita was probably right. He returned his blade into its sheath. "And there might very well be some treasure involved" LoJak added to Mita's statements. "If you agree not to kill us for our swords, I suppose you could join us, if you'd like."
  12. IC:LoJak listend to Kun's short explanation, and his ears perked at the mention of weapons. If there was one thing he knew, it was weapons. That and fighting. "A couple swords, Katana and Bladestaff? Sounds like you're less a hunter and more like a Toa preparing for war." LoJak thought that if this Hunter fellow could prove himself trustworthy, he may be a valuable assest if and when they fought the Tarakava.
  13. IC:LoJak eyed Kun suspiciously. He didn't like the way the newcomer carried himself, and he sounded rather arrogant. "Well, my name is LoJak. This here is Mita" he said, motioning to the Toa of Sonics. "I hope that it is just treasure you hunt, Hunter?" he asked.
  14. IC:LoJak took a step forward, in front of Mita facing Kun. He felt it his responsibility to protect Mita, since she could not fight on her own. "Didn't anyone ever tell you its rude to interrupt, newcomer? Now answer her question properly, and for your sake you had better not be an enemy." LoJak half pulled out his sword out of its sheath.
  15. IC:"No, I haven't" LoJak answered. "Some other Rahi, sure, but mostly I've been fighting against Makuta, and whatever enemy comes up because of it. But from what I do know abotu Tarakava, they generally wait for their prey until it's too late, then spring from their hiding places." LoJak looked over the desert. It was incredibly immense, with no end in sight. It was also dry, and LoJak was soon licking his lips to keep them from drying out. "Seems to me like we're going to need a way to draw them out."
  16. Seems like an ok idea, although I have to agree with Doctor Wotz. What's the difference between it and a Faxon, or maybe a Mahiki?
  17. IC:"Ok, first rule: You can't use the letter 'd' when you talk. Otherwise you drink." Realizing she had just broken the first rule, Labelle took a shot of Salamander's Revenge. It was amazing. She might just have to lose at this game.
  18. IC:"Oooh, I'll have a Salamander too!" Labelle told the barkeep. "And a Black Spot!" she added quickly. "Drinking game?" she asked the soon to be bride and the maid of honor.ooc: Reaver is the MoH, right?
  19. IC:"Yeah" Labelle said. "Lets go the bar! It's about time we started the partay!" She started running off, then stopped suddenly. She walked back to Reaver and Emotia. "Umm, where is the bar? And the drinks? Where's the bar with the drinks?"
  20. IC:Skaarn heard and saw as the Turaga were transformed by the slugs on their backs and as they jumped into battle against the Toa invaders. With the battle against Heuani temporarily paused, Skaarn stood for a moment, unsure about what to do. Then he realized the Toa were beggining to brace themselves and prepare to subdue the Turaga. Well now, we can't be having that. Skaarn started closer to the hive, and then the Kraata in his hand teleported him much closer to it. He was disoritentated for a second - he wasn't used to teleportation, and likely wouldn't get used to it - then caught his bearings. He saw a cloud of crystals and light flying towards the Turaga, and a bomb explode over Nuju's head. Skaarn launched the Rhotuka he had been charging at the attacks, hoping to deflect them or carry away as much debris from them as possible.ooc: Helping out the Turaga
  21. IC: LoJak"Right, its hard to really proft from money because of Makuta, but it's still possible. I mean, the pubs on this island are doing extremely well from what I can understand" LoJak told Mita, "although now that I think about it, considering what they sell, maybe they're all secretly working for Makuta to incapacitate us." LoJak laughed at the absurdity. "You could use the money to start a band though, couldn't you? Get publicity - the good kind, mind you - and once that happens, people might realize they actually enjoy your music."At the back of his mind LoJak was wondering where they were going. He carefully watched the surroundings, making sure that beings in the distance were not dangerous. He was certain and thankful that Mita knew the way to the beggining of this treasure hunt - if she didn't, the two could quickly become lost.
  22. IC: LoJakIt took some time, but eventually LoJak and Mita made it to the gate and passed it, beggining their journey into the Po-Wahi wilderness. Seeing as how they probably had quite a ways to go, he decided to strike up another conversation. "So, if we do find a treasure, what do you intend to with it?" he asked the Toa of Sonics.
  23. Trying to restart a treasure hunt in Po-Wahi with Katuko. Anyone care to join?
  24. IC: LoJak"That is very true" LoJak said, grinning. "I like the way you think. Although I'm not too shabby with my elemental power, if I do say so myself." He began to walk towards the village gates. "You coming?" he asked Mita.ooc: If anyone wants to join, come on ahead.
  25. IC: LoJak"As a matter of fact, no, I've never heard of that particular legend. Though I guess that's not too surprising- pirates are the ones with stories about buried treasure, while soldiers prefer just plain gossip. Occasionaly gossip, or stories about magical swords, but those legends are pretty rare, and are generally don't change with time. Still, the Tarakava's treasure sounds promising. If there's one thing I've learned, its that all tales have a speck of truth to them. Take the recent stories about some doctor kidnapping Ta-Matoran away to Ko-Wahi and performing experiments on them. I know for a fact that he was in fact treating patients of his that were suffering from stubborn fevers. Took one bed-ridden, delirious matoran to scream in the night and suddenly there's a mad scientist on the Island."LoJak laughed, then felt somewhat guilty afterwards. The doctor had been refused re-entry into his home Koro afterwards, and was forced to start his life over again."So, you want to go find some people to help us search for the treasure, or shall we search by ourselves?"
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