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Toa Fanixe

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Everything posted by Toa Fanixe

  1. IC:"I'm not saying you're weak or can't walk- I'm saying you have trouble walking normally, which you do, considering the cane." Labelle wondered how people could be so ignorant of the intricacies of the Matoran language.
  2. IC:"Oh come on, it was not that bad!" Labelle said to Pearl. "And besides, it had everything I told you it had -evil villain, check. Heroic hero, check. Dash of danger, check. You knew what you were getting yourself into." Labelle turned her attention back to Krian "What exactly is a Valkyr, and how does one go about stealing a Toa's power? And if you need help with anything, like walking, just ask, I'd be happy to help a cripple."
  3. IC:Labelle was taken aback. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know. Umm, it wasn't an actual demon, was it?" Unfortunately, in her drunken state, it was a sincere question.
  4. IC:Labelle saw Krian's agitation, and felt sorry for him. "Don't worry, its not bad to be old. People are like wine- they get better with age." Then she started thinking about wine. Tood bad there isn't more of it, she thought. Remembering there were people around, she continued the conversation. "If you're not old, how'd you get the cane?"
  5. IC:Labelle looked at Krian, then at the kids, then back at Krian. She began to laugh. When she was finished, she said "No hurt intended, old man." Are you her grandfather?" she asked, still chuckling. Then, with a very serious face, she turned to Mimira and said "Thats the because the story hasn't ended. Just what we know about it. Who know's, maybe you'll be the one to slay the monster when you grow up?"
  6. ooc: gotcha IC: Labelle smiled. Thats right, she thought, who's The man? Well, if she was a man, she would be The man."Ok, this is how the story continues. After Bottlecap recovered, the Turaga explained what had happened with a theory of his. First of all, Spirits can't use elemental or mask abilities on their own- there is a reason a Toa has the body he does, and not that of a matoran. Second, the armor Bottlecap's spirit form had must be protecting him somehow, since even if Spirit of Ghost were to take on physical form, it would still be weak against elemental and physical attacks. And third, that with every weakness came a strength, even if it wasn't obvious at first. Bottlecap admitted that he did feel stronger than in his Spirit form, and faster too. Still, he didn't like whatever gift his sister had given him- lately he'd began to hear voices when no one was around, and sometimes he saw people that weren't there at the corner of his vision. He mentioned it once to a friend, who promtly told him he was crazy, and so he didn't tell anyone else afterwards. All in all, he was rather unhappy. While training as a spirit- he figured he would at least try to make the best of it- something amazing happened. Well, two things really. One, he shapeshifted into a Mana crab, and back. And other Rahi as well. And second, he began to glow." The shapeshifting part didn't actually have anything to do with the story. Labelle just added it in because she had a Mahiki, and figured if she could make shapeshifiting seem cool to the child, the child would look up to her that much more. "And when he glowed, he was overjoyed. He took it as a sign that he was the Light that would disperse Akutam's darkness. So without waiting for his sister, he rushed to Akutam's lair, as a Spirit of course. This time he knew he couldn't rely on elemental or mask powers- only the great speed and strength the Spirit form gave him. With newfound confidence he slew Akutam's guardians, infected Rahi and Rakhshi alike, and finally confronted Makuta's brother himself. Luckily enough for Bottlecap, Akutam was cocky, and did not think it was possible for even a Spirit Toa to pose a challenge. So he laughed and laughed. He laughed so hard he closed his eyes and cried out of joy. Then, before Akutam could react, Bottlecap slew him with his sword. He ran back to his village to tell everyone they would no longer have to live in fear. But on the outskirts he met his sister, injured and running away from the village. She told him what happened. She told him that she could not take living in his shadow anymore, sharing the glory with him. So she had laid a trap. The golden orb that had given Bottlecap his Spirit form had also been changing his real body. When Bottlecap had gone to train in his Spirit form, his real body had suddenly created a cocoon around itself. Inside it the golden orb worked quickly, severing the tie between Bottlecap's spirit and his body, so that they might never reunite. And then it changed the body, mutated it. Turned it into a monster the likes of which had never been seen on the Island, or Mata-Nui. A creature that fed on spirits. Bottlecap's sister told him that the cocoon had hatched too soon, before she had a chance to take it away from the village - and that the monster inside had killed everyone. She told him to run, since the monster would hunt him down until the day he died by its hands." Labelle clapped her hands, and exclaimed "That's it! Thats the story. Oh, there is more thing." Labelle tried to look at menacing as possible, and made her voice as scary as she could. "They say that the monster still hunts Bottlecap - that's why he couldn't let his real name get out- but that every so often, the monster decides to feed on things other than Spirits. That the monster feeds on children, children who ask too many questions and don't let him do. His. Job!"ooc: Theres your story.
  7. IC:"Well, not exactly kid. You'll see what I'm talking about later." And so would Labelle, when she came up with the rest of the story. The truth was that it was getting pretty hard to keep on making up a story, and she hoped another adult would come by and help her entertain the kids. "That night, when the sister and Bottlecap went to sleep, something amazing happened. Bottlecap closed his eyes, and a moment later he was standing by his bed. He didnt understand, and when he looked, he found an exact copy of himself sleeping where he had just been! It didnt take him long to realize what had happened. His Spirit had 'walked'. Now before you ask me what that means, let me tell you." Labelle felt proud that she had managed outwit the child. "What I mean by 'walk' is that his Spirit, which was given a body, mostly like ours, could now interact proper with our world. Not just make some noises or levitate a chair like some measly ghost, a Spirit which has faded. Needless to say his mind was in this Spirit-body, not his real body. So kinda like astal projection, but cooler. Anyways, Bottlecap also found he had some strange armor on in this Spirit form, but thought little of it. He rushed out then, in the middle of the night, to fight some Rahi controlled by Atukam to test out this new form. Neary got himself killed by a Frost Leech, he did. Thought he could use his fire abilities, or maybe his Calix - he was wrong. Couldn't use either of them. So, caught in quite the Madu fruit, he had to fight with the sword that came with the strange armor, and boy did he fight. Fought nearly till dawn, and like never before, and he still barely made it out alive. Wounds all over his body, bloody and bruised, he made his way back to his hut. And there was his body, still asleep. But with all the same wounds that he'd gotten as a Spirit! He was angry, ready to scream at his sister, the Turaga, the villagers, anyone. But being a noble Toa, he did not. He composed himself, closed his eyes and sighed. And suddenly he was back in his body, the Spirit form vanished from sight. He decided he would speak to his sister and the village's Turaga about the so-called gift- as soon as he took care of his wounds." Labelle herself sighed. Even drunk, she could understand why people disliked kids. Took so much to please them.
  8. ooc: Katuko, you see my post on 194?IC: LoJak waited patiently for Mita to respond to his suggestion of finding some sort of inspiration for her music.
  9. IC:"Kid, you've got to have at least a little patience" Labelle said, slightly annoyed. Then she remembered she was talking to kids, and she remembered how that Salamander drink had warmed her up, and returned to her happy, giddy drunk self. "The sister told Bottlecap that a Turaga had given the box to her, telling her that it contained the key to Atukam's defeat, but that only the greatest of heroes could, or should use it. Thinking of no greater Toa than Bottlecap, she decided to give it to him. Trusting his sister completely and the words of a Turaga, Bottlecap quickly opened the box. Inside was a golden orb, shining bright and illuminating the hut the two were in. The sister instructed to put the orb over Bottlecap's heartlight- he did so, and a moment later it melted into his skin, deeper, and then was gone. Unfortunately, this was the beginning of the end for Bottlecap, although he did not know this. And because of his sister's hand in this, it was decided to disgrace her by removing her name from the story, so as not to grant her that type of immortality." Labelle wondered how she was getting all this. Maybe she was just more creative when drunk?
  10. IC:"Ahhh, well, in fact, that is a very good question" Labelle said slowly. "A very good question." She tried to come up with an intelligent answer, but she wasnt quite in the proper state of mind or body to be coming up with anything intelligent. "You see, Atukam was following Makuta's orders, and as we all know, Makuta is quite unfathomable, at least as far as we know at present." Score. Labelle was THE Storyteller. "Anyways, one day Bottlecap's sister came home with a very mysterious box. Inside was a toold that could mean Akutam's defeat, or Bottlecap's death!" Labelle placed extra dramatic emphasis on these last words.
  11. IC:"If you say so. Since I've never met Mr. Soundblaster, I'll just take your word on it. Anyways, this Bottlecap was a good Toa of Fire, a hero among the people of his Island. But his Island was plagued by Makuta's younger brother-" Labelle paused. She hated coming up with names of things. She decided to use the reverse of Makuta- Atukam. She figured the kid couldn't possibly realize the connection. "-Atukam. Atukam was not nearly as powerful as Makuta, but still very dangerous. So despite Bottlecap's and his older sisters' best efforts, they could not rid their people of the evil spirit named Atukam." Labelle smiled happily. Who was she kidding. She wasn't good at this- she was awesome!ooc: Working towards it?
  12. IC:Seeing that Reaver had left, at least for a few minutes, Labelle decided to start telling a story by herself to Pearl."There was once a sweet little Le-Matoran named..." Labelle looked around, trying to find some inspiration. Then she remembered the bottle of Salamander she had had before. Boy, that was good. "umm, Bottlecap. It wasn't his real name you see, it's his codename - it was too dangerous afterwards for anyone to know his real name." Labelle thought that was a pretty good way to start a story. Of course, she was kind of drunk at the time, so her judgment wasn't all that sound.
  13. IC:"I have an idea, kid. How 'bout we tell you about one of adventures instead!" Labelle. "One with evil villains and heroic heroess and a dash of danger!"
  14. IC:"Whats not to be eager about? Like you said, theres a wedding and wine, and love in the air!" Labelle exclaimed. "Speaking of which, you don't happen to have any of that Salamander drink with you, would you?" Labelle really hoped she did. That stuff made her so much funnier. Realizing it might be rude to simply ask for a drink, she quickly added "And how do you know the bride and groom?"
  15. IC:Labelle saw that it was taking Onuzek a while to respond. She giggled realizing it must be because there were too many people around. So she stuck out her hand and grabbed Reaver's, shaking it vigorously. "Hello, my name is Labelle. Onuzek and myself are pleased to meet you."ooc: anyone have any idea when, in-game and out, the wedding is taking place?
  16. IC:Labelle watched as the kids played on and with Onuzek. She found it hilarious. "Onuzek, you could be a veritable playground, you know?" she told him.
  17. IC:"No, of course not!" Labelle said, giggling. "I'm just sooo happy to be here for a wedding. Quietely she whispered to Onuzek "I've actually got a hilarious prank planned, but thats for a little later. But thats just a secret between you and me." She winked at him and laughed again. "So, what do you want to do until then?"ooc: Great, so Labelle is the odd Toa out. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/tounge2.gif
  18. IC:Labelle laughed when she heard Onuzek speak. She was felt so giddy thanks to certain drinks. "Hey there big guy" she said to Onuzek, "don't worry, you're not the only single person around here" she said, waving her around. "But if you're so bored, well, why don't you tell me what you like to do for fun around here? Maye we can help each other out. You see, I'm looking for fun too." The last came out a little slurred, in part because of drunkeness and in part because of laziness caused by drunkeness.
  19. IC:"Well Mita, like I said, I'd be happy to listen to your songs, at least, like you said, when we're sober. And I guess you haven't had the best of luck by all accounts, with performances or songs. Maybe I can help?" LoJak asked. He screwed up his face and thought for a moment. Concentrating was hard considering the pain in his head, but he managed to do it. "Maybe what you need is inspiration?"
  20. yeah, although it was around for a while before that happened.
  21. Hey, let me tell you about the days of the Santun... The old guard is still here. I'm here, and still fighting to preserve the old ways. Also, Nuju is a purist for the good old days, so he's more old fashioned than you'd think. The good old days? Would you be talking about The Academy or the BZPRPG, or whatever acronym it had at the time? Cause to me it seems more similar to the former. just wondering.
  22. IC:"No, as a matter of I didn't. In fact, you're the first Toa of Sonics I've ever seen, and I must say, your hospitality gives them a good image. The drunkeness not so much, although I guess that means I'm not exactly of Fire Toa either. And I completely understand about the bed- truthfully, I don't much care for the rocks they call matresses around here." LoJak walked over to the chair and sat down, happy to finally give his feet a rest without lying on the floor."I'm sorry to hear about your misfortunes in the other Koros. They're really not so bad, if you manage to stay a while. The treetop views in Le-Koro are amazing...except when you fall from them" Lojak said, frowning at the memory. Onu-Koro is okay- well, besides for the odd cave collapse during a party. Don't have anything good to say anbout Ga-Koro or Ko-Koro, too wet and cold in those places for my liking. Ta-Wahi's pretty good, although I guess the heat is pretty intense for visitors. And that leaves us with this delightful village, Po-Koro, which got us both drunk and in our current predicamnt of hungoverness." LoJak, smiled at a sudden realization."Guess there really isn't any good place on this Island. At least not for someone with a voice as wonderful as yours or luck as bad as mine."
  23. IC:" Pleasure to meet you, and yes, there are people outside. Seems this village has become rather popular of late." LoJak tried to listen to the noise outside again, and found it was getting quieter. Hopefully that meant that the ruffians were moving away. "So," LoJak started, "couldn't avoid the poison either, hunh? Considering that misery loves company, mind if I stay here with you, at least until I recover? I don't mean to intrude, but it looks like a nice thing you've got going on, at least for us hungover people."
  24. IC:After breaking a second bottle of alcohol Labelle decided she might get into trouble, so she slowly put them down on the ground. Of course, in her inebriated state, she ended up breaking a third bottle. "Sorry" she said, although she realized that no one was listening. Azginel and the shy girl Emarosa were in the kitchen talking, Laserbeak was on the couch with Skyra and it seemed Labelle was stuck with Onuzek. Not that she had any problems with him- he was nice, very nice; she just didnt like the thought of getting shot at for fun. Then Labelle remembered the soon-to-be bride and groom, who were upstairs talking about Mata-Nui knows what. She felt a little sad then- there were Tillian and Emotia, what seemed like the perfect couple, in love in a house full of friends and about to married. It seemed like neither of them knew how good they had it. It was a real gift to be in love. Labelle had been in love once....Suddenly she was broken out of her reverie, for no apparent reason. Which mean't it was probably because of Onuzek. She looked around for him.
  25. IC:Since it seemed she was being ignored, Labelle decided to make her own fun. She found a few more bottles of alcohol (sighing when she found they didn't contain the salamander drink) and used her elemental abilities on the liquids they contained to fly them in a circle. She laughed, and one went zooming near Skyra and Laserbeak, crashing into the couch and breaking. She laughed again. This was fun!
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