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Toa Fanixe

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Everything posted by Toa Fanixe

  1. IC:Skaarn watched in awe as Heuani moved with the grace of a dancer and attacked the Toa invaders like an artist might attack a canvas when inspired by a muse. Skaarn was quite happy that he was on Makuta's side, and would not have to go up against the Toa of Shadow. Still charging a Rhotuka and grasping the Kraata he ran over to Heuani, the General that led the defence of the Hive, sidestepping the Toa corpses and past the exhausted Toa that remained. He noticed Heuani look at one of the bodies a few moments longer than were neccessary. Skaarn wondered if the servant of Makuta was feeling pity, or some weakening emotion similar to it. But no matter, they were in a battle and time was of the essence. "Shall I throw this Rhotuka at the tunnel the invaders created?" Skaarn asked Heuani. Collapse the whole thing with them inside?" Skaarn hoped the answer was yes.
  2. IC:LoJak sighed and tried to think. "Well, it does seem like things are rather dull around here. Of all the stories you.. overheard, only two seem interesting in the slightest." LoJak counted the two off his hands. Raising his first finger , "There's the disspearance of Turaga Onewa. Anytime a major Turaga goes missing something much worse is usually afoot." Raising his middle finger "And two, there's the treasure hunt. If it got cancelled, it may be possible to restart it." Looking at Mita again, he finished "So, which do you suggest we pursue? Find the missing Turaga or restart the treasure hunt?"
  3. IC:"I suppose you two are right" Labelle told Reaver and Emotia. She was a little disspointed that the others didn't think she was good enough to get one of those glowing tattoos. "And what a party it will be!" she said, in part to cheer herself up and liven things up, considering the whole burning bar...
  4. IC: LoJak LoJak tried to be quiet while Mita listened to the noise all around Po-Wahi. He found it incredible that a Toa could do such a thing, considering all he could do was make some flames. After a minute or so he whispered in the quietest voice he could "Hear anything yet? Maybe some exploration people are going on, or a battle against Makuta?"
  5. IC: LoJak"Listen in on people?" LoJak whispered incredulously. Keeping his voice low, he continued "My my. Looks like you're both bard and spy. Next time I try to tell a secret with you around, remind me not too, will you?" LoJak followed Mita out the door of the pub in the Po-Wahi daylight. It was bright, and he had to cover his eyes to stop from being blinded. "Shall we head to the marketplace, or the Guard's Quarters?" he asked Mita.
  6. Don't suppose anyone can take a look at my RPG, let me know what think?
  7. ooc: Thats actually how I intended it to be pronounced IC: LoJakLoJak laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not that lightheaded. I remember you just telling me you're not a fighter. If something happens, I'll do the battling, and you can watch from a safe distance." He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. A smile appeared on his face. "Now, why don't we go and see if there isn't any gossip on this Island that won't capture our attention?" He stood up and put up his arms in a gesture meaning Mita should have the honor of leaving first. "Oh, and no promises on the whole Makuta-Spawn fighting."
  8. IC:LoJak smiled. He hadn't heard that song in quite a while, although it had been a favorite of his. But with the Toa Mata gone and Makuta attacking the villages, it seemed like no one had been up to singing about the fallen heroes. He had always wondered what Makuta had done with them- killing them outright didn't seem like Makuta's style. Then again, Makuta was unpredictable, so who really knew?When Mita finished playing the song LoJak clapped loudly and vigorously. He saw that there were a few others in the bar that seemed to appreciate Mita's talents as well, though not too many. LoJak walked up to Mita and said "You were amazing, and thank you for playing that song. Now how 'bout we go find ourselves an adventure?"
  9. Well, I thought Lantz/Skaarn might be able to, since the Skaarn consciousness was created when Lantz made a deal with Makuta to be his servant in exchange for power (and Friar Tuck thought it would be funny for that power to be in the form of a Hordika Transformation)
  10. Can do.Also, for Fanixe and anybody who can provide extra insight, is what you just did even legal? You mean bolding practically the whole text? I was doing that before the battle, so I sure hope so. If you mean the Kraata- well, I looked at the post in which the Rakshi were taken care of, and it seems like a Kraata survived. And I dont plan on using it for combat, so again, I hope so.
  11. IC:Labelle pouted. "I think I can handle myself" she told Emotia. "I know they're a little addicting, but I have LOTS of self control." Labelle was of course reffering to that fact that many Matoran only plan on getting one tattoo, but end up getting far more because of the rush and 'cool' factor. "And as for Tillian, wasn't he with, umm. Wasn't he with that guy, over there?"
  12. IC:Lantz and Skaarn were flown to the downed Rakshi bodies at amazing speeds by the Nui-Rama, stopping mere feet from it. The Toa invaders had neglected to properly dispose of the Makuta spawn, seperating only the head from the body but not actually killing the creature. With his left hand still charging the Rhotuka on his back, Skaarn shot his right hand into the Rakhshi's spine, breaking apart the shell that had been weakened from the onslaught of elemental attacks. His hand groped around for a moment, and then grasped the slimy Kraata within. He pulled it out, despite its squirming. "I don't know what you're doing Skaarn, but it wonnnnnnnAhhhh. That's much better. Lantz, did you really think you could maintain control in the presence of my brothers?" Skaarn asked, referring to the Kraata. Skaarn looked at the slug, eye to eye. "Take me to the general" he told Shadow creature.Skaarn, with the Kraata in hand, was instantly teleported to the battle scene between Heuani and Toa. Skaarn stood at the edge and yelled to Heuani "Orders general? From the numbers, it doesnt seem like a very fair fight..."ooc: Possibly helping Heuani
  13. It Takes Two (Withdrawn) Metru-Nui. City of Legends. Home of the Matoran. Place of peace and tranquility. Until Makuta came. Makuta has terrorised the city and its inhabitants, infecting Rahi and Matoran and sending them to fight against the Metru's. He has devestated the Chute Transportation systems, and it is rumored he behind the disappearances on the roads between Koro's, for no Matoran bandits could be so elusive. The Vahki have been sent to combat the Dark Spirit, although they have failed. Most are now scrap metal, with only a few still helping Toa guard the Metru's. It seems that there is little hope. The Matoran recount the Legends of the Toa Nuva, how they fought Makuta with the aid of Takanuva and seemingly defeated him, granting the Matoran access to their homeland. But those days are long gone, the Toa Nuva and the Toa of Light long dead. But then something amazing happened. A Toa of Fire stood up and declared he would not take it anymore. He has organised his fellow warriors and those few still functional Vakhi into a veritable army. They are small, not nearly as large as Makuta's- but under this Toa's guidance they have been strong. Not long ago they were able to free over a hundred Matoran from Makuta's darkness, with only one soldier being injured. They are a rag-team, yes, but they are only hope for the Matoran of Metru-Nui. The Toa's name is Jerden. His army is the Light of Mata-Nui. There is word that the Mask of Light has returned from its slumber in history. There rumors abound, each Matoran knowing a friend who knows a friend who know's where it might be hidden. It seems Makuta has heard these rumors as well- There have been sightings of Infected travelling the City with no apparent purpose, although it did seem like they were looking for something. Jerden hopes he and the Light of Mata-Nui will findthe Avohkhi first. It may very well be the only way for them to truly fight and defeat Makuta once and for all. The Matoran call him their savior- And Jerden would rather travel to Karzanhi than let them down. Of course, all that happened over 4000 years ago. Today Jerden rules Metru-Nui and the Matoran. Jerden has grown more powerful. He has gained new abilities, although the extent to which is unknown. No on is sure how, and he keeps his secrets guarded closely. There are many that still see Jerden as good. A benevolent leader even. He was the one to defeat Makuta after all, and under his rule those Koro's that remain have grown quite vibrant. The buildings are more beautiful than before, and those that work hard or serve Jerden well can look forward to long, prosperous futures. The Coliseum has grown into the Palace, permanent residence of Toa Jerden from he rules the City and also conducts his own experiments. Officially the experiments are for the betterment of Matoran- of couse, the conspiracy theorists say otherswise. But the savior is not all he was cracked up to be. He rules with an iron fist, forbidding any to question his authority. Matoran disappear into the shadows in the Koro's themselves, never to return. Any who demand to know what happened to their loved ones are taken away and imprisoned. Onu-Koro, Le-Koro and Ko-Koro have been destroyed, although no one is quite sure how. Some say it was during the war, others that Jerden caused the devastion. Either way all three regions are a wasteland now, dangerous to enter and forbidden as well. The whole area is simply called the Onleko Wasteland. Permits are required to use the roads between Koro's and to legally move around the Island. A few groups were formed to demand Toa Jerden step down, created an elected council to rule the City of Legends. All members were hunted down and killed. No one says so, but the bright say that free speech existed only with Makuta. There are new rumours now, among those that live in the shadows and despise Toa Jerden, of a technology that can unseat the ruler of the Light of Mata-Nui. Not much is known, other than that its is extremely dangerous, both for Jerden and whoever seeks to weild it. Summary: The game takes place on Metru-Nui during two time periods, one in which Toa Jerden leads an army against Makuta and the second in which Toa Jerden rules the City of Legends. Depending on which time period your character is in, you can join different alliegances. The time period with Makuta in it is known as MT for short, and the time in which Jerden rules is JT. If you play in MT you'll be able to discover how things came to be as they were, and your actions may have a veritable effect on the future i.e. JT. If you play in JT, you'll be able to discover where things are going and help mold the unknown future into what you want it. MT: You can either join Makuta and and help him defeat the Matoran. Your first main objective will be to find the Mask of Light and bring it to Makuta, away from the Matoran. Or you can join Toa Jerden and his army, the Light of Mata-Nui as they try to dislodge Makuta from the Island. Your first main objective will likewise be to find the Mask of Light. Or you can do pretty much whatever you want. Start a company to profit from the war, make your own army, whatever floats your boat, really. Note: As a great Doctor sometimes explains, there are certain fixed events in time, events which must and will always happen despite any time tampering. In this RPG, Jerden must reach Makuta at the end of MT. This means that neither he nor Makuta can be killed beforehand, so that takes care of that little problem. JT: You can either join Toa Jerden's Light of Mata-Nui and help police the city, and try to stop rebels from finding the unknown technology that may be the key to Jerden's defeat. You can also make your own group of rebels with other players and try to bring down Jerden, searching of the unknown technology as your main weapon. Or, again, you can do whatever you want. Unknown Technology This tech will have to be unlocked by you guys, the players in JT. If you organise yourselves well and quickly, it shouldnt take more than 2 weeks. Although I won't reveal all the details about it, it will allow you to enter a sort of stasis, during which time your consiousness is transferred to MT and an identical body created for you there. Basically time travel. So go ahead, fall in love with someone from the past, try to shoot Jerden before he rises to power, destroy a Metru (at your own risk) and try not to destroy the Time-Space continuum with countless paradoxes. Unless of course, you're into that kind of thing. Basically, Unknown Technology, MT and JT are tools that allow you to create a time-spanning and time-travelling stories of epic proportions. So get to it! Note: Some Matoran and Toa have theorized that the Unknown Yechnology, whatever it may be, may have something to do with why no other species has made contact or stepped upon Metru-Nui soils. Although its unknown to them, suffice to say that the island is Time-Locked, which will be explored further in the RPG. Player Profiles Everyone is allowed to have 2 characters at any one time, and its up to you to decide if they're in MT, JT or one of each. Custom species are not allowed, although Custom Abilities, Abilties and Masks must be pre-approved. Try not to be over-powered, or your character wont be approved Name: Species: (Toa or Matoran only) Appearance: Gender: Element: (Bionicle Elements except Life,Light, Shadow, etc) Mask: Weapons: Abilities: (Fast, Strong, Smart, etc.) Alligiance: Description: Weakness: Time Period: (MT or JT) Rules: No Spamming No double posting within 12 hours No auto-hits No godmodding Most BZP rules, really You can only kill your characters, unless stated permission from another player Punishments: First offence- Warning Second offence: Short RP ban (12 hours or so) Third offence: Long RP ban (Nearly a week) Fourth offence: Perma-Ban Staff: I'll be looking for staff early on, so if you'd like to be part of the team, just ask Name: Makuta Species: Makuta Appearance: Unknown Gender: Male Element: Shadow Mask: Mask of Shadows Abilities: All Makuta Abilities Alligence: Himself Description: ??? Weakness: Light Time Period: MT (JT?) Name: Toa Jerden Species: Toa Appearance: Tall and muscular, your typical Ta-Toa hero. Wears red armor and more than a few scars on his arms. In JT thin dark lines run through his skin and amor, and he wears a black cloak. Gender: Male Element: Fire Mask: Hau Abilities: ??? Alligence: Light of Mata-Nui Description: Coming soon. Weakness: Bad puns and rather dislikes the cold, espically Ko-Toa Time period: MT and JT.
  14. IC:Labelle was waiting for Emotia or Reaver to answer when she heard the group talking about getting more Marks. "Oh, can I have one?" she asked Tank. "I already know all about them."
  15. IC:Labelle ran over to Reaver and Emotia, who were surrounded by others who had those strange glowing Marks as well. "Why didn't you all tell me you were having a party" she asked, mostly to Reaver and Labelle but also partly to the others. "Course, you guys shouldn't be here. Girls only, you see." She had no idea there had just been an attempted murder, and she was too drunk to care if she did.
  16. IC:"Great" Labelle said. "So, if Tillian gets the cake, we still need music and games. At least one really fun game. Oh, and Laserbeak. The more the, uh, merrier. That's right, the merrier" Labelle told Reaver and Emotia.
  17. Maybe cause of the same reason really tall people are sometimes called "shorty".
  18. IC:"And cake" Labelle told Reaver following Emotia's explanation. "There has to be delicious cake. With lots of icing." Labelle smiled at the thought of tasting such a cake. "I don't know how we'll get one, since the party should be today... we can always try to make one!"
  19. IC:"Yes, of course you do! You haven't had a bachelorette party!" Labelle said. "No music, no cake, no games and no wild adventures while hungover- that's a pretty big problem" Labelle groaned.
  20. IC:"I... I don't?" Labelle asked. She thought she looked good. Really good. But no, that probably wasn't what Emotia was talking about. "Are you sure? Because I feel fine. Well, actually I feel hilarious, so even better than fine." Labelle laughed again. She was doing that a lot lately. Suddenly there was a look of horror on her face. "Emotia... I think you have a big problem" she said slowly.
  21. IC:Skaarn, through Lantz' eyes, noticed that one of the Rahkshi, although defeated, still contained a live Kraata. It seemed some sort of ball of stone, or possibly iron, had severed the Rahkshi's head from it's body, but had otherwise left the spine and Kraata untouched. Skaarn couldn't bear to watch as one of his brothers lay trapped in a useless body in the midst of a battle, unable to hurt or kill. He leaned his body towards the direction of the downed Rahkshi, giving the Nui-Rama that were holding him the cue to move that way. With the invaders now fending off the Nui-Rama younglings, Skaarn doubted they would try to stop him.This is getting old. The invaders will win this battle. I don't see what it is you're trying to do.Not to worry. My plan, and Makuta's, is too complex for your little mind."Over here" Lantz yelled. He only had control over his mouth and face, but he would use what he could to stop Skaarn. "Attack me" he yelled at the invaders as the Nui-Rama carried him to the Rakhshi.
  22. IC:LoJak thought for a moment. Although he did know how to play a few strings and chords, he was otherwise not very musically inclined. It took him a while to even remember the name of song that he liked. "The Legend of the Six" he told Mita. "If you know it, that is."ooc: Feel free to make it up.
  23. Anyone up for a timeskip soon in Ga-Wahi to the next day already ( a little bit before Tillian's and Emotia's wedding)? The anticipation is a killer.
  24. IC:Labelle saw Emotia forfeit the arm wrestiling match, run outside and then have Reaver follow her. Not wanting to be left out of the action Labelle ran outside as well, soon catching up to the two thanks to her height and long legs. "Well, that wasn't amazing at all" she told the both of them. "I was really expecting more from you two, considering your glowing Marks and all." She was slightly angry and dissapointed, although that was in part due to her intoxication.ooc: Sorry I've been away for about a day. Hope i didnt miss too much.
  25. IC:"Wait a minute" Labelle said. "Reaver has one of those marks too? You two should definitely arm wrestle. It'll be amazing" she told Emotia.
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