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Status Updates posted by (((DARKNESS)))

  1. Would you care to tell me what a deathbob is? =P

  2. Holy cow! You like deathbob!

  3. What? A deathbob?!? Certainly not buddy!

  4. I like yours too. Your avatar reminds me of some lion named Aslan.

  5. Yup. 14 more days until Valentines Day! You have to tell me who you love, ok? Heh...just kiddin'.

  6. Thankee...I don't get those kind of comments very often.

  7. Happy Birthday to you!

  8. Thanks for the comment on my profile. :)

  9. I like Bethany Dillon, Rebbecca St. James, and Steven Curtis Shapman too. Have you heard of Jeremy Camp?

  10. Pretty good, TAK. I haven't talked to you in a while. How's your comics coming?

  11. Pretty good, TAK. I haven't talked to you in a while. How's your comics coming?

  12. Hi. I saw that you visited my profile. WHATSUP?

  13. Sorry that I mixed you and Dr. B up.

  14. Oh...sorry. I thought Dr. Bojangles was you. You're that teenager girl. Real sorry.

  15. You were banned when you just PGSed for The Many Adventures Of Laughin'Man and -Darkness-. Remember? And are you male or female?

  16. Why were you banned? Are you un-banned now?

  17. How ya doin? I haven't talked to you in a while.

  18. Nice profile. You look like a cool member.

  19. Your welcome. Are you having problems with the code to it?

  20. Hi Caleb! Nice to see a friendly face! :D

  21. Thatnks for the birthday greetin'! :D

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