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Blog Comments posted by Torchflare1234

  1. There's no evidence to support that claim. The only examples of long distance telepathic communication is by Gorast to Teridax and Teridax to Icarax and none of them showed any sign of fatigue. As far as a positioning system goes, is it really needed? I mean, a quick telepathic flash from a Makuta would confirm another's position. Use by the Makuta would be pointless and inefficient.


    Perhaps, if this was utilized by non-telepathic beings such as their lieutenants or servants I would support this.

  2. "NAY" to Article 120. Same as the Element, "Disintegration."

    "NAY" to Article 121. This only affects living things. A Toa of Sleep would be useless against inanimate objects. A Toa of Energy would be far more effective.

    "AYE" on Article 122. I note the sole use of the words "control" and "influence," meaning that the Rayluhrs cannot create water, giving Toa of Water an advantage in combat.

    "AYE" to Article 123. Though I am somewhat hesitant to approve of this, the fact that the Vahki Keerakh wielded this power has me convinced.

    "AYE" to Article 124. Leaning towards "NAY." I am against this because Legendary Masks cannot exist at lower power levels and must contain a fundamental universal force, but I am in support of it because the Article states that its existence is only a rumor.

    "NAY" to Article 125. A Kanohi Calix could be used to accomplish the same thing.

    "NAY" to Article 126. Zombies? As a mask power, both the Tryna and the Ignika are capable of doing this. I'm not sure why you would want this as a mask power. Not when a creature capable of doing this would be far more interesting.

  3. "AYE" to Article 113. It does not conflict with current storyline.

    "AYE" to Article 114. Again, does not conflict with storyline.

    "AYE" to Article 115. An interesting word that I will most certainly use later on in my epic.

    "AYE" to Article 116. No reason to oppose.

    "AYE" to Article 117. Again, a word I will use later on.

    "AYE" to Article 118. No reason to oppose.

    "NAY" to Article 119. Use by the Makuta would be impractical as they have the ability of telepathy. Use by their lieutenants or other non-telepathic beings would be far better, but I feel that technological communicators would seem out of place in the Matoran Universe.

  4. "AYE" to all the above stated Articles and congratulations to everyone.


    Concerning C.I.R.C.L.E. Expansion: Tohunga Tahnok, Exo-Fat, --V--, .Carbon, Legend of Lesovikk and Rhas, I hope you enjoy our company, or at least tolerate it. :P

    Yup, cause we can be pretty irritating bunch. Well... I am, at least. :lol:


    Do the new Toa's stories fit in with the C.I.R.C.L.E Articles?

    I've most certainly tried stay to true to the Canon Storyline even before I was a member of the C.I.R.C.L.E. So, I do hope it fits with the Articles.

  5. Aww... you gotta leave? We'll miss you, but thanks for the heads-up. Now, on to more serious matters.


    The first is important, a clean, organized enviroment can make you feel better and more relaxed.


    The second is also important as it takes time. And patience. And practice. And good time management. The last is my biggest weakness. Darned procrastination. <_<


    The last is beyond important. Family matters. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Just remember that both your parents are humans and humans are, as a rule, ignorant. This is something that needs to be settled between your parents in a one-on-one grown-up-like discussion(not an argument and most likely not with you). The first step in solving a problem is to realize there is one. The second step is to identify the problem. The third step is to analyze what is causing the problem. The fourth is to work towards solving the problem. As I don't know the details, I can't help you much futher, but I do hope for the best.


    And remember, the best may not always be what you want.

  6. To begin with, my nay votes shouldn't be a large obstacle for the three articles, since all other votes are "aye" except for one "undecided" each.


    Anyway, I am trying to avoid having to deal with the realm of death and coming or leaving it. Therefore, I can't see how I can be convinced to vote aye, since the entire articles revolve around the concept of a realm of death.

    Considering how those "UNDECIDED" are mine, I'd very much like hear the opinion of the only person to vote "NAY."


    I like the concept of a realm of death. In fact, I'd like to make a mention of it in my epic.

    I dont like the idea either but why would someone propose it unless it had something to do with their epic/all our epics. <_<

    Thats why i reluctantly voted Aye.

    I use to think like that. Then the Kanohi Shoopda came along.


    Second, here's a better explanation for "The Shadow Realm" that shows almost no religious ties:

    Within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe", we know that there are three different parts of existence. The first is the physical world, where everything is how we perceive it. When a being dies, their spirit doesn't naturally pass like how we do. Instead, they enter a void very similar to "limbo". This state of existence has been named "The Shadow Realm". The state between life and death, a being's spirit lives in the physical world essentially as a ghost. Due to the loss of their physical body, however, they cannot affect the physical realm much at all without sheer exertion of willpower. The final stage of life is "The Underworld"; total leaving of the terrestrial plain and passing on to the afterlife. It is unknown at this time when and where the journey from "The Shadow Realm" to "The Underworld" occurs. As stated in recent Articles, there are two unnatural ways of cheating the rules.

    One of those are "The Ţuat", six underground Kingdom capitals home to rare Matoran Tribes. Within each Ţuat are gateways from the physical realm to "The Shadow Realm" accessible by simply walking through it. However, using these portals only guarantee a one-way trip and the being cannot use the gateway to re-enter the physical realm. The second exception is the only way from "The Shadow Realm" back to the physical world.

    In the underground recesses of the Island of Yezo Nui, there lies a centuries-lost sanctum dedicated to the forces of life and death. This shrine holds the ability to bring a deceased to life once more through a precise execution of steps involving the forces of good and evil. If a spirit that is lingering within "The Shadow Realm" is able to will a being to do their bidding, they can be resurrected during a ceremony preformed at the shrine.

    Hopefully this will help to reduce any doibt on the matter.


    First, remove the "When a being dies, their spirit doesn't naturally pass like how we do." That could be considered a religous tie and it's not needed.


    Second, we have seen two instances where there has been resurrection. Takutanuva resurrecting Jaller and Matoro using the Ignika to resurrect Mata Nui. So, there are more than the two ways you stated and both are far more efficient than either the "Ţuat" or the "Shrine of Yezo Nui."


    Third, by what you have said, "The Shadow Realm" is not a dimension like the articles suggest. It's really just a shadow-state existance, where the deceased's spirit remains bound to this plane of existance until passing on.

  7. Your confusion with the wording is probably my fault, and although you are correct about metals typically being mind as ore, in this instance clearly the proposed "Black ProtoSteel" is a naturally occurring alloy (such as the case with real-world Electrum), that consists of "ProtoSteel" and whatever other substance gives the metal the described enhancement properties.

    So, anyone with access to "Black Protosteel" could create Protosteel by removing the enhancement properties?


    Also, the article is, in a way, stating that Protosteel exists naturally when we know it does not.

    My nay vote is final here; nothing nas convinced me to vote otherwise and I'm sticking to my guns, as the saying goes.

    Then what would convince you to change your vote?

  8. 42: Undecided. I'm reluctant to approve this one because of the possibilities with certain elements. To note just one example out of several: If Article 93 is passed, then there will be Matoran of Anger, which could result in a Toa of Anger, and if such a Toa of Anger used such a Kanohi Cryalis, how exactly would he become an aspect of Anger?

    Which is why I would prefer it if the Toa became a physical entity of their Element. I'm not sure why Em didn't change the wording when it was previously "Vetoed". :unsure:


    All of my nay votes here are final, I'm afraid. I haven't seen anything to convince me to vote aye really.

    Mind telling us what would?

  9. It is my understanding that "Black Protosteel" is an alloy that can be melded along with other types of Metallic Protodermis to give the resulting object enhancement properties.

    Metals are usually mined as ore, then smelted into a purified form. Alloys are normally two or more metals melded together. "Black Protosteel" ore is mined. "Black Protosteel" metal is its pure form. "Black Protosteel" alloy is the metal melted and mixed with other metal(s). The article's description had me confused. :wacko:

    "UNDECIDED" on Article 92. Toa-like beings with no Elemental Powers, sounds like misplaced Glatorian to me.

    Wow, that's funny. :superfunny:


    and I though the exact same thing about
    Article 92

    Anyway, I'm not so certain that I helped you much on your indecision, but I do what I can. ;)

    You know they say, 'Great minds think alike.'[/ego]


    You'll find it's not that hard to change my mind, as long as the change is logical and with reason.


    92- AYE. So their pirates? Where in the Southern Isles are they?

    In the Kahbarnean Sea, of course. (Pronounced KAH-barn-EE-an)

  10. However, as is often the case in life, things don't always work out as expected.

    When the problem is fundamental, changing the external won't matter.


    And if a toa of "rahi control" cant exist because they cant create rahi, then how can the CANON element of "plant control" if they cant create plants. And Greg F has said that the ignika, EP, the Makuta and Mata-Nui are the only beings/things that can create life.

    And any toa who brings allies into battle is pretty much putting them in risk but they do it anyway, plus toa have fought rahi, innocents as said by you, in the past.

    If I cut down a tree or if I trim some hedges, will they cry out in pain? No. If I hit a dog or kick a cat, will they? Yes. "Plant Life" is different from "Life", because "Life" can create sentient life. "Plant Life" can't, but it would be possible for a plant to become sentient.


    Of course Toa have fought with allies. But normally those allies fight out of their own free will and not because the Toa makes them. And any Rahi the Toa may have fought in the past were either controlled by a Makuta or acting on instinct.


    A Toa of "Rahi" would make innocent Rahi fight for them, not against them and not willingly. That coupled with the fact that a Toa of "Rahi" can't create Rahi is why I cannot support it as a viable Element. If I am wrong on any of this, please tell me.

  11. Wait, what happened to rahi control and insect control?

    Why have they been changed?


    Toa Zahaku

    I concur. Why change them? You're using them in your epic, Ausar, and I'm using a few in mine. Besides, Rahi doesn't sound like an element, Rahi Control, while not fully sounding like an element, sounds better.

    That's probably my fault. See the discussion here.


    First of all, "Rahi" aka "Rahi Control", as defined by Åusår, can't be considered as a Canon Element because a Toa of "Rahi" doesn't create the Rahi. Second, any use of Rahi by the Toa could put the Rahi, an innocent, in danger.


    With all that in mind, why did you use it as an Element?

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