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Blog Comments posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Undecided for Article 63 - Will Toa be using this power or is it something they'd consider immoral like the Shelek, Jutlin, Avsa, etc.? Aye if the latter, nay if the former.

    The Rethus is strictly a Makuta mask.


    Article 66 the Heat Vision mask doesnt seem like a Toa would be comfortable using this mask due to its afilliation with Kraata powers. Personally I coud see the Shadow Toa and other warped beings using this mask so to avoid further embarassment Im switching back to aye, and yes Regis this is my final answer.

    All because the Makuta has a power doesn't mean that power is evil or that a Toa wouldn't use it. Otherwise, Kanohi like the Suletu, the Matatu, or the Mahiki wouldn't have been used.

  2. "AYE" to Article 63. I'm personally amazed how much support there is for such an evil mask.


    "AYE" to Article 64. The Matrix anyone? But why limit it to one attack?


    "AYE" to Article 65. Another mask of my own design.


    "AYE" to Article 66. Yet again a mask I proposed.


    "AYE" to Article 67. Its limitations seem fun to work with. I believe the Tomaje has no limit to how hot the user can become, but I'd imagine the user wouldn't want to cause their armor to melt.


    "AYE" to Article 68. Though Zorrakh does have a point, a Hau is capable of the same thing.


    "AYE" to Article 69. Thank you for changing the name. Its power seems fine, but "Manipulation" doesn't really describe it. "Problem Solving" or "Intellect" better suits it.

  3. "AYE" to Article 56. Both the Honiara and the Suletu are capable of the same thing, but "Mind Linkage" sounds like it works both ways with the user and the target able to access the other's mind. Kind of like Tren Krom.


    "AYE" to Article 57. Yeah, it's cheap. That's why people hate Superman. That's why it's only temporary. Prolonged use could kill the user.


    "AYE" to Article 58. Ausar raises a very good point.


    "AYE" to Article 59. I fail to realize why it's not a good power, considering it's been used by others multiple times through out the years. Plus, it's a Makuta power.


    "AYE" to Article 60. It's my own personal mask. It works very much like Solek's power and the Toa Nuva's Ghost Blasters.


    "AYE" to Article 61. I do have one question; can only part of the body be liquefied or the entire thing?


    "AYE" to Article 62. A useful mask for one is deathly ill or suffered great physical trauma.

  4. "AYE" to Article 49. Reminds me of a sniper rifle and would most certainly be useful.


    "AYE" to Article 50. Congratulations, you have earned it.


    "AYE" to Article 51. The Article would remove discrepancies among epics.Taking Ballom's concerns into consideration, may I suggest that the "Nui Sea" be more of a cave network and less a dome? :shrugs:


    "AYE" to Article 52.

    • To answer Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr's question: The
    "Watcher" would remain on which ever part of the island he or she was on at the time of the division. In terms of health, the "Watcher" would stay alive, but otherwise feel empty or incomplete.

    To counterpoint Ballom: Or maybe Terra Nui's "Watcher" has been destroyed and is now possessing some Rahi. ;)

    To answer Toa Zeerah: Yes. Yes. They all died and when Mata Nui was revived, they were too. Now that Mata Nui's spirit has left the MU the "Watchers" are all comatose.

    To answer Zorrakh: The only thing we know for certain is that the Makuta were suppose to create Rahi. Mesirix repurposed the Brotherhood to watch over the universe. The "Watchers" are more of an influence than a force.

    "AYE" to Articles 53-55. All seem useful and well thought out.


    I am glad to see that questions are being raised about the "Watchers".

  5. "AYE" to Article 1a: The "Wall O' Words". :P It adds better structuring to the group and a more BIONICLE-ish flare. Always a plus.


    "NAY" to Article 18a: Even its proposer is not in support of it.Though I can accept the name resemblance to the AK-47, I don't understand why such a powerful weapon so cheaply made and sold is highly sought after. "Highly sought after" usually implies that it is rare and of great value. A cheap object is neither. I can accept everything else.


    "AYE" to Article 47: An interesting species, no doubt. I too look forward to see how it affects the storyline. One question: How do they leave inter-dimensional space or "The Void"?


    "AYE" to Article 48: Brutish, highly skilled blacksmiths. Most certainly useful. But do I ask you to keep in mind that only Artakha artisans, Toa of Iron, and Nynrah Ghosts can craft protosteel.

  6. But, the Olisi is not random. The wearer decides what kind of alternate future the target will see.


    Randomness, like morality, is not a reason to approve or disprove of a mask power. Usefulness to the user is a far better reason.


    The Rhokita and a Rhotuka launcher both serve the same function; unleashing the user's "inner power". Any "inner power" unleashed by either could be made into a Kanohi power. If I wore a Rhokita and my "inner power" was shielding, the Rhokita would be useless, because I could simply wear a Hau or just use a Rhotuka launcher. If Roodaka wore the Rhokita, wouldn't it serve the same function as a (non-canon) Mask of Mutation? Everything about the Rhokita is redundant. We don't need it.


    About Article 45: I am not against the mask power. The example implied that a Toa would be using the mask. I do not approve of a Toa using such a mask.

  7. "AYE" to Article 43. Fironians sounds like a good placeholder name for such a species.


    "AYE" to Article 44. I find nothing that contradicts with current knowledge of Brutaka's past.


    "NAY" to Article 45. While a Suletu can achieve a similar effect, this exact power, to me, is immoral for a Toa to use. Its use would mean the Toa wearing it would be lying or deceiving the target. Altering another's mind(don't deny it, that's what it is) is not something many look upon as good. In fact, such levels of manipulation are considered horrific. (The Hagah, anyone?) And that is something I cannot support.


    "NAY" to Article 46. If Norik wore the Rhokita, he would be able to slow down a target. Why not wear a (non-canon) Mask of Slowness or just use a Rhotuka launcher? All three would serve the same exact function. What purpose would it serve to have a mask whose power depended on the wearer's morals and ethnics when we could just vote on such a power?


    Furthermore, this mask sounds to be a rare find. A Rhotuka launcher is far more common. And it's canon. And we don't have to vote on its existence. Or its user's power.

  8. I still do not understand why a Rhokita is more useful than a Rhotuka launcher. To me, it is actually less as the launcher's effects could be permanent depending on the user's power. Unless Kohila could provide me with a reasonable situation where a Kanohi Rhotika would be better than a Rhotuka launcher, my vote will not change. I'm also curious at how the user's power would manifest itself.


    Finally, the Kanohi Avsa, Shadow Leeches, and Gorast's Stinger can accomplish the same thing, draining Light from a target, but each does it in a unique way. The Avsa can drain from a distance. Gorast and the Shadow Leeches have to touch their target to drain Light. Also, Gorast and the Avsa have to drain all Light from a target to set up a mental barrier. There is no such difference between the Rhokita and a Rhotuka launcher, with the exception being the Rhokita's power duration.

  9. Toa Talvak, let me answer your first question with my own: Why does Takanuva wear the Avohkii when he can already access his "Inner Power"? It's really just the simple fact that they add a quick extra boost to them. :fonz:


    Also, the "Inner Power" being the Toa's Elemental power is only in the Toa Hordika's case. For instance, Toa Hagah Norik's "Inner Power" is slowing down the target, although he is a Toa of Fire. :shrugs:


    The Avohkii is a different matter. It supplements, not boosts. And it had story purpose, the Makuta feared it and what it meant.


    But you still didn't answer my question, why give a Toa a Rhokita? Why not just give that Toa a Rhotuka launcher? They both do the same exact thing. And the launcher would leave the Toa's mask open for a different power and new opportunities. :sly:


    Yeah, good point. I had forgotten about the Hagah. :rolleyes:

  10. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    1. The mainland continent Voya Nui came from

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    2. The Matoran of Light

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    3. I believe the Great Beings first created the bohrok. The Great Beings created the bohrok as a cleaning tool to help lay the foundation for future cities.

    While I'm theorizing, are the Toa Nuva the first Toa? Also, could Keetongu be the Order of Mata Nui agent placed on Metru Nui to ward off future problems? :???:


    I know editing my post isn't the best thing, but I have changed my second and third answer, and ask that the previous answer be forgotten. I did extra research and found myself wanting to bang my head against a wall. :dazed: bangs head against wall repeatedly :dazed:

    A bit more emoticons. A lot less logic. Not much difference.

  11. Unless he had lost his mask and the Cryalis was the only mask nearby, a Toa of Rahi Control would not wear it for it power. That is about the only storyline reason why he would wear it. It is still useful.


    The way I come to my decision is I ask myself, "Will this Article affect my storyline?" Since it won't, I voted "AYE". That's what I don't understand. You're obviously not going to use it, so why are you against it?


    Futhermore, I am NOT against the idea behind the C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements and do not wish that any member leave.

  12. It is a good mask power but the thing is how does it work with elements such as rahi control. How can you turn into rahi-control or a physical being made of rahi control?, it doesnt make sense. The Mask just couldnt work with said element and if it doesnt work with all Toa then why have it?

    Also to further my argument, what exactly would happen if a non-element associated being like,say Brutaka put it on? Really why have a mask that only works with some types of Toa but not other toa and non-toa who can use Kanohi.

    Ausar, I pmed Zee about it but i havent got a reply yet


    Toa Zahaku

    Brutaka couldn't use its power. Why would he wear a mask he couldn't use? Why have Great and Noble masks if Matoran can't use their powers? Why have Kanohi if Skakdi can't use them? Why have the Vahi or Ignika if no one can't fully wield them? All because a being can't use the mask doesn't mean the mask shouldn't be made. Your point is moot.


    In addition to Toa Zahaku's brilliant comment regarding Brutaka, here's another trump card:
    • What would happen if a Toa of the non-canon element of Energy (i.e. Kinetics) put on a Kanohi Cryalis?


    Certainly Kinetic Energy is a force of nature that can be created (just wave your hand around) and absorbed (now smack yourself and tell me where the energy went), so it fits all the requirements that

    Toa Talvak set forth of what an element must be.Anyway, I could come up with several more non-canon Elements that fit the mold but don't work with the Kanohi in question, such as Thought, Anger, Fear, etc.

    A Toa of Energy would temporary become pure energy. What kind or "aspect" of energy he transforms into is left to the Toa's imagination. (One possiblity for Kinetics could be something like Vezok's impact vision)


    Thought, Mind Reading, Rahi Control,and Insect Control all are psychic abilities, right? Why have Elements, especially Thought and Mind Reading, that are so similar? Why not just group them into one Element called Telepathy or Psychics?


    I realize Light, Fire, and Plasma share similar abilities, but each is more capable its own respect. A Toa of Rahi Control or Insect Control could more easily control Rahi or Insects, respectively, but neither creates anything. By my requirements, they can't be Elements, only powers.


    Anger and Fear, though possible Elements, wouldn't naturally wielded by a Toa for the same reason as Shadow, they are inherently evil. They're not called negative emotions for nothing, you know. ;)

  13. Well, your point about Adventures #7 doesn't apply here because that's not what RingMaster Zee said the Kanohi Cryalis does, rather that's what Kohila suggested it might do.


    In actuality the article states that the user temporarily transforms into a single aspect of their Element, and there is no mention of that aspect being a sentient entity anywhere in the proposal, none whatsoever.

    But wouldn't becoming their Element be considered an aspect of their Element?


    To be honest, the mask power is great, but the Article's wording, not so much.


    But toa talvak, Greg F has said before that the only thing that can create life is the ignika or a being cursed by the ignika and creating plantlife is creating life isnt it?

    Like GregF might say, that's nitpicking.

  14. Actually, in BIONICLE Adventures #7, the Toa Metru faced both a creature made of Fire and a creature made of Sonics. I fail to understand why the Kanohi Cryalis wouldn't work in a similar way. It transmutes the wearer into whatever Element he or she creates, or in other words the wearer becomes his or her Element. This is the reason it won't work for any Control Element, nothing is created.


    The Element of Plant Life is a canon. Plant Control is a power. A Makuta power. Rahi Control is a Makuta power. Weather Control is a Makuta power. A vast majority of C.I.R.C.L.E. Elements are based off of Makuta powers without really considering what an Element is. An Element is any force of nature that can be created, controlled, and absorbed by Toa. If it doesn't fit all these requirements, it can't be wielded by a Toa and is therefore not an Element.

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