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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Torhuki

  1. Hey Swashy! =D

  2. Hey Turakii, your inbox is full again. :P


  3. Hey, happy birfday!

  4. Hey, I noticed you're in robotics; so am I! :)

  5. Hi Amphilus! I see you like stop-motion; so do I!

  6. His avatar sounds so cool. =P

  7. Hmm. You have a point there...

    I'd have to say though, that there is a lot of science involved in some of the books.

  8. Hmmm... That's a toughie.

    Probably all three. :D

  9. Ho ho ho ho... >8D

  10. HOBBIT-KILLER! >8(

  11. Hope ya feel better mate!

  12. I -feel- old. 20 is right around the corner. =P

  13. I -just- saw. So how're the perks of being an Admiral? =P

  14. I always wondered about that. ^_^ Your personal statement, I mean.


  16. I don't know. Maybe.

    Science Fiction sounds cooler. =P

  17. I got LSW III! *dances around swinging his DS in the air*

  18. I haven't had time to revamp my style.

  19. I just want you to know that I use the 'Home' and 'End' keys instead of the scroll button to navigate your profile. =O That's how long your interests are.

  20. I know. =D

    Too bad I only have a PS2, not one of the newer consoles...

  21. I love the quote in your sig. Oma's sweet. :P

  22. I mean funny. Not witty. I already said that. =P

  23. I miss ye ol' pirate. =(

  24. I noticed the "AT" before you said it. =P And that BrickArms gun looks sweet (I saw it already)

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