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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Torhuki

  1. Thanks Turakii! =)

  2. That little squid makes Barney look vicious.

  3. That personal pic really captures Bumblebee's personality. =)

  4. Then you should set your location as "The grave". =P

  5. This is coming from my dad's iPhone in Panera Bread. :P

  6. Three or four Premier Memberships. =P

    What exactly do you mean?

  7. Three Premier Memberships. =P

  8. Try to imagine Master Chief as a baby. It's hard. Especially when you have no idea what his face looks like. =P

  9. Um, what? O_o

  10. Um... *Throws apple* Hiya?

  11. Um... Page? You mean profile?

  12. Very nice. I used your avatar once as a background for my desktop. ^_^

  13. Well, that stinks. I hope you feel better. It's no fun bein' sad like that. Have you done any stop-motions recently?

  14. What's funny is that I just saw that one last night. ^_^

  15. What's your new PP of?

  16. Whoa, sweet personal pic. =D

  17. WHOA! Over 1000 views! Thanks guys! =D

  18. Why thankee. I think so too.

  19. Wow, everyone likes your images... XD

  20. Wow. Thor in a Stargate suit. =P

  21. Wow... 5001 posts... Lotsa writing thar... Don't your hands hurt!? O_o

  22. Wow... And you've only been here 3 years.

  23. Wow... Two pages on your Pirate movie topic in the same week...

  24. yayz takuma ish my hero now

  25. Yeah, a couple seconds. =P

    I'd like a move where you pick a trooper up, keep him there, and jump up and slashing him. =D

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