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Surface Detail

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Everything posted by Surface Detail

  1. Happy annual Human celebration of one year closer to extinction!

  2. Yes, to some extent, but one can only attempt to structure a viewpoint on this when considering if life, our life, has any meaning on a greater cosmic scale, us, a fungus growing on the epidermis of a small stone orbiting a star at the edge of a galaxy, among infinite more. Of course, that's just my view, then again I'm part of the psycho-pandimensional-super conspiracy secret shadow government that rules the world aren't I?
  3. You...disturb me...greatly


  4. And as for the other things, I am in no way "grading" you, it's just a bit of a fit of annoyment I get in sometimes, as for the mods, no they are not paranoid, the rule is only that you can't do something like say,"I IS A CHRISTIAN ALL YOU OTHER RELIGIONS IS EVOIL Hhahah!!111"maybe you should check the rules concerning this before you pass judgement.

  5. yes, I do, all I'm saying is that it's just that the, well, chatspeak annoys me, that's all, it's nothing against you, it's just "acronyms" like wut, and hi ppl, and u, nothing personall against you,

  6. Hapori dume is stuck in a tomb, the tomb is stuck in a broom, the broom is in my spoon.

  7. Well, most nerds usualy speak in such a manner as this:





    Its usualy teenagers who speak in noobese,"Liek lollulz u like orly and I wus liek ya rly!!1333!"

    Good name though.

  8. Why are we here?So we can save the cheese Where did we come from?Mars Where are we going?Downhill Where are the mole-people?Np, you is silly, they is in the Daleks, Who are in the Humans, who are in the Huemans,who are in the Whomans. How big is space?Larger than you, SNAP. Why does a cow say "moo"?You don't want to know. Why am I asking these questions?You gottsa bank. Why do I expect you to know the answers?Dust thou wish to question me!? If a tree falls in the forest, and it gets sucked into a Vortex and spat out 3.677,000,000 miles away, does it hit someone in the head? No, it hits a bakery in the head, whcih in turn hits the Tardis Why are Daleks so cool?Because. Why are ducks so cool?Because their existence spans several galaxies, even to Naboo. What day is the first day of the last day of the first to last week of the month of which I think is the second of the minute of the hour of the day before yesterday only two days after the day before the day after yesterday's tomorrow's second hour's day and/or night? Towel day. What?Dr. Where?Dr. When?Dr. Why?Dr. Who?Nurse How?Dr. Why again?Time is relative. Come again?And a big ball of wibbley-wabely timey-whimey stuff. Say that one more time?Hello? I'm sorry, I just can't hear you. Please repeat?Halo 3? I must have a hearing problem or something, right?Yes, I do. What?Dr. I dunno. Do you?Yeah, the ratings haven't been to good. Huh? Ya didn't see it? Oh, Ross and Rachel got back together again. I see.... not really. Can you? I can see threes.Threes trees in hotel their here. Is the Earth square or triangular?It's a pentagon. Is Alien better than Predator?no. Is Predator better than Alien?Only if the DoD lies to us, no wait, yes! Can anyone hear you scream in space?Only if your on the basson with judoon and a platoon on the moon in june. Why do I digress?Because I do. Do you like waffles?I believe there is waffle in waffles. Will these questions ever end?philanthropy!
  9. Yes, but many unfortunate 12 year olds in their invasion of the internet do, and you'd be suprised how many there are...perhaps using the english grammatical term wuld allude to drug addiction of the masses?

    I is a high person!

    Or maybe a race of avian humanoids?

    The world may never know.

  10. I remember, I remember the worry,worry, how could I ever forget? That the hurt doesn't show but the pain still gro-hows. For you and me. dju dju dju dju dju dju DJU DJU DJU. While having little patriotism for the USA, I am saddened by said occurences and would like to extend a legal hand of empathy to those deaths.(and the building itself.)
  11. Nah, I saw his corpse in a TARDIS somewhere at FOX news. Or was that CNN?

    Anyway, welcome back, somehow.

  12. Isn't there something wrong with everything?


  13. woot! A answer, more or less a few questions of personall interest, anyway, here is your check for what is, drumroll please: one Euro.

  14. good for you sirk, good for you.

  15. I see the same comment on Club penguin everyday...again...and again... and again.


  16. Chinchilas are people! Little, furry, earthling people!

  17. We are all laughing at you uchiha, we are alal laughing at me, someone is laughing st omi, then Janus, and va-er...VQ tri-angulated, and I'm laughing at the penguin handing out porrly zeroxed socialist newsletters down the street.

  18. Yep, the future is bright for you my friend, well, other than the few mosquitos on the windshield, but as soon as ya get back to the station you should be able to take care of that. Wait, did jerry take out the garbage?

  19. clockwork orange right?

    I read the book, never saw the movie.

  20. Didn''t know ##### was censored did you?
  21. To which the surrounding gasses, energy, etc.(debris) may be being seen as surrounding the black hole, when it has been engulfed possibly thousands of years ago.

  22. hmmm..interesting, I had thought that land based telescopes did an equal share, I was refering to the fact that, due to the speed of light and what not, when observing even from the Earth's upper atmosphere, or in geostationay orbit, we may be looking back in time

  23. HE is Isis so he go bye bye now with da Ood and da Manjacillicularianians.

  24. Ahh..so your a ND fan?

    What of vote for me?

    Ya know Pedro has several small shark skeletons in his closet.;-)

  25. The Loch Ness monster's book was right! The Meepers did use the pyramids to land their starships, and enslave Humanity!
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