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Riisiing Moon

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Status Updates posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. Wow, Kiotu. Smooth move. xD What about the whole science vs. magic concept?

  2. Staring at a wall is surprisingly way more absorbing than writing RPGs or epics. :P

  3. At the moment, doing nothing. I should probably be doing a lot of things. :P

  4. I like the name change. :P By the way...I was posting in that what're-you-gonna-do-when-you-leave topic in GD, and I realized I haven't posted in GD in a long time. Then I remembered you calling me the king of GD. :P So, I'm going to reestablish my GD monarchy, and I'm naming you heir: when I die--erm, leave, you're taking over. :P

  5. Thanks a lot! :D And trust me, I know. :P Ashaz is...well, you'll find out, and I actually don't know what power Teyl is yet.

  6. Yeah, thought I had some big epic cameo, didn't you? :P What do you mean by own voice?

  7. Yeah, semi-power-creativity, basically; and sure, fire and ice is a great idea. Sorry about that, I forgot I had a school dinner and underestimated the power homework. :P I'll post a new chap either today or Sunday, along with that RPG intro.

  8. Gotta go, night!

  9. And the sixth Toa probably is going to be new. Probably, I haven't made sure yet. I have a partial history and personality set up, it's name and appearance I have to get, which I may or may not steal from a past char. I won't let out any of his personal info I DO know, though.

  10. Nope, I have not. I find it funny how it takes me ten seconds to think a character's elaborate ten year history, personality, and appearance in an epic or SS, but half an hour to make up one RPG char profile on the spot. :P

  11. Ashaz doesn't show up for a while; I'm building an imaginary image of him by talking about how epic he is a ton, but never actually showing him. You'll probably see his armies before you see him. :P And the sixth...I can't spoil anything. ;)

  12. Nope. You mean NPCs, or just a char?

  13. Who, Heryode and Fera? Heryode is entirely original, Fera's based on a character from two RPGs and one epic. He was the leader of my fantasy Toa team.

  14. For what, inFamous?

  15. ITW? And haha I'm waiting for GJ to review it, but if he doesn't by the time I'm able to use a computer tomorrow I'll post a new chap. Did I keep you in suspense?

  16. And it'll have that shady atmosphere to it.

  17. ...description on prior events explaining the situation, ramble on about something irrelevant and be interrupted by his murderer. You like?

  18. I had a general idea, the words usually just flow outta me while I write. :P Basically some citizen rebel watching a gangfight between Reapers and Dustmen, and watching a guy with electric and teleportation powers intervene. He readies a gun to get rid of the 'evil psycho,' but he's ambushed and killed and says some epic quote about the RPG before he dies. He'll watch, give a brief

  19. I've done none of it, I don't type major projects on my iPod, the saving's all annoying. And the typing for that matter. :P

  20. Alright, I have an idea. Don't expect to see it on te forums for a while, though. :P

  21. That's different, it's not direct conversation.

    ...Plus I don't think she knows about comments. <.>.>

  22. She doesn't hate it, she just doesn't want me on chatrooms for fear I'll give away personal info and stuff like that. You know parents. :P

  23. Dang it, I was about to start writing and my mom kicked me off the computer. :P Remind me to write it tomorrow, at about this time since I have I'm taking summer school for high school, and I have a field trip tomorrow; I get home at 4:00, have two and a half hours of homework, and then probably slave work. :P

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