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Riisiing Moon

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Status Updates posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. PMed you with all the answers.

    ...Don't let James Bond know where I got 'em from.

  2. Yeah, I'm going to end HttK...y'know what? Post those two chaps whenever, and I'm permanently handing the epic over to you and Toa Deserok. Let him know I said so, do whatever you want with it.

  3. :P

    PM me whatever you have so far, and what your problems are.

  4. A lot of my stories are based on epiphanies. I have a major, full-scale book I'm going to start writing that was inspired by a scene I randomly thought of in the shower. :P I can probably help you solidify some issues--what's the problem?

  5. :/

    I may or may not start a COT epic soon. I have an opening scene, but that's it. :P

  6. I noticed. :P Wow, COT writing really burned out, didn't it?

  7. :o Go look up 'Lazer Collection.'
  8. 'Doctor Octagonapus, BLOG!'

  9. Yeah, better vote it through come September. :P Have I told you my awesomepants blog name?

  10. Hey, I know you! You spammed up my comment box when I first joined. :P

  11. Stop that! Don't make mine feel inferior. :P Bee tee double-yoo, I'm almost done with that RPG I was making a while back.

  12. Your avatar freakin' wins. Stop impressing me. xD

  13. Sorry, I don't have enough time to review DatS before I leave. But I'll review Cold Dawn. :D

  14. Sent you Chap VI.

  15. Mind if I review Cold Dawn and your SS? I'd review Disgrace of the Skrall, but it's too long for me to review before I leave. Sorry. :/

    Also, how well do you take criticism (don't worry, haven't actually read it yet, but I want to know in advance so I don't offend you in any way)?

  16. Of course, no problem! I'll head over to it now. But I warn you, my review are...long. :P Review should be here within the week, anywhere form within the hour to seven days.

  17. Sorry, gotta pull an RM. :P See ya!

  18. What d'you think? And for the record, priorites: HttK is at the top, since I have the shortest amount of time to work on that. After I finish a chap each day, maybe two, I'll work on a chunck of FFO. After I've finished some other stuff around the forums, I'll get working on the inFamous thing. :P

  19. Hey! Sorry about that hiatus, but Hail to the King is back in the Epics forum; it's got a new chap or two up there, and an important update in the review topic. I'd love if you can keep reviewing it, thanks a lot! See you on the forums!

  20. The question is, was I ever working on it? :P Sent you chap five, by the way. Let me know what you think, and remember to post it in HttK when I'm gone.

  21. ...Only for like five minutes. :P

  22. Oh, the familial love. :P

  23. Oh, the familial love. :P

  24. Oh, trust me, I have a million serious social issues that kill me. But that's why I write/go on BZP--to escape.

  25. My life sucks periodically too. So does everyone's. :P

    ...But I'm not saying the first part. Cuz I am more ossim than you. B)

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