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Riisiing Moon

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Status Updates posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. Hey, when's judging starts for SS Ohlimpikz?

  2. Guess who reviewed your epic. Happy belated birthday, that's all your getting. xD

  3. Haha and why's that?

  4. You want my writing abilities because it'd be a new experience to have them, but once they become old they become not nearly as entertaining, and you'd want something else. Human nature. See ya!

  5. You want my writing abilities because it'd be a new experience to have them, but once they become old they become not nearly as entertaining, and you'd want something else. Human nature. See ya!

  6. Yeah, and you're so much better with math and science than I am. We can't all be perfect. I think the problem is, at least on a philosophical level, humans naturally want what they can't have, as they're unfamiliar with the feeling of possessing it. I'd love to be as smart you, but it would get boring after I get used to it; it'd become natural, instinctive.

  7. And your name. Kind of a big one. :P Gonne go to sleep, night! Well, actually, day!

  8. Just because your brain is better than mine doesn't mean you're mentally superior.

  9. Yeah, but logic isn't nearly as cool.

  10. Yeah, town and name is enough. Not to mention ethnicity. And now you know my interests and ambitions, and family member number. That's just plain creepy. :P

  11. Clearly your brain has no blogic, then. :P I kinda like Blogarithms (as a name).

  12. Yeah, it fills in the blanks. I know exactly what you mean.

  13. I know, it's ossim! :P Wait, what'd you come up with on the spot?

  14. Nope, that's the art to the Magic: the Garhering card Orzohv Guildmage. And there are no wings. :P

    Dr. Octagonapus, BLOG!

  15. For a period of time, I was a great worldbuilder, but a terrible writer; I just honed my writing skills because I realized worldbuilding and writing weren't the same thing.

  16. Dude, how'd you know, you stalker!

    And actually, I got into writing because my mom showed me some fantasy as a kid; Harry Potter and the like. Star Wars and other fantastical worlds got me absorbed, and I started making my own worlds, which traversed into the world of writing.

  17. Have I told you my win blog name?

  18. Your grandparents live on a farm, your dad's a chef, and you want to be an astrophysicist? xD

  19. Yeah, last day, no one notices if you shoopus da woopus--er, shirk da work.

  20. Cuz I did stolk yer blahg. :P What're you supposed to be doing.

  21. That's a disturbing thought. :P I will in (my) morning, too lazy now.

  22. Wait...it just says 'Viewing Member's Profile!' How do you know it's yours?

  23. L=K?

    I dunno, I don't stalk you. :P

  24. That's the point. *Evil grin* I was offline, but not technically signed out or anything, so it said I was still on; hence me on the same page for an hour. :P

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