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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. Yep. I used to be an OBZPC and have a cool Copper Huna like you do, but I've joined the ranks of the maskless.

  2. Quite well, thank you. =) And you?

  3. Ah, some of my favorite books as well. Have a great birthday. =)

  4. Having a baby does that, kind of takes up all your time. =) She's almost two now, but with Bionicle ended, I haven't been as inspired to do things.

  5. My girls watch it. I sort of know what's going on.

  6. Here a Dalek, there a Dalek, everywhere a Dalek-dalek. =p

  7. Not as much as before, though. My son lost interest in Lego and my younger daughters are into Pokemon. So it's pretty much just me and Turakii now.

  8. It's birthday time again! Hope you have a great one. =)

  9. Kind of sort of. My younger daughters aren't interested in BZP.

  10. Surrender now or prepare to fight! =p

  11. You play the mandolin? Is that duel stringed? It looked that way in the video but I wasn't sure.

  12. I was wondering who Also was. =P

  13. Blame the girls. They watch it every night on their laptops.

  14. Next time, go for the smaller cookie. ;)

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