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that guy

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Status Updates posted by that guy

  1. Where did you get Solek?

  2. Hey Cholie, have a comment! :D

  3. Since when was that manly? :P

  4. Vezok, you shouldn't say stuff like that, not only because it is rude, but also because people will not like you for it.

  5. It would seem to me that he could at least add people he knows in real life, like Binkmeister, right?


    ...cool pic....

  7. Lhilertoro, Greg isn't obliged to give us any info, and protesting that won't help. Also, he answers PMs because he wants to, so not PMing him really wouldn't do anything. Just give him time, and he'll give us info.

  8. You should probably see this topic before you tell people you have Icarax pics.


  9. Light

    (Takanuva be awesome)

  10. Happy Birthday and stuff...

  11. Yay, you used the banner I gave you!

  12. I just happened to click on your profile and noticed we have the same birthday. Awesome. :D

  13. Protax, Greg doesn't make the sets, the set designers do that, so complaining to him won't really do much.

  14. Jar-Jar, he closes stuff because it's his job to close stuff.

  15. You should put (url) in your sig if you want your banner to work.

  16. Manliness is all about getting buff and getting chicks (hence why I'm so manly :D).

    Crashing your head into a wall doesn't really fit under either of those...

  17. Well, instead of saying sorry, you should say "yeah whateva" because that's the manly thing to say :P

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