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Everything posted by Cleofan119

  1. Cleofan119


    Math. I don't like math. But I am proud to say that I have memorized a bit of Pi. And I promise to all of you that I am not lying. I have memorized some of it. I did not copy and paste the following, and I am not typing it as I look at another window. Anyway, here goes: 3.14159265358979323846 Okay, so it doesn't look like a lot... but you try memorizing that! It took me months!
  2. Cleofan119

    More Halo!

    I don't have Halo 2, but I do have Halo 1 (for PC)
  3. Well, then... consider yourself a member.
  4. This is a useful blog entry. I do, however, like to use my own style of blogging, although this entry might help...
  5. Cleofan119


    Nothing. That's all I have to say. I hope you don't mind if all I say is nothing. Please... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Nothing. I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say except: NOTHING! What else did you think I was gonna say? Something?!
  6. I happen to like Carapar. His design sort of describes how strong he is just by looking at him.
  7. Kalmah3 wanted me to start an entry in my blog about a Barraki Club. So join the Barraki Club! Post a comment here or PM Kalmah3. Join the Barraki Club and get this cool banner! EDIT: Will a staff member please PM me if this is not allowed? Thanks.
  8. Yep... the title says it all. I'm a soaring champion! Does that mean I can fly? *Jumps out window* Ow...
  9. It's Cleo's birthday! Cleo, my pretty pretty doggy, turns three today! Happy Birthday my happy pretty Cleo!
  10. Cleofan119


    I hate Monday. And to prove it, I have a little story. Enjoy: Eyes closed... everything is dark. Suddenly, a loud screetching noise, and you sit up in your bed, screaming. You turn to face your nightstand, and shut off the alarm clock. Suddenly you realize why you set your alarm clock to wake you up so early: It's Monday! Aaaagh! You pop out of your bed, eat two bowls of cereal, get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, swing your backpack around your left arm, and pout. You have to start school - for a whole week! Five miserable days until the weekend. But even then, it's only two days until you have to repeat the process. This whole thing confuses me. Why do you have to go through 5 deathly days, and then you only get 2 seemingly-short days until you have to do everything again, until summer. But summer is only about two and a half months.
  11. Houston, we have a problem. What's the problem? The server is busy again. Again? Yes, and I'm not sure how much longer it can stay busy before all the members sue us. I guess we'll just have to live with it. Here they come! AAAAAAAAGH!
  12. Prepositional phrase?! Coordinating conjunction?! I HATE GRAMMAR! Make it go away! I don't want to see it anymore! AAAAAAAAAAGH!
  13. Cleofan119


    This morning, my shoes were still a little wet, but I put them on anyway, 'cuz my old shoes don't fit anymore.
  14. Cleofan119


    It's been really cold here lately, and finally it got hot. So my brother poured a bowl of water on my head, and then I sprayed water at him from a hose. And then we just kept doing that to each other - and I'm still sort of wet.
  15. Turakii, I tried to sent you a message but your inbox is full. Anyway, I agree with what you said. I like Hahli's wings... but how will she use them underwater...?
  16. I'll tell her you said that when she gets back from her walk. EDIT: I have told her that you said that. 'cuz she's back from her walk.
  17. Hey - guess what? My dog, Cleo, turns three in 5 days! For those of you that don't feel like counting that far ahead, March 14 is Cleo's third birthday! Here, let me give you a little background on the most prettiest doggy in the whole wide world: In June 2004, my family went to the Bahamas for 5 days. When we were returning home, my dad took a separate plane out to Oklahoma. He picked up our dog there, and met as ut the airport with our dog. So, on 3/14/07, Cleo will turn three. And in June, we will celebrate her second anniversary of living with us.
  18. Thanks! I think I might know how to round the edges.
  19. You saw my GregF Banner (below), now, since it's Screenguy's birthday, check out the banner I gave him!
  20. I actually found it on Brickshelf. Lucky me, huh?
  21. Nope, not yet... UPDATE: HE HAS PMed ME BACK BY NOW
  22. I'm not sure how many of you saw the 2007 banners I made, but one of my favorites isn't even in that topic. I made it a while ago. I sent it to GregF in a PM, and here it is: I hope you like it. And yes, I know that it's pretty small.
  23. Cleofan119

    Toa Mata

    Yeah, I guess so. I'd post pictures but I don't how to do it in a blog.
  24. Cleofan119

    Toa Mata

    I had a terrible time today trying to fix up my old Pohatu. Toa Mata Pohatu... and he's still not completely finished. The balls on his shoulder's aren't there, the things sticking out of his legs have dissapeared, and I only have one of the kicker things that goes on his feet - and that one doesn't really fit anymore.
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