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Everything posted by Cleofan119

  1. FUNNY! But an entry about what? Don't ask me! I haven't a clue!
  2. Well, today, I wrote an epic (of course, in the Epics forum) called "Creeps from the Deep: Matoran Attack". I like it. EDIT: The review topic for "Creeps from the Deep: Matoran Attack" is now up and running! Click here to see it! ~Cleofan119
  3. If there's a cure for ellipses... I want it... bad! ..................................
  4. I beat BIONICLE Heroes today! Well, not really. I got the Mask of Life, and I unlocked the first bonus level. I think I'm seventy-something percent through the game. What happens when I finish? I can't wait to find out!
  5. Saturday the 13th. We came so close to Friday the 13th. Hey - what if Halloween was on Friday the 13th. But that would never happen - Halloween is always on the 31st. I remember that my second grade teacher's birthday was obn Halloween. Wouldn't that just be scary? If your birthday was on Halloween? I know that there are some members here whose birthdays are on Halloween, but, not very many. ~Cleofan119
  6. Well today, it's really cold and I'm reawlly bored 'cause nobody has been PMing me. I deleted two of the content blocks that I made yesterday, because they had nothing to do with anything. I did notice that Turakii quoted me and put it in her blog when I said "Uh........... (Ellipses forever)" in my blog yesterday. But for now, I'm Uh........ (bored forever). ~Cleofan119
  7. Um... That's weird. (I've gotta stop using ellipses!) *Schoolgirl cry*
  8. Where did you come up with THAT?
  9. I'm so bored. All I feel like doing is drooling. Uh............... (Ellipses forever) So, if anybody feels like dropping me a PM, please do so. If you want a poll, a game, anything I can do for you... then PM me. I'm so bored........ Hey, guess what else I did? I made three content blocks! Isn't that exciting? *Schoolgirl giggle*
  10. Cleofan119

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, Kex (even though it's 2007 already!)
  11. Sorry that I don't have a lot to write today; I didn't have a lot of time on BZPower. I went to my grandma's house until 6:00 pm, so that's why I didn't get a lot of time. Okay, well, finally, I got another comment on my blogs. Not many people comment on my blog. EDIT: Yay! I'm a Steely Visionary! Yay! ~Cleofan119
  12. Yesterday was a bad day for me on BZPower. I didn't get a lot of time to do stuff, because I kept getting "Server Busy" Board messages. Also, I tried to post an entry in my blog, but right as I clicked on "Post New Entry", My internet went down, and my screen said "Page Cannot Be Found". So, anyway, here's what I did yesterday: I got a chance to use the "search" feature (Only Premier Members can use this feature) to search for the first topic I posted in. If anyone who is not Premier wants a link to the first topic they posted in, PM me, and I'll try to send you a link. But since the desktop computer won't let me do links, you'll have to let me know to go on my laptop to send you the link. I don't think that what I did today is very important. Except maybe that none of my topics are "Hot", but I didn't really do that. however, I did make my 430th post! EDIT: Also, when I clicked "Post Entry" today, it didn't post my entry! I had to "Add this entry as Published" rather than "Draft". ~Cleofan119
  13. Well, Turakii, here's a little known member fact for you: I like chocolate and I don't think I will ever change my name - ever.
  14. Well, this morning, (unlike yesterday) when I woke up, I didn't think about BZPower. I only thought about it when I was eating my breakfast. So the moment I was done eating, I got on BZPower. Finally, the first poll I made made it to Hot Topic #10, and then 9, and then 10 again. Sure, it's not up at the top, but it's a start, right? I left BZPower for a few minutes to play BIONICLE Heroes. I'm 61% through the game. I might be done with it by March. But I'm unsure about that.
  15. Well, today, when I woke up, the first thing I thought about was my dog, Cleo. And then I thought about BZPower for so long that I ended up going on the computer just to do that, ignoring my brother's suggestion to play BIONICLE Heroes (No, my brother is not a member). Anyway, I made a few posts (and a poll) before I decided to make this entry. The server was busy when I tried to post it, so I ended up posting it three times. I deleted one, but it won't let me delete the other one so I just have this one. But finally, I deleted it. Whew! Yesterday, when I became a Premier Member, I changed my avatar from the up-close picture of Huki to Cleo. That's why I'm Cleofan119: I'm a big fan of my dog, Cleo! Okay, enough about Cleo ( ). I'll just say one more thing: If anybody (and I mean anybody) wants me to make a poll/trivia game for them, I will be more than happy to do so. ~Cleofan119
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