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Jonestown Bartender

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Everything posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. But I love you Janus ;_; I love you.
  2. We got some snow here but not much. it's going to ice over later.
  3. I'd say their both rude. Now if the person taps them and ask them to turn there MP3 down then it another story.
  4. Oh I could throw you in a lake or feed you poison birthday cake I won't deny I'm gonna miss you when you gone, I could bury you alive but you might crawl out with a knife and kill me when I'm sleeping thats why....
  5. Run kids run! Mr. Anonymous has lost his mind!
  6. Because I said so now go to your room!
  7. Everyone be good! Janus was in my blog for like the last half hour...I think he's out to get me...
  8. can't stop coughing and my heads killing me :\
  9. If you want a simple answer it’s because Tom Cruise practices Scientology and a lot of people have or know someone who has been hurt by $cientology so naturally people would want to tar and feather someone who openly does something that they openly hate and where’s the first place to look when you want to bring someone down? Something they do that makes them proud in his case, acting. Of course some people may just not like his acting just because it’s not to their taste but that’s a completely different animal.
  10. Do you like? Do you like? Do you like? Do you like red? Do you like red? Do You Like The Red Room?
  11. Manaty man, Manaty man Manaty man loves Shark man, they have a fight, Manaty wins, Manaty man.
  12. I can still remember how the comedies used to make me smile. And I knew if we had done well, Those spammers would have spamed in pain, And there'd be no more noobs for awhile... But matoro worshipers made me shiver, with every with every banner they delivered. Bad news on the front page; I barely held in my nerd rage. I can't remember if I cried when I saw the kits far and wide, but someone called the F.B.I., the day that BZpower died. So.. Bye bye, to the great forum site Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5 Some good old lulz were had on that aging *power Posting "This'll be the day we get banned, this'll be the day we get banned." Did you write the rules of spam? and were we really creepy secretly? It was better then, if you ask me... Now do you believe in a freeking poll? Can censorship save your mortal ######? And can you teach me how to "GET" reeeal faaat? Well I know that Dimensioneer rued the day when he He opened up laptop and saw "Ghandknishef" Man, I dig those trolls! I was a lonely teenage hate machine with a new computer and with a really big screen, but I knew someone would intervene the day that BZpower died. And we we posting, "Bye bye, to the great forum site Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5" Some good old lulz were had on that aging *power Posting "This'll be the day we get banned, this'll be the day we get banned." And there we were all on the *Power With Omi groupies and MIB spam With no time left to start again. So come on, post some MOCS, post some real comics, Post a picture of your 2 new sets, Because in the reviews is where they stick. And as Omi posted "it sucks" The mods were leavening night and day No Bzper born to lurk Could stand to post anymore! The flamewars mounted left and right, From fanboys who'd gotten too uptight, I saw GregF laughing in delight, The day that FAILpower died And he was singing, "Bye bye, to the great forum site Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5" Some good old lulz were made on that aging *power Posting "This'll be the day we get banned, This'll be the day we get banned." ** I found a site that didn't lose, And I asked them for some happy news, But they just told me to go back to my old shores. I remember I bookmarked this new "BZP"- Where the mods were cool and they didn't ban, Just for posting stupidly. And back at 'COT the nerd all screamed, The old creeps left and the new creeps beamed, But no Moderator was jokin'. The Mata nui theory’s all were broken. And the three things I admire most, Ninjo, Omi and a good spam post- Got in a car and drove to the moon, The day that FAILpower died. And we we're posting... Bye bye, to that great forum site, Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5 Some good old lulz were had on that aging *power Posting "This'll be the day we're all banned, this'll be the day we're all banned." Bye bye, to the great forum site, Where I'd linger with a finger always over F5 Some good old lulz were made on that aging *power Posting "This'll be the day we get banned." *original lyrics by Don Mclean
  13. I have gone to Pittsburgh and guess what? Your right.
  14. First; Washington protesters. It's all good and fine that you want to share the love or save baby seals but why do you have to come here? All you guys do is drive all the way down here in you hippie van stand on the mall for a hour and a half then you just hang around town and try to be all friendly, just know this; NO ONE HERE LIKES YOU AND YOUR NOT A REBEL IF YOU STAND OUTSIDE WITH A MAGAPHONE AND YELL STUPID SLOGANS AND SING...ok all you guys do is kill the system of movement here, you see everything works in a very clock-work manner if a train can't work 'cuzz it hit some stupid man who didn't understand that you can't stop a train with you mind and then proceeds to get run over he just blew up the hole system! Now no one can get to or from Washington. Next on my list of hate; Small children. If you leave a small child with me he’s gonna be scared for life. Third are people who pretend to have strong feelings about things that have little or no impact on them or anyone around them. 4. people who add a Z or S to everything they say. Example; “Hey hows yous guyz doing?” Or “Hows all yals doin? It peeves me to know end. And lastly: leet, If you use leet excessively I will find you.
  15. If I like it I'll learn it But if I don't I will find you.
  16. I never said there was, I would just like if people chose one of the two.
  17. thats a logical rule, there's nothing bad about that but I'd like if you picked one or two.
  18. Would you like to be free, I mean truly free, to the point of self-destruction or live a long life with rules, so many rules, that it almost bordered on oppression?
  19. Sounds interesting, tell me when theres some pics up.
  20. ...

    I should of thought of that.

  21. Yes I did and I tryed to go for just good old anonymous but somebody had it and I didn't want to add a long line of numbers to it so...

  22. No I have not I don't feel like paying ten bucks to see what I already know happen.
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