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Jonestown Bartender

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Everything posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Jonestown Bartender


    Yay it's not the bird faces!
  2. thank god I'm not the only one who put's them in my mouth.
  3. Cardinals are going to get owned. sorry I like the Cardinals better but the Steelers are just a better team.
  4. And I think we can all agree that James Bond blowing away Nazis with an MP40 is just awesome. so uh... Anyway it was a good movie not something really to bring a young kid to, they drop the F bomb like seven times in the movie and there’s lots 'o' blood and gore but it's still is something I'd want to buy when it comes out on disc.
  5. Unless you've found away to isolate yourself from all forms of news including the internet you should already now the Inauguration is next week and if you’re planning on going then there’s something you should know about Maryland… THERES ONLY ONE HIGHWAY OUT. Really I’m not kidding all the other highways go in a circle, all the roads ether go to a highway, (and it is going to almost always be one of the useless ones), or the hit dead end somewhere in the middle of nowhere (I really mean nowhere the people that live there “don’t believe in no street lights.” Also for some reason they want you to walk across a two mile bridge that just happens to be FALLING APART in what with wind chill will fell like -10 degree weather. Oh and if you’re lucky enough to have 30 bucks on hand for a subway ticket then be ready to meet some real nuts, I mean there’s this one guy there that thinks he’s the ruler of the world and we, his loyal subjects, put him down there to “keep him safe from the moon-men.” So just think about that, you’re really going to be much happier watching it on TV with a bag of chips. I also live in within 40 miles of D.C. so I can say whatever I want to about how stupid this thing is getting. (if you don’t know a normal two-way subway ticket is ten bucks.)
  6. Guess who has to much time on their hands....
  7. *logs out and trys* odd it didn't work.
  8. 1. none 2. ten hours. 3. with wind chill; five below zero. 4. ??? 5. Apocalypse now!
  9. DAH NA NAH NAH NAH DAH NA NAH NAH NAH NO, NO SLEEP TILL BROOKLYN! BROOKLYN! ...anyway is anyone else having a hard time sleeping?
  10. Macho macho man! I want to be a-

    *gets sued by the village people for copy right's*

  11. So yeha I've been planing to go PM for like a year now but I'm really bad with money so I get the money and then I'd spend it so...yeha
  12. You must remember I'm a kid with a slightly dangerous chainsaw obsession, so it might pay to think on how and why you visit me 83 I have a sword, I win. I dunno about 'dat one- they're pretty even on the killing scale. Well I cheat.
  13. You must remember I'm a kid with a slightly dangerous chainsaw obsession, so it might pay to think on how and why you visit me 83 I have a sword, I win.
  14. I live in maryland and I got one...oh also now that I know how close to me you live I'm going to find you.
  15. XD It's fun to stay at the-*gets bricked*

  16. That song really is the story of my life.

  17. one of the greatest songs ever.

  18. but i need it money cuzz i had none

  19. Me and my baby used to have fun

  20. lol I just did it to see how long I could run from the law man!

  21. lol I think some of them really might have done that

  22. yes it was and almost good enough to be a winning fail

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