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Premier Forum Assistants
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Status Updates posted by Sumiki

  1. Just select a few lines from the character you want to audition for. BS01 should have some quotes.

  2. You should be able to download a program called Audacity.


    PS You've already responded. I've set it so I have to approve all comments, so I know when I have a new one.

  3. What platform do you have, Windows or Mac?





  5. You mean attachments?



  6. Yes, Premiers get 1000 PM storage.


    You can rename your blog.

  7. Probably the blog, though the PM space is über-handy.

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Even though I personally like it because of its ambiguity - I've heard at least five different pronunciations. :P

  10. Ha ha, that's one of life's great mysteries. :P


    You can pronounce it however you want to, though my official one is Su-MEE-kee.

  11. He's BAAAAA-AAACK!

  12. After 10 posts, of course. You have to get 10 before you can do anything else. It helps to eliminate spam: it'd be worst without it.

  13. Hmm, Spink's cat, you say?



  14. That means that you're a hobbit! :o

  15. Midday Moon?


    Rising Moon?




    Related much? :P

  16. Happy birthday, man!

  17. Hey, welcome to BZP!


    You need 10 approved posts to get into the "members" group. After that, you can do almost anything on the site.

  18. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me (after you get 10 posts) or post a new topic in the New Member Q&A forum.


    Enjoy your stay!

  19. Happy birthday awesome dude.

  20. Lol, love that quote.

  21. Ah, explosions: one of the great joys of life.

  22. Well, at least some of the staff are still active.


    I don't know what to do, at least not without getting some sort of permission.

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