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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Snoopy82

  1. I agree, you look like my cousin.

  2. I almost forgot you were a LEGO staffie... Hi!

  3. I already did, in the comments.

  4. I always thought you were older... 0.o

  5. I can't believe I added this newb to my friends list. :X

  6. I could never have said the Steelers stink. I live in Pittsburgh, and it's almost impossible to live in Pittsburgh and not like them.

  7. I didn't steal it. I happened across his name and mine together in LGD. ;D

  8. I don't actually have any binary skill, I just used a translator. :P

  9. I here tell you are more than one person... but who? Tell me or face my Blockin Lava Ape!

  10. I just googled "larry the cucumber" on google images. :P

  11. I just plugged Icehawk's into a translator... huh? Did you just throw together some random 1s and 0s?

  12. I love your ave...

  13. I miss you... :( I always LoLed at the quote in your sig.

  14. I notice all of our interests are the same. :P

  15. I pronounce your name "Bee eff at home."

  16. I younger than most people think. :P

  17. If you were an evil general how would you feel about blowing up ships?

  18. Ignore the binary...


  19. im iN Ur baSE

  20. Is the color that you post in #2E8B57? Just wondering, 'cause it looks like the color I post in.

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