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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy

    Wait, What?

    -Akletta-? Surely you could have come up with something better. ------- I don't see you with any ideas. -A-
  2. Zeddy

    Gender Confusion?

    Ok. Umm.. What gender or name?
  3. Zeddy

    Gender Confusion?

    Umm.. you're cat is actually typing this.
  4. Zeddy

    Gender Confusion?

    I was answering, "Why is there coral reef in my head?"...
  5. Zeddy

    Gender Confusion?

    COZ YOU DON'T HAVE A BRAIN! Hahahahaha..!!
  6. Where did I post in pink? =O In Adv's blog? :P

    BTW, any name suggestions?

  7. Lolololololol! Defender of Mata Nui Defeated. :P

  8. Hey! You're the guy who actually sent his lines to SPIRIT for his PSA#5!! =D

  9. Under my Adventurella ella ella eh eh eh ...


  10. *does the same* *points and laughs*
  11. Zeddy


    Umm.. congrats! Why don't you post links to all your MOCs here? In a content block.
  12. You're versions of Lewa, Onua, Pohatu and Kopaka are awesome! ^^

  13. Zeddy

    Awesome Things

    You're noticing these now?
  14. Zeddy


    You spelt 'favourite' wrong.
  15. The background is so.. pretty totally awesome! Looks like it's gonna be a great game..
  16. 2112 posts and 7227 profile views. :P

    (7228 after my view registers =P)

  17. You hurry up. You've been sitting there for over an hour. :P (Ok, maybe not an hour.)

  18. @EW: LOL! :P Classic! *Pats EW on the back*

  19. =O Shocking. And quite sad. You're right, Monk (the character, too) just won't be the same without him. *sigh*
  20. That was to answer Lhi's question :P

  21. A Mrs. Adventurer? :P

  22. You realize you're the only normal member in the Overall Top 20 posters? :P

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