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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Zeddy

  1. All coz of me! MUHAHAHA.. =P

    And TtW, Kohrak, Spartan and Shadow :P

  2. Ok. But you guys keep the money.. I'm gonna give you stuff for free! Atleast till I get my 2 yr Avohkii! :P

  3. Ok, Kohrak. 30,000 party packs. And for the cake, would 25 ft. high be enough?


  4. And your exactly 5000 posts ahead of me. =P

    And OMG youz killz Pohatu Nuvaz!

  5. Congrats on your to-be-POBZPC-ship. =) You have full proto... I think *checks again* Yeah.

  6. Congrats on your 7800th post, Adv :P

  7. Oh, and I'm opening up a branch of my Popcorn and Hotdog thing here too, except it's free here. =P

  8. @EW: How-dya do =P

    @Spartan: Good.

    @Toa_Souva: Who's this Dukey? :P

  9. Ok, but I want $4 in one way or the other :P

    Oh, and I provide party orders too, so if you order a whole lot of stuff, you'll get a discount. Wanna order one for your army?

  10. And Spartan, here's your hotdog, popcorn and Vanilla Coke.

    This is so much more peaceful than fighting..

    Also, guys, that'll be.. 1$ a piece. Kohrak, Shadow, Spartan and EW, you all owe me a dollar. :P

  11. Here ya go EW, *hands EW the hotdog and Coke* I assure you, it's not poisoned. I have no intention of doing so =)

    And Shadow Nui, I have pizza too *Hands Shadow-Nui a pizza*

  12. Yeah, EW. =P

    I thought he was like 12 or sth :P Or maybe even 11.

  13. And shame on you for spamming up SPI's comment box! =O

  14. Free sauce/mustard/mayo with the hotdog and free butter with the popcorn for who-so-ever buys something in the next 5 mins!!

  15. Hotdogs! Get your hotdogs here! And popcorn! Get your popcorn here too!


  16. *Moves finger* There. Can you read that?
  17. Also, if you keep posting at a super-fast rate, you'll eventually run out of topics to post in..
  18. Zeddy

    My Advice

    *Hands EW a cookie*
  19. Man. This is getting to confusing. I swear someone should make an RPG about this. Sorry, Spartan, but I QUIT. Now I'm on no ones side. I'll just.. sell the popcorn and hotdogs! :P

  20. LoL. wouldmotherwise

    Also, you're smart. Why don't you consider joining me and Spartan? (EW)

  21. I would prefer it if it was gold LoL
  22. Why did you change your Av Adv? And your sig? Also:

    *Performs a Nova Blast, which causes everyone to turn into zombies, except Spartan, since we're on my side.*

    Now everyone is a zombie and me and Spartan control them! Muhahaha

  23. *Kills the Supreme Commander, and becomes the new one instead* As simple as that :P

    *Commands Bohrok to imprison KK:SE in the dungeon*

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